388 (4) thought anew that while it seems that little has been done for New Hamp- shire, New Hampshire has done much for the cause we love. The hospital- ity of Sister Frye's home, so freely given, was much appreciated. Owing to the scattered condition of the church, several could not attend the evening meetings, but we hope soon to be with them on the Sabbath. ‘Sabbath, August 1, I imet with the Keene church. I was especially pleased to find there Brethren Alton and Ernest Farnsworth and families, who live about ten miles from Keene, also two young men from Washington, N. H., and Brother and Sister George Mason, of South Lancaster, who are canvassing in that vicinity. The Keene church was also well repre- sented, and we were conscious of the presence of God with us. "The Lord has permitted some. test: ing experiences to come to this church, "but I rejoice to find their hope and courage still good. Brother Wilber’s mother has had a severe sickness, but is recovering. Sister Wilber’s aged father is in a sad condition physically. They also have another aged relative in the house to care for, which accounts for Sister Wilber’s not being able to. continue her Bible work of late. Let us pray for them that they may be sustained unto the end. The members of the church have manifested a good spirit in rallying to the assistance of Brother Wilber in his work as elder of the church. 1 visited what I could at the homes, and Sunday we had another good meeting, at which several of the neighbors were present. : - One hundred copies of the special edition of the Bible Training School were subscribed for to advertise our camp-meeting. Several expressed their expectation and determination to attend the. camp- meeting. Do thou likewise.” It will be the bést meeting you have attended. A. E. Prac. Tenn ld ooasr Thonn ATLANTIC UNION -GLEANER MEDICAL <= MISSIONARY DEDICATION OF THE KNOWLTON ~ SANITARIUM, KNOWLTON, P. Q. THE dedicatory exercises were held at 2:30 p.m. July 22, 1903. Every- thing gave evidence in the morning of a pleasant afternoon for the occa- sion. Qur people and their friends began gathering from the surrounding towns as early as 12 o'clock, At 2 o’clock, the townspeople began gath- ering, and inspected the sanitarium’s bright, sunny rooms, the well equipped bath rooms, and medical offices. The History, ELDER 8. A, FARNSWORTH. General remarks by Judge Lynch, Judge Foster, Dr."White, Dr. Prime, Dr. Harris, Dr. Page, Dr. McGowan, Reverend Stev- ens, Reverend Taylor, and others. Dedicatory Prayer, ELDER RICKARD. Benediction, REVEREND STEVENS, During the program a cordial wel- come to the institution was’ expressed by the people of the town, the speeches of the two judges being particularly good. The people of Knowlton seemed to appreciate the value that the sanitarium is going to be to them and their surroundings. The medical men also appreciated this advance move in their midst along the line of their work, A. Knowlton is a town of about two KNOWLTON sanitarium has many of the modern equipments for successful work, and is under the supervision of W. H. White, M; D.,, C. M, The exercises began shortly after 2:30 o’clock, with three hundred or more of the townspeople in attend: ance, carrying out. the following program : Sn Chairman, Evrper W. H, THURSTON, Song, J. S. Davis, * Prayer, REVEREND TAYLOR, Opening Remarks, CHAIRMAN, © H. E. WILLIAMS, Mayor, Music. De. C. F. BALL, Melrose, Mass. Address, HE Mystic, SANITARIUM. thousand five hundred inhabitants, located on the shores of the beaitiful Breome Lake, It is on the Montreal and Atlantic Division of the Canadian Pacific Railway, seventy-five miles from. Montreal, a delightful location for a sanitarium. We are truly grate- ful to see another sister institution dedicated to this important branch of the third angel’s message. During the hot and sultry months of summer, one could not find a more desirable spot for rest than among the hills-and lakes of the eastern town- ships in the province of Quebec, C.F. B *y