148 THE UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY. question be raised in this country, and there is no element of the opposition that would rise against it that would be more decided and determined than that represented in this Convention. We wish no restraint of the rightful liberties of any man.’ “These utterances are pleasant to read, and doubtless they, and others like them, have had much to do in en- listing so strong an interest in favor of the amendment. And were these sayings, or those of like nature, all that they had put forth, we should feel constrained to regard the men and their work in a light somewhat different from that in which we now view them. “We come now to examine another class of expres- sions, of a positive nature. What we have quoted 1s negative,—a disclaimer, a relation of what they do not wish to do. Very explicitly have they stated their de- sires and intentions. True, we cannot reconcile what they have said under these two heads, and it is this which so perplexes us in regard to their professions. It is to be hoped that they will sometime attempt to show that their statements may be harmonized, or else confine their avowals to one side of the question, that all may understand, without study or doubt, just the position they occupy. “Dr. Stevenson, Corresponding Secretary of the Na- tional Association, and editor of the Statesman, in the opening address at the Convention, said :— “‘Through the immense largesses it receives from cor- rupt politicians, the Roman Catholic Church is, practically, the established church of the city of New York. These fa- vors are granted under the guise of a seeming friendliness to religion. We propose to put the substance for the shadow,—to drive out the counterfeit by the completer sub- stitution of the true.’ “These words are somewhat ambiguous, but none the less important, on this subject; for, taken in any possi- ble way, they are full of meaning. It may be a question whether this ‘seeming friendliness to religion’ is the shadow, and real friendliness to religion in politics is the ‘I'HE BEGINNING OF THE END. 149 substance, or whether the Catholic Church is the coun- terfeit and Protestantism the true; but in either case the establishment of the church, or a church, or churches, more completely than at present established, though they are practically existing now, is the object aimed at in this paragraph. The latter form, the establishment of the churches, appears to be the object; for in the next sentence he says: — ‘““What we propose is nothing of a sectarian character. It will give no branch of American Christians any advantage over any other.’ “A remark made by Prof. Blanchard is a comple- ment to the above. He has given us a definition of ‘union of Church und State’ as opposed by them. Thus he said :-- “‘But union of Church and State is the selection by the nation of one church, the endowment of such a church, the appointment of its officers, and the oversight of its doc- trines. For such a union none of us plead. To such a union we are all of us opposed.” “In reading this, we are reminded of the turn taken by the spiritualists, when they deny that they ave op- posed to marriage ; they explain by defining marriage to be a union of two persons not to be regulated nor guarded by civil law, which exists only as long as the parties are agreed thereto, requiring no law to effect a divorce! To such marriage the most lawless libertine would not object. We are sorry that the respectable advocates of the amendment take a position so nearly parallel to the above-cited position of spiritualists. They give a definition of union of Church and State such as no one expects nor fears,—such, in fact, as is not pos- sible in the existing state of the churches,—and then loudly proclaim that they are opposed to union of Church and State! But to a union of Church and State in the popular sense of the phrase,—a union, not of one church, but of all the churches recognized as orthodox, or evan- gelical,—a union not giving the State power to elect church officers nor to take the oversight of chutch doc-