CLOSING EVENTS STUDIES 169 Arlington Avenue Jackson, Tennessee 38301 January 18, 1970 Dear Fellow Worker: A friend has requested that I send this book to you· 1. I have given these CLOSING EVENTS STUDIES in some of our largest churches. (See page 2 of the book)· 2· Some of our leading denominational institutions have used them, including the enclosed book· (See page 2)· 3. Many of our most outstanding leaders have highly recommended these studies, including this book, to others of our workers or have commented upon them very favorably· (See Enclosure #1)· 4. Throughout the book I clearly point out and kindly answer Robert Brinsmeadfs principal error· (See Enclosure #2). 5. The view of perfection presented in this book is the historic Seventh-day Adventist view and is in perfect harmony with the Defense Committee of the General Conference· 6. This book is a most valuable compendium of Spirit of Prophecy statements on Righteousness by Faith, The Latter Rain, and Perfection· 7· God*s remnant people are face to face with the crisis of the agesl Are we prepared for it? fTNearly all [S.D.A. ?s] who profess to believe present truth · · · are wholly unfitted to receive the Latter Rain·” IT 466· After you have carefully examined it, you will doubtless discover its worth and will want to send a dollar (special introductory^price) to help to de~ fray some of the expense of getting it published and into your hands· If so, we shall appreciate it very much· HOWEVER, you are under no obligation whatsoever· If you do not wish to send any money, then please accept it as a gift from us with our best wishes. May our loving heavenly Father bless you in your heavy responsibilities in your ministry for Him. Very cordially your brother in Christ, Gordon Collier, Pastor Kentucky-Tennessee Conference GC:c Enclosures:2 ENCLOSURE #1 COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CLOSING EVENTS STUDIES AND ESPECIALLY #22 BY ELDER GORDON GORDON COLLIER, PASTOR, KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS In conversation with ELDER N. C, WILSON at the 1969 Autumn Council, he volun-teered the statement that he had used my material; that it was a great bless-ing to him personally and he appreciated it very much. When ELDER HACKETT (now at the General Conference) was president of the North Pacific Union, he approved Study 22 - The Early and Latter Rain - for circu-lation in his union. ELDER LOWE. who for many years has been head of the Defense Literature Committee of the General Conference, has all of my material and so far as I know is in agreement with it. I have counseled with him from time to time as well as with many of our brethren. I believe that Elder Lowe and I see eye to eye on the closing events. ELDER Η. M. S. RICHARDS, Sr. , who has scanned Study 22. wrote, "I will say that as far as I can see from tasting of its contents ... I see nothing wrong with the book and itTs on a subject which we need to study. You have the reputation and have had all through your ministry of being a faithful student of the Word and the Spirit of Prophecy, and in harmony with the brethren. So far I see no reason why our people should not secure this book and study this great and good subject." DR. MURDOCH, Dean of the Seminary, in correspondence with me concerning my Closing Events Studies, including The Early and Latter Rain, has written, "We greatly appreciate having you with us at the Seminary, Brother Collier, and also these many booklets that you have prepared are a great help to us all. ... I trust that one day the General Conference might be willing to help you to distribute them. ... I am sure that your books are very greatly appreciated, not only around here, but in many different places. I know Elder Rhoads (pastor) drew very heavily from them in the series he was giving at the Pioneer Memorial Church some two years ago. You certainly are to be commended for the prodigious amount of work that you have been able to do. • . . The Lord has certainly blessed you in the important work you have been able to do. Your material is up-to-date and most helpful in the classroom and also in the pulpit." DR, RAOUL DEDEREN. Chairman of the Department of Systematic Theology at Andrews University, who is a very orthodox and conservative minister and who is very strong in the Spirit of Prophecy, has written as follows: "Just a note of per-sonal thanks for the copy of The Early and Latter Rain you sent me. I have gone through it quite attentively and cannot refrain from telling you that I approve the main ideas you have developed in this study. I am convinced that this is the most complete work on the subject in the church. ... I believe that it is the kind of food we need at this time. Your previous publications have shown that you know what you are dealing with. I have very much admifed your work as well as the courage with which you express your convictions. I firmly believe that our people need the material you are offering.” ELDER GLENN COON very highly recommended these studies, and specifically, this book, The Early and Latter Rain, to an evening campmeeting audience in Kentucky-Tennessee in 1968. He has used t?1em extensively and has recommended them to his audiences all around the country. (Please see next page). The name and address of my conference president is: Elder K, D# Johnson, Pres., Ky-Tenn. Conference, P. 0. Box 459, Madison, Tenn., 37115. Phone: (615) 859-1391 ENCLOSURE #1 - Page 2 SISTER MARY WALSH, Assistant Lay Activities Secretary of the Pacific Union Con-ference, whom we all know to be a very fundamental Seventh-day Adventist Chris-tian and a deep student of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, after she had read The Early and Latter Rain, wrote to me of her deep appreciation and stated that ”one is never the same after reading this book." In this same letter she stated that she had recommended it and my other studies to the Book and Bible House. In February 1970 she wrote: "I can affix my endorsement to this book as being fundamentally correct and in accord with the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. The author has done a superb piece of work in clearly delineating the sequence of future events." ELDER FRAZEE: a deeply dedicated man and founder of Wildwood Sanitarium, has written as follows, "As you have requested, I have tried to write something that will encourage our people to read and study this book (Study 22). May God rich-ly bless your efforts to arouse the remnant. I am thankful that the Lord has impressed you to make a special study of closing events and to share with our people the results of your research. Your book on The Early and Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit deserves special attention just now. May many of the Remnant be stirred by your book and be led to make the needed preparation.” ELDER B. E. WAGNER, former publishing secretary of the General Conference, and author of the popular compilation, Preparation for the Latter Rain, has written the following recommendation: "The Early and Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit by Elder Gordon W״ Collier is a very complete compilation of quotations from the Spirit of Prophecy on making preparation for the Latter Rain and the final crisis. This subject should be studied diligently and without delay, by every member of the Remnant Church. I recommend the circulation of this compilation." ELDER To K. LUDGATE who I believe has spent his life as a Bible teacher in our colleges (Southern Missionary College and Walla Walla College and others) has written under date of January 9, 1970, "I have finished reading the revised edition of your book, The Early and Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit, and have found it very thought-provoking and spiritually challenging. Many of the facts presented are, of course, familiar to every sincere Adventist believer, but they are organized in such a logical manner that they cause the reader to examine his own relationship to current affairs both in and out of the church, very seriously indeed. I believe it would be well if this material could be placed in the hands of all our church members." Elder Ludgate has used my books in his classes in Eschatology for years. EJLDER MEADE MacGUIRE whom we all revered as a real saint, before his death, wrote to me and expressed his deep appreciation for my Closing Events Studies. He used them extensively and was in complete agreement with them. ELDER FRANCIS, Bible teacher at Southern Missionary College, has used these studies in his classes for many years and highly recommends them. ELDER SCHOEN of the General Conference has expressed deep appreciation for this study. ELDER BOB OLSON, head of the Bible Department of Pacific Union College, has used a large number of the Closing Events Studies in his Bible classes. He wrote, "We will be more than glad to circulate this among our ministerial group and also our Bible teachers. It is reassuring to me to know that you and I view these eschatological events alike. I have always appreciated the work you have done, and I am confident the Lord has led you very specifically in preparing the compilations you have so painstakingly provided for our people." ELDER ROLAND HEGSTAD, Editor of the Liberty Magazine, ordered a large supply of the Closing Events Studies and used them in a conference youth Bible Institute. ENCLOSURE #2 EXCERPTS FROM CLOSING EVENTS STUDY #22 - THE EARLY AND LATTER RAIN OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BY ELDER GORDON COLLIER WHICH POINT OUT AND CLEARLY ANSWER BRINSMEADז S MOST IMPORTANT DOCTRINE AND MOST SERIOUS ERROR 1» pp, 12, 13 - This is obviously a warning to anyone who would be beguiled by any offshoot - a warning against a critical, censorious spirit and misrepresen-tations which destroy the faith of Godfs people in the leadership of His church· 2· p, 36 - Paragraph 7 - ”The final seal does hot CHANGE character, it FIXES character·” This is contrary to Robert Brinsmeadfs main doctrine which teaches that the Latter Rain eradicates the sinful nature· 3· p· 37 - ”The final atonement does NOT wait until after the National Sunday Law·” Robert Brinsmead teaches that the final atonement takes place after the National Sunday Law· But the final atonement began in 1844 and has continued ever since. It does not wait until after the National Sunday Law as he teaches. The chart also shows ”the final atonement” beginning in 1844 and continuing until the close of probation· 4· p. 40 - The following statement contradicts Robert Brinsmead1s main doctrine: ”Will those under the Latter Rain have more love, faith, courage than the apostles at Pentecost? No·” 5· p. 47 - 4th paragraph from the top - ”We have noticed in Chapter 6 that we are not to look forward to some future time such as the Latter Rain to overcome sin and become fully mature men and women in Christ· Now, in probationary time, and especially now, in the time of the Early Rain, we are to grow up into Christ! There will be no. character change when Jesus comes! Neither is the Latter Rain given to enable us to overcome sin·” Robert Brinsmead teaches that we are to look forward to the Latter Rain which, he says, will eradicate the sinful nature· 6· p. 47 - 2nd paragraph from bottom - The following statement refutes Robert Brins-mead’s main doctrine: ”How does the Latter Rain perfect? Is there still sin in the life to be removed? No. the victory has been gained and the soul cleansed en-tirely under the Early Rain·" We are not to look forward to the Latter Rain to cleanse us from sin· 7· p· 48 - Robert Brinsmead teaches that the Latter Rain removes the sinful nature and makes man sinless· On page 48 is a statement which challenges this doctrine: (1st paragraph) - ”· · . the Latter RainTs purpose is not primarily to make men sinless· In fact, the Holy Spirit must of necessity have always been able to do this for the individuals·" 8· p· 49 - The Latter Rain does not, as Robert Brinsmead claims, eradicate the sin-ful nature· "This latter work (the work of fixing or ’permatizingז the character) is the work of the Latter Rain· In so far as sin is concerned, the Latter Rain does not form character· The character is already formed. The victory over sin is already gained· The Latter Rain . . · makes it eternal·” 9· p· 50 - "Please notice that the Latter Rain does not change character; it fixes it·” This is diametrically opposed to Robert BrinsmeadTs major doctrine that the Latter Rain removes the sinful nature· 10· p. 56 - "Complete cleansing for Seventh-day Adventists living before the Nation-al Sunday Law is to take place now - during the Early Rain·” Robert Brinsmead teaches that complete cleansing does not take place until after the National Sun-day Law· EXCERPTS - Page 2 11» p, 67 - Last two lines at the bottom of page: ”The view presented here is in perfect ha! >ny with that of the Defense Committee of the General Conference and is a clear-cut answer to all divergent views· My chapter on The Sanctuary in Study No» 8 exposes and refutes Brinsmeadfs main doctrine· In this chapter I show that the cleansing of the soul temple is not the same as the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. The cleansing of the soul temple MUST PRECEDE the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary· There are (1) two different temples, in two different places, (3) cleansed in two different ways, (4) at two different times· 12· p· 75 - The final atonement is not reserved until after the National Sunday Law as Brinsmead insists, but is NOW going on - since 1844· tTNow while our great High Priest is making the atonement for us, · · ." GC 623. 13· p. 106 - Robert Brinsmead points his followers forward to the period after the National Sunday Law when they will be cleansed from sin· All through my Closing Events Studies and especially in Study #22, I emphasize the importance of a present experience· (Last paragraph on page 106) - "So you see, it is now, not sometime later, during the Latter Rain, that we determine whether or not we are going to be saved· Hence, the terrible importance of the present - today!" 14· p. 108.8 - "The Latter Rain is not given to enable us to overcome sin»" This statement of truth strikes at the heart of Brinsmeadfs whole doctrine which teaches that the Latter Rain eradicates the sinful nature· 15· p· 149 - 1*Neither are any faculties eradicated, but sanctified, controlled, sub-ordinated, subdued, mastered perfectly by the grace of God· Brinsmeadfs all-important doctrine and serious error is that he teaches that the Latter Rain will eradicate, or blot out, the sinful nature of man· 16· p. 194, Paragraph 14 - "WE ARE NOT TO ADVOCATE THEORIES NOT SUPPORTED BY THE SCRIPTURES." "Da not advocate theories or tests that Christ has never mentioned and that have no foundation in the Bible. We have grand solemn truths for the people. TIt is written1 is the test that must be brought home to every soul." GW 309· ”Before accepting any doctrine or precept, we should demand a plain TThus saith the Lord’ in its support·" GC 595· This, of course, is put in especially for the benefit of the followers of Robert Brinsmead who have accepted his theory which has "no foundation in the Bible" and for which he has no plain "thus saith the Lord" and therefore has to "suppose" is taught in the Word· (See also quote No. 3, p. 13 as follows: "It is not His plan that His people shall present something which they have to suppose, which is not taught in the Word." ISM 174·) 17· p. 200 - The large CLOSING EVENTS CHART on page 200 refutes Robert BrinsmeadTs error. After I went over this chart very carefully and in detail with Elder Lowe who was then Chairman of the Defense Committee of the General Conference, I asked him if there was anything on this chart which he would suggest I change and his answer was, No·