118 Telos TéNos, -eos, 74, end, resull; ace. as adv. ({ 440), at last, finally. réuo, f. reud, pf. vérpnka, 2 a. érepov and Erapov (§ 277. B), to cut. Térapros, -n, -ov (rérrapes), fourth. Terpakigyiliot, -ai, -a (Terpdkus, Jour times, yi\wd), four thou- sand. TeTpakdeoiot, -at, ~a (Térrapes, éxa- dv), four hundred. TeTpamAdos, -0n, -6ov, CONT. TeTpa- wAous, ~1, -ovv {rérrapes, -whoos, § 138. 4), fourfold, quadruple. rérrapes, -pa (9 21), four. rexyikids (téywm, art), artfully. Tpepoy (npépa), adv., to-day. rin, f. Ogow, pf. réfeka, a. & Onka (9 50), to put, set, place; rifeabar Ta Oma, lo stand in arms, stand to one’s arms. ride (Td), f. -fow, pf. reriunka (9 45), to honor. . Tip, fs (rio, to pay honor), honor. TepiBalos, -ov, Tiribazus, satrap of Armenia. Tis, Ti, g. Twds, some, some one, any one, any, a, a certain. See “24, §% 152, 517 f, 732. ris, 7, g. Tivos, who! which? what? See 924, §§ 152, 535 1, 729. Exc. Ticoapéprys, -eos (see Notes on Less. XV. 3), Tissaphernes, satrap of Caria, noted for his wily, intriguing, and treacher- ous character. nrpdokw, f. pose (§ 285), lo wound. roi (§ 732), surely, certainly. rovyapodv (tol, ydp, ov), therefore, accordingly. rolvoy (tol, vuv), therefore. TOL0UTOS, TOLAUTY), TOLOUTO OF -0v (39 97. x., 150), such. rofebw (réfov, bow), f. -elow, to shoot with a bow. robs, -ov (rdfov), bowman, ar- cher. rémos, -ov, 6, a spot, place. TOU 0UTOS, TOTAUTY, TOTOUTO OT -0¥ VOCABULARY. irdye (89 97. N., 150), so much, pl. so many. rire (%] 63), at that time, then, Tpdnela, -ns, table. Tpatpa, -aros, 76, wound. pets, Tpia (9 21), Lat. tres, THREE Tpérw, f. TpéYro, pf. rérpoda and rérpada (§ 259. a), to turn, trans.; Mid. (2 a. érpamdpny), lo turn one’s self, turn, intrans. tpépw, f. OpéYo, pf. Térpoda (§ 263. 5), to nourish, support. Tpéxw, f. Opéfopar, commonly 8pa- wotpar, pf. 8eSpdunka, 2 a. Epa- pov (§ 301. 5), to run. Tpudkovra (tpeis), indecl., thirty Tpupns, -es (rpis, dp-, to fit, § 285), triply-furnished ; 1 tpi _ npys [sc. vais), trireme, a war- galley with three banks of oars. apimovs, -movy, g. -modos (pis, mois), three-footed; & rpimovs, tripod, a three-footed table or vase. [pis (rpeis), THRICE]. TpLopvptoL, at, -a (rpis, pvpiot), thirty thousand. Tpiaxihiot, ar, -a (tpis, xihiot), three thousand, Tpitos, -7, -ov (tpeis), Third. Tpixolvikos, -ov (rpis, xom§, a measure holding about a quart), containing three chenices, three- quart. Tpdmaoy, -ov (rpomm), TROPHY. pom), fis (Tpémw), rout or defeat of an army. Tpémos, ov, 6 (Tpémrw), turn, man- ner. Der. TROPIC. Tpurdw, f. -jow (rpiwa, hole), to bore. ’ ’ ’ Tvyxdve, f. edfopar, Df. reruxnka, 2 a. éruyov (§ 290), to happen; happen upon, meet with; obtain, attain. ¥8wp, datos, 76 (§ 103. N.), water. Der. nypranT. vids, -ov (9 16), son. vpeis, you, pl. of od. Ujiérepos, -a, -ov (Dpeis), your. dmdyw (Imé, dye, f. dw, pf. Ixa, » trayw VOCABULARY. 2 a. fyayov), and Undyopa, to lead on insidiously. vraibpios, ~ov (md, aibpla, open air), under or in the open air. tmdpyw (twd, dpxw, f. fw), to begin; be; [lead on under anoth- er] second, favor. Umép, Lat. super, OVER: w. gen., over in place, above, beyond; over to protect, in behalf of, for the sake ofs on account of : w. acc., over (going over or be- yond), above in quantity. umrepBoi, is (omép, BdNAw), moun- tan-pass. vmnpérns, -ov (Ord, épérns, rower), servant, assistant. Umioxvéopas (Vmd, Ew), f. dmoox)- copa, pf. Iméoynpar (§ 292), to promise. 7 vwé, Lat. sub, under: w. gen., Jrom under or beneath; [from beneath the agency of] by: w. dat., under (being under): w. acc., under (going under), Umoders, -és (Umd, déw), deficient; comp. vrodeéarepos, inferior. dmolapBdive (md, AauBdve, f. Aj- Yopat, pf. ena, 2a. E\aPov), to recewe or take under one’s protection. tmopévw (md, péve, f. pevd, pf. pepémea), to wait for, hall. tmomépmae (9wd, mépme, f. Yo, pf. wémopgpa), to send insidiously. dmromrevw (md, om-, to look, § 301. 4), f. -evow, to suspect, appre- hend. tmoaive (vd, paive, f. pave, pf. wédayxa), to show a little, begin to appear, dawn. taroyos, -ov (Ur, Ew), held under, subject. tmofria, -as (9md, om-, to look, § 301. 4), suspicion. Yorepaios, -a, -ov (Torepos), follow- ing or next in time. Yorepos, -a, -ov (Iw, § 161.2), later; Uorepov, as adv., later, after. UYmNds, -n, -dv (Sos, height), high. SNudaios 119 Payety, 2 a. inf. of éobiw, to eat. daive, f. pavd, pf. médpayka (7 42, $ 267. 2), to show; 2 pf. mépnra and Mid. (with 2 a. p. épavpy), "to appear, show one’s self. ¢pdayé, -ayyos, 1, line of battle, phalanz. dalivos, -ov, Phalinus, a Greek from Zacynthus, in the service of Tissaphernes: davepds, -d, -6v (Ppaive), apparent, evident, manifest, open. ¢dpuakov, -ov, drug, medicine. er. PHARMACY. ®apvaBalos, -ov, Pharnabazus, sa- trap of Lesser Phrygia. ®dois, -i0s, 6, the Phasis, a river of Colchis. ¢doko (strengthened form of hppul § 301. 7), £. pow, to affirm, as- sert, say. Pépw, f. olow, pf. évoxa, 1 a. . flveyka, 2 a. fveycov (§ 301. 6), t. fero, to BEAR, bring, carry; bring forth, produce; [carry off] receive. it 2 pf. nid eyo, I. pevfopar, 2 pf. médevya, $ on, ps (§ 270. 9), to ee, Sly from an enemy. nul, f. doe and épd, pf. elpyka, 2 a. elmov (§ 301. 7), to say, say yes; ol Pn, to say no. Pave, f. pldow, commonly ¢by- oopat, pf. &pldaxa, lo antici- pate. Pléyyopar, f. pOéyfopar, pf. éphey- pat, to utter a sound; of an eagle, to scream. pbovéw (Pbdvos, envy), f. -jow, to envy. Pikéw (Ppidos), f. -jow, pf. medi- Anka, to love. ¢ehia, -as (pilos), friendship. ¢pi\ios, -a, -ov (bios), friendly. Pilirmos, -ov (Pikéw, iwmos), fond of horses. . ¢idos, -n, ov, dear, friendly; ¢ ¢idos, subst., friend. For com- parison, see § 156. y. dAidaios, -ov, 6 (PAeovs, Phiius, a city of the Peloponnesus, north- west of Argos), a Phligsian.