THE HUMAN BODY is the tem Ao " G od. At the La Sierra Elementary School the students learn to care for the body to make the temple better fit for God's presence. ter will be presented. Sunday, December 4, Monday, December 5, Sunday, December 11, Monday, December 12, SABBATH SCHOOL WORKSHOPS First Quarter, 1978 All division leaders and teachers are urged to attend the workshop nearest you. Plans and ideas for the new quar- 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. $.30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Paradise Valley Church 2727 E. Seventh Street National City, CA 92050 Anaheim Church 900 S. Sunkist Street Anaheim, CA 92806 Loma Linda Campus Hill Church, 11057 Hill Drive Loma Linda, CA 92354 Conference Office 9707 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, CA 92503 La Sierra Calexico Mission School Southeastern Has a Unique Mission as a The Southeastern California Conference stands unique among the conferences in the United States. It 1s unique for many reasons. Our location, the size of our population, the num- ber of Seventh-day Adventists, and the various institutions “I am very, but very, very happy because my sister Eva this coming Sat- urday in the afternoon is going to get baptized.” within the borders of the Con- ference all combine to make the Southeastern California Conference distinctive. It 1s also unique in that the Southeastern California Con- ference sponsors the Calexico Mission School as a mission out- reach. It reaches across an in- ternational border, appealing to young people from the coun- try of Mexico. It provides a Staff, Student Numbers Increase at Academy Staff and student numbers have increased at I.a Sierra Academy this year. Presently, the student enrollment is 370, 16 more than last year and the highest total in six years. Six additional teachers have re- plenished the faculty this year. Former Spanish teacher Sal- ly Torres has become full-time vice-principal. Her teaching spot has been filled by Esther Ayala. Mrs. Ayala, who has a BA degree in Spanish and in Eng- lish as a second language, has come from Glendale Academy after 16 ycars of teaching ex- perience. Florence Boodt is joining the staff as school counselor after the school’s lack of a counselor for a year. She brings a back- ground of five years as dean of girls at Rio Lindo Adventist Academy and is currently com- pleting an MA degree In coun- seling at Loma Linda Univer- Sity. Newly joining the math de- partment is Marcia Smith from Huntsville, Alabama. Miss Smith has two years’ experi- ence in teaching mathematics, New Spanish Church Organized On Sabbath, October 15, the San Ysidro Spanish Company was organized into a full- fledged church organization. Over 100 are on the lists of charter members for this new church, which started with a nucleus of 25 members a short time ago. Pastor R. E. Castillo led out in the afternoon’s activities. in the or- Conference Present to officiate ganization were Elders Dale Beaulieu, Ernest Castillo and A. C. Cortez led out in Treasurer Dale Beaulieu, Union Spanish Coordinator Eliezer Benavides, and Conference Spanish Coordinator A. C. Cor- tez. Special music was presented by the San Diego Academy Choir, Mrs. J. Wells and the Ortiz Trio. Shortly the church will be breaking ground for their new sanctuary. formally organizing the church in San Ysidro. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / NOVEMBER 14, 1977 and 1s currently working to- ward an MA degree in mathe- matics at the University of Ala- bama, Huntsville. Originally from France, Alain Mathey is filling a position as industrial arts teacher. Mr. Mathey recently completed stu- dent teaching with a five-year background in maintenance work. During the summer, he secured from various donors hundreds of dollars’ worth of tools and other equipment for the shop program. Among these items are three automobiles for use in the auto mechanics pro- gram. Randy Norton, who had lived in La Sierra from his earliest years, joins the teaching staff as boys’ PE coach. Mr. Norton oraduated from Loma Linda University, La Sierra campus with a BS degree in physical education in 1976. Most stu- dents are already acquainted with him because of his partici- pation in and support of inter- mural sport activities. A native of southern Califor- nia, David Veglahn is filling a position in the English depart- ment. Mr. Veglahn received his BA in English and journal- ism from Loma Linda Univer- sity. Last summer he completed work for an MA degree in edu- cation: option reading, {from California State College, San Bernardino. “On everything upon the earth, from the loftiest tree of the forest to the lichen that clings to the rock, from the boundless ocean to the tiniest shell on the shore, they may behold the image and super- scription of God.” ED, 100 Conference Student body and faculty at Calexico Mission School need your support November 26. mission school within our own territory. “And | don’t care if I suffer, but | want to be with God when He comes.” [Like most mission projects, 1t must be heavily subsidized by the churches in the South- castern California Conference. The scores of young people who come across from the country of Mexico each day must re- celve additional subsidy because of the living standard, the de- ‘aluation of the peso, and the low income level of the families that are represented. On November 26 the mem- bers of the Southeastern Cali- fornia Conference will have a unique opportunity to support a unique project in a unique conference. We sincerely hope and pray that you will catch a vision of this mission within our own borders. We solicit a liberal, prayver- ful, sacrificial gift on the part of cach member in our terri- tory, counting our blessings that others who may not be as fortunate might have an op- portunity to benefit, not only ’Since | came to this school, | know more about God.”’ from good education, but from a spiritual emphasis that the Seventh-day Adventist Mission School 1n Calexico offers. Many will be depending up- on your support. W. D. Blehm, President Southeastern Calif. Conf. Homeland Company Is Organized On Sabbath, October 22, Con- ference Secretary Warren Heintz formally organized the Homeland group into an offi- cial company. The start of this company took place in February 1977 when over 20 members gath- cred at the Hemet church un- der the chairmanship of Elder Robert Cowan to discuss the formation of a company in the Homeland-Winchester area. The group was very fortu- nate to be able to rent the Homeland Assembly of God church for Sabbath services and Tuesday night prayer meet- Ings. During the latter part of the summer, ministerial stu- 74 each Sabbath and Tuesday. The Homeland Company meets in this attractive church on Route dents from Loma Linda Univer- sity were also able to conduct evangelistic meetings in the church. On July 1, 1977, Pastor Percy Miles became pastor of the Homeland group and the Sun City Company. It was under his leadership that the new company was formed with over 45 members. Prior to the act of organiza- tion by Elder Heintz, Elder Robert Cowan gave the history of the Homeland Company. Special music for the occa- sion was brought by Berwyn Shakespeare. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Parker were present to play the organ and piano.