vi PREFACE. That this little treatise is oxhaustive of the subject is not claimed; but some facts are presented which are thought to he worthy of serious consideration; and enough evidence, we trust, is produced in favor of the position CO N TE NTS, taken to show the reader that the subject is not one of . mere theory, but is of the highest practical importance, and so enough to stimulate thought and lead to further CHAPTER 1. inquiry. PROBABILITIES CONSIDERED If the position here taken be correct, this subject is to . pages 9-18 CHAPTER II. respecting it is necessary to an understanding of our A CHAIN OF PROPHECY . . . |, he one of continually increasing interest; and information duties and responsibilities in the solemn and important CHAPTER 111 LOCATION OF THE TWO-HORNED BEAST times that are upon us. It is in this light that we es- pecially commend it to the serious consideration of the reader. CHAPTER IV. Uv. 8 ’ Barrie CREE, Mic, May, 1883. CHRONOLOGY OF THE TWO-NHORNED BEAST CHAPTER V. THE UNITED STATES HAS ARINEN IN THE EXACT MANNER IN WHICH JOHN SAW THE TWO-HORNED BEAST COMING UP CHAPTER VI. Aata Ts ps re, CHARACTER OF THE GOVERNMENT REPRESENTED BY GEA THE TWO-HORNED BEAST 79-86 CHAPTER VII. THE DRAGON VOICE CHAPTER VIII. HE DOETH GREAT WONDERS