Chicago Motor Vehicle Co. 370-372 Wabash Avenue Chicago, U. S. A. Factory, Harvey, Ill. Long Distance Telephone No. 4 Telephone Harrison 2929 This popular passenger vehicle seats comfortably three full grown persons on each seat. The engines are powerful double cylinder gasoline motors, with plenty of power. Wheels 40 inches in diameter, supplied with 4% inch face traction tires—the best ever produced. For hotels, summer resorts, golfing, park touring and business travel, these vehicles are unsurpassed. Bodies are furnished for the above No. 5 gear, suited to every kind of commercial delivery. For further information call at our salesroom, 370 Wabash Avenue, or write for catalogue and prices. I TWELVE PASSENGER BRAKE—CANOPY AND CURTAINS A GREAT MONEY MAKER AUTO TRUCK WITH FROM 2 TO 4 TONS CAPACITY Furnished With Enclosed Vestibule Front These celebrated Auto-Trucks may be seen daily doing work on the streets of Chicago—doing more work than any two teams, and at less cost for power than would feed one team. Demonstrated at any time. We call especial attention to our unequalled friction application of power for heavy work. See them at 370-372 Wabash Avenue—or write for prices. CHICAGO MOTOR VEHICLE CO. The Greatest Money Maker on Earth INTERIOR VIEW 20-PASSENGER AUTO COACH For a demonstration of these popular large capacity Coaches call at our salesroom, 370 Wabash Avenue. Also investigate the line of coaches doing daily service on the streets of Chicago during the past several months, carrying passengers at 5 cent fares, and earning big money for the company running them. Extra coaches are chartered for theatre parties and pleasure seekers. These coaches when placed on flanged wheels make excellent street cars— cheap to run and maintain. This luxurously finished Coach must be seen to be fully appreciated. Drop windows, roll shades, electric push calls, lighted by acetylene and electric lamps and provided with our exclusive hot water heating system, as comfortable as your steam heated home, furnishing the acme of comfort and luxury, not found in any other large capacity coach in the world. Call and inspect these Coaches at 370-372 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. TWENTY-PASSENGER AUTO COACH