- ) Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Thompson ¢ Elaine Alice Christensen and Royce C. Thompson were married in the Miami Springs Seventh-day Adventist _ church on December 29, 1953. Both Elaine and Royce are children of In- ter-American ~~ Division missionary families. Elaine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Christensen of the Bellavista Hospital in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Royce is the son of Elder and Mrs. F. S. Thompson of Port-of- -Spain, Trinidad where Eider Thompson is president of the Carib- bean Union. Prior to Elaine’s marriage she served as secretary-stenographer in the Home Missionary and Sabbath School departments in the Inter- American Division office. * A program of progress is under way at the Central American Vocational College in Costa Rica under the com- petent leadership of Professor Manuel Carballal. The dining room and kit- chen have been completely reorgan- ized. Another welcome addition will be a new bakery which is now under construction. ¢ The Moztemorelos Vocational and Professional Uollege in Mexico has INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION MESSENGER ARTHUR H. ROTH, Editor GLENN CALKIN Associate Editor DOROTHY EATMERSON weeernn Associate Editor Correspondents Antillian Union ...... . Sylvia Powers British West Indies Union Pear! Nation Caribbean Union . ..... ........... joe Emmerson Central American Union _....... Nell Gordon Colombia-Venezuela Union Mexican Union Published monthly as the Official Organ of the Inter-American Division of the General Con- ference of Seventh-day Adventists, Box 228, Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Price : 30 cents a year Printed at Caribbean Training wolege, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B.W.1. 12 New Inter-American Workers We take joy in announcing the arrival of three new workers|to join the working force of the] Inter- American Division. We introduce to you: Repert A. Hamm from Orlando, Florida, who with his family has recently ¢ome to Inter-America to serve in the Colom- bia-Venezuela Union as eyangelist and district worker on the island of Aruba in the Netherlands West Indies Mission. Robert A. Hamm and family. To join our Bella Vista Hospital staff at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, two families have recently arrived, They Jafeth A. Rogers and family. are: Jafeth A. Rogers and family and Ernest W. Estey and family who will be serving our new medical institu- tion as technicians. Ernest W. Estey and family. 198 students matriculated for the present year. Of this number, 120 are dormitory students. The fourth class of nursing students graduated from the Montemorelos School of Nursing at which time six young la- dies received their diplomas. © Farm manager, 'M. A. Martin, of the Pacific Agricultural and Industrial School in Navajoa, Mexico, reports 120 acres of wheat being harvested, 120 acres are now in melons and other truck crops, and 200 acres of cotton will be planted this spring. ¢ Twenty-seven seniors received their diplomas at the commencement ser- vice at the West Indian Training Col- lege in Jamaica, on December 20. Fifteen hundred friends were present in the recently completed chapel of the new administration building as Doctor Clifford Anderson from Wash- ington D.C. delivered the commence- ment address. PCE 4 | 1 MV WEEK March 6 — 13, 1954 Missionary Volunteer Week, observed each vear in March, has grown to be perhaps the | greatest evangelistic effort held | at any one time by the church. The fruitage of this week testi- fies to its effectiveness. In 1953 the conversions totaled 5,524. I Of these 5,524 young people 2,395 were baptized, and the remaining 3,129 joined baptis- mal classes. May God make this Mission- ary Volunteer Week of Prayer, March 6-13, the occasion for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit. PLAN NOW for Missionary Volunteer Week Every Society—Every Member — Participating 34) O) EE |) S——) (J ’ 4 LJ LX D. MESSENGER