observance. After thoroughly studying that treasured paper, it was carefully folded and sent by mail to her sister living in Barbados. Before it was worn ont. several in that place were brought to the light of the Sabbath truth. But all the story of that fruitful effort goes bacle further still- to the days of slav- cry, when a black and pious mother in Bar hados, with her children gathered around her knee. and an open Bible in her hand, reid to them the fourth commandment, She said to them, in substance: “My chil- dren, God nude the seventh day holy, and it is the Sabbath. Men have changed it, but some day the true Sabbath will be restored, I may not live to see it but you witl” They never forgot that Bible lesson and its comment. When that Nigas fell into the hands of those children, now grown old in vers, amd they read of a people who were keeping the Sabbath dav according to the contnuindnrent, they at ones with joy ace: cepted it, and said, “Aother told us =o This tells the story of the beginning of or work in the West Indies Map Study The West Indian Union field is made up of scattered territory, which mukes it impos- sible to give an intelligible map on this small page. However, cach school should have the benetit of map study, Assign to