At a recent meeting in England of the Evan- gelical Alliance, he said :— “When I watch the trend of things and be- come personally conversant with the operations of the churches, my greatest anxiety lies with the so-called Christian lands. I see a slack- ening in Great Britain and America in respect to the claim for religious liberty. In diplo- matic relations between Protestant and Cath- olic countries, it is the Protestant who is at a discount. The Roman Catholic asks for all and gives nothing. When I see the incursions of Rome everywhere, especially on the frontier line where 1 am working, I feel that there never was an hour when Protestantism ought to be more alert, vigilant, positive, and decided. The time has come when Protestant nations must demand of Roman Catholic nations the same religious privilege and liberty that they enjoy under Protestant rule. I call on this Al- liance to request of the British government that they make it a policy of their diplomatic re- lations to demand of Roman Catholic govern- ments the same religious freedom that the members of their swn community enjoy under the British flag.” For some years a part of the message borne by Seventh-day Adventists has been that the large cities have become unfit and unsafe places of residence, especially for parents with chil- dren. The timeliness of this message has since been shown in many ways, and just now is being emphasized by conditions which pre- vail in the nation’s metropolis. A carnival of crime is in progress, with which the police force of the city seems wholly unable to cope. A press correspondent in New York states: — “The astonishing pass to which things have come is instanced by the lack of notice ac- corded to any but the most dramatic crimes. Four days after a doctor was strangled to death on a populous street, the matter had been forgotten, and the depredations of the Black Hand Society, to whose door at least one murder a week has been laid for months, only became worthy of notice when culmina- ting in the blowing up of a tenement house containing two hundred persons. Battle, mur- der, and sudden death, seem to be sweeping through the city like a pestilence. Man hunts for assaulters of children are of daily occur- rence in the suburbs, no less than four occur- ring in one day on Staten Island. The past week shows twenty-two murders, and murder- ous assaults labeled as violent, exclusive of accidents, approach close to the hundred mark. On top of all this comes the startling revela- tions of the workings of the Hunchakist, the Armenian secret society, which brought about the murder of a prominent Armenian million- aire, because he refused to be black-mailed, and since his death has in letters to others of the same race in this city openly acknowledged causing his murder and promised the same fate to others unless they gave large sums of money. Looting banks has become a joke. Only this week robbers held up the teller of a Broadway bank during the noon hour with masks and guns, in true desperado style, for the sum of $1,000. Respectable citizens are THE WATCHMAN planning to take matters into their own hands and to defend themselves by meeting violence with violence.” It is little wonder that the judgments of God, in the form of earthquakes and fire, are com- ing upon the large cities. THE recent victory of the Socialists in Rome was marked by significant demonstrations on the part of the victors. The spirit of the revolution of 1848, when the cry, “ Down with the king,” and “Down with the pope,” was raised among the populace, gave evidence of being still alive. The Rome correspondent of the New orld (Catholic) says that “by some ecclesiastics in propaganda, it was termed ‘the most disastrous day to Catholic interests in Rome since 1870.” ‘The Socialist ‘campaign was anti-clerical, and the opposition of the victors to both king and pope was manifested in demonstrations amounting almost to riot. In his description of events the New World's Rome correspondent says :— “In the popular processions that took place in different parts of the city in honor of the victory of the anti-clerical party, all kinds of anti-clerical and anti-religious banners were carried; one of the associations of university students was followed by a large wagon, bear- ing a great eagle in imitation bronze, which crushed beneath its claws the papal tiara, be- sides which several cartoons most insulting to the holy father were carried as well.” And describing the celebration of the cen- tenary of Garibaldi’s birth, which came almost on the same day, he adds: — “The pope and king, priests and officers, were alike hissed and shouted at, despite the fact that the government had voted a million of money for the Garibaldian celebrations. A guard of soldiers were drawn up in double file around St. Peter’s and the Vatican palace, where the holy father in the silence of his re- treat heeded little the noisy festivities going on without. Unfortunately the great bronze statue of Garibaldi, on the crest of the Gian- icolo Hill, faces directly the sovereign pontiff’s apartments, and here it was on the night of the 4th that a turbulent, shouting crowd, which termed itself a procession, made its way. Just as the opal tints of a beautiful summer sunset deepened into night, and the stars, clear, trem- ulous specks of light, appeared against the darkening sky, a lurid red light flamed upon the Gianicolo Hill, in the midst of which arose the dark figures of Garibaldi and his horse. Shouts and frantic speeches and the blare of three or four bands spoiled the quietness of the evening, while in all parts of the city shone the illuminations.” Speaking of the revolution of 1848 Horace Greely, editor of the New York Tribune, said: “It was a great wonder to us all what started that sudden commotion among the nations, but it is a greater still what stopped it.” For the revolution subsided as suddenly and mysteri- ously as it had begun. An understanding of Bible prophecy throws light on the situation, and reveals the fact that the restraining power of God represented by four angels holding the winds on the four corners of the earth (Rev. 523 7:1, 2), is soon to be withdrawn, when the spirit which began the overturning in 1348 wiil reappear, and swgep everything before it. Many signs are already to be noted of this final blowing of the winds of strife. RECENT cable dispatches from Berlin speak of certain religious demonstrations at Cassel, Germany, which are creating a great stir among the people in that vicinity. The states :(— report “An epidemic of religious frenzy which be- gan some time ago at Cassel is now rapidly spreading through the surrounding country. It started with a series of revival services, at which two Swedish women who are credited with unusual spiritual endowments played a leading part. The meetings steadily increased in fervor, and at present the scenes are al- most indescribable. “Every evening members of the congrega- tion start suddenly to their feet, and, flinging themselves about with extravagant gestures, stammer inarticulatory utterances, which are rapturously hailed as inspired messages. Shrieks, groans, and wild confessions of sin arise, while some say that they have visions of heaven and hell. “Men and women are seen on every side rolling on the floor in imaginary wrestlings with the evil one. Some fall unconscious, exhausted by their struggles. Others, think- ing they have prevailed over sin, jump up and seizing one of their fellows who is in a sim- ilar condition of ecstasy, rapturously embrace him or swing him off in a wild dance of tri- umph. Women tear off their hats and men their cuffs and collars to symbolize their re- jection of the vanities of the world. “The bedlam scenes which take place at night, attracted at the outset thousands of peas- ants from the surrounding country to Cassel, but the frenzy has now seized the rural dis- tricts, where similar assemblies are going on.” Similar demonstrations have been seen at different times and places in the United States. The question arises as to whether such dem- onstrations are a genuine manifestation of the Spirit of God, or only a sham and a coun- terfeit. In the time of the apostles, the mul- titude were deceived by Simon the sorcerer, thinking that the things he did represented “the great power of God” Acts 8:9, 10. Through Simon, the devil sought to counter- feit the work of the apostles. He is no less anxious to-day to counterfeit the true work of the Holy Spirit. Whether the demonstrations here described are from God or from another source is a question no one need answer arbi- trarily, for if they are from God, the fact may be known by the presence of the fruits of the Spirit, as stated in Gal. 5:22, 23. If they are the work of the Spirit of God they must ex- hibit meekness and temperance; also an ab- sence of any unseemly behavior. 1 Cor. 13:5. The world is soon to see startling manifesta- tions of the power of God unto salvation, through the outpouring of the Spirit in the “latter rain.” It is very important that we should be able to distingtrish between the true and the false.