Christ recorded in Matt. 10: 32, 33, will be fulfilled: *“ Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I con- fess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” (The judgment, with its results, will form a separate study so we will the more briefly refer to it now.) When Christ, our high priest, shall have finished the cleansing of the sanc- tuary, embracing all cases, either as cleansed from all sin, or cut off, he will then come from the sanctuary, and as in the type the high priest, having finished his work in the sanctuary, confessed over the head of the scapegoat * all the ini- quities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat,” so Christ will confess over Satan, “all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon” his head. He, the author and instigator of sin, will have to reckon with the account he has made. God says, “Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate.” Ps. 7:14-16% Christ places it there as he closes the sanctuary work in behalf of fallen man. made. This cleansing oi the sanctuary began in 1844. No Bible date admits of more definite proof than this. How long it will continue, God alone knows. It must be near its close. Then probation for man will be forever ended. Quickly following this, Christ will come. He savs, when laying down his work as priest, “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is right- eous, let him be righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly: and my reward is with me, to give every man according Rev. 22:11, 12. In that solemn hearing every soul will have an equal part. There will be no respect of persons with God. Has pov- as his work shall be.” * By comparing verse 14 with John 8:44 it will be seen that this text primarily applies to Satan. It is also an additional proof that Satan is represented by the scape-goat. THE WATCHMAN erty with a relentless hand held you down, vou will be equal with the rich Has fortune filled your cof- fers here, and as a consequence, men man then. united in calling you great, it will be a vain stay then. This has been beautifully set forth in Ex. 30:14, 15: “ Every one that passeth among them that are num- bered, from twenty years old and above, shall give an offering unto the Lord. The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, when they give an offering unto the Lord, to make an atonement for your souls.” As they stepped into the balances of the Lord to make an atonement for their souls, they were divested of all earthly surroundings, and an equal amount rep- resented the poor and the rich. In vain might the millionaire offer his handfuls of gold to distinguish him from the poor 661 beggar who perchance was just before, the priest must turn him away, saying, Your soul ranks with his; put in the halt shekel the same as he, or depart with no part in Israel. With bowed head methinks I see this man of wealth, lay away his bounties that he could so freely give at any other time if he willed, and with a truer view of life, he selects the paltry half shekel, places it before the Lord, and acknowledges his nothingness. Thus the relation of soul to soul was kept before all from year to year. In this great day of atonement above, God can- Will vou be cleansed from all your sins now while the priest not require less. lingers, or, unwilling to make the sacri- fice, will you be “cut off ’? It meant a great deal to be cut off from earthly Israel then, but it means infinitely more to be cut off from the Is- rael of God now. T this period in the world’s history we are warned to look for deceptive doctrines, backed up by lying signs Spiritualism and wonders. comes into active operation at the very time that such a movement might be looked Its teachings concerning Christ and tor. his second advent are just such as we might expect from the forecast given of Spiritualism by the Scriptures. A few words regarding the history and char- acter of modern Spiritualism will be ap- propriate. The date of its rise is significant. In the vear 1844 the longest prophetic period of the Bible, the 2300 days of Dan. 8: 14, reached its termination, and there began to go to every nation and people the warning message that was to prepare mankind for the Saviour’s return to this earth. A few years later, in 1848, began the proclamation of the spurious advent, foretold by Matt. 24: 24. the Fox family, living at Hydesville in In that year the state of New York, were visited by a supernatural intelligence with which entered they into communication by means of a code of raps. The wonder was soon blazed abroad, and in many places circles were formed for the pur- SPIRITUALISM= pose of inviting spirits and receiving their communications, In the course of time new methods of communication were tried and proved successful. The tedious mode of elicit- ing messages by rapping was largely su- perseded by spirit-writing, trance-speak- ing, and other devices. Many remark- able signs and wonders were given in connection with the communications. Men of science investigated the phenom- ena, and although some refused to be convinced, many others of high rank were persuaded of the genuinely super- natural character of the wrought. wonders The effect of Spiritualism upon the minds of scientific leaders is very evi- dent. The old materialism has been largely driven out by the new Spiritual- ism. Among the churches it is granted that Spiritualism affords the only scien- tific demonstration of the immortality of the soul, and inasmuch as this unscrip- tural dogma is tenaciously held by the bulk of professing Christianity, the churches cannot but recognize their in- debtedness to Spiritualism. Whether it is to be explained by this obligation or not would be hard to trace, but the fact remains that the modern theology which has displaced the old in the bulk of the churches, is identical with the ideas