6 The one who sends the illustrations says, ‘‘We have seen little children made wun- happy because some one was looking too intently at goal devices ‘‘Goals are important; finitely more important.’’ SABBATH SCHOOL DEPT. souls are in- SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES Office Address: 84 The Boulevarde Strathfield, N.S.W. = Postal Address: Box 18, P.(Q., Strathfield Telephone: UJ 5371 President's Home: 4 Tarrants Avenue, } Hing Eastwood , President’s Telephone : Epping 1971 The Silver City Several months have elapsed since Brother and Sister &. J. Parker took their departure for Bowral. Prior to their leav- ing Broken Hill, the members of the church met at a social gathering to wish them farewell. A handsome travelling rag and several other suitable gifts were presented in appreciation of their services among us. Before leaving, Brother Parker detailed a programme for different members to carry on till another worker should be sent to Broken Hill, All were pleased to welcome Brother and Sister F, L. Taylor and their wee son, Barry. A few weeks previous we were privileged to have Brother and Sister V. P. Murray come to us in the capacity of colporteurs. They are surely blazing the trail with their good literature. TH] AUSTRALASIAN RECORD Since reaching the Silver City in the desert, Brother Taylor has carried out Some necessary renovations and repairs to the church. The anteroom hag been artis- tically painted, in readiness for primary and kindergarten work. The assistance of Brother Murray on public holidays and Sundays was much appreciated. Sisters Taylor and Murray were no less energetic, as in the interim they organised a J.M.V. class, which gives promise of fruitage. Already two camp fires have been much enjoyed at the home of Sister Taylor. A gister donated an organ for the kinder- garten and primary room, and others gave generously in supplying equipment. Next, Brother Taylor formed a choir. Many had a fair knowledge of the art, but some were minus the gift. This did not in the least nonpluss the conductor, how- ever, whe went right on with his purpose. We are expecting much help from the choir in speeding up the mission effort. Brother E. A, Turner, the field mission- ary secretary, came here in connection with the hook work just in time to be an in- spiration to us in the Week of Prayer. That week the Christian experience of many was deepened; and as the mission effort opened later, there was an evidence of the Spirit working in our midst. Several who are apparently interested, are attending the mission and prospects are promising. X On the afternoon of May 7, a large gathering assembled to celebrate Mother’s Day. The young people and tiny tots ren- dered a Dleasing and interesting Dpro- gramme, and all entered heartily into the spirit of the day. In the evening Brother 97/8/38 Turner gave a very interesting and in- structive lantern lecture gn the book work throughout the field. The passing of one of our bright young people, Kathleen Young, has cast ashadow over our little church; but we look for- ward to seeing her again in the near fu- ture, when the work is finished. NORA CAXIR. —_———— “One of the Best” May 21, 1938, will long remain in the memory of the mothers of Woollahra, for it was on this Sabbath afternoon that one of the best Mother’s Day meetings we can remember was held. A song of welcome was rendered by the junior boys and girls, and the usual pre- liminary exercises being over, two of our junior girls presented a spray of white flowers to each mother in the congrega- tion. The three front pews, daintily decked with white blossoms, had been re- served for the mothers, and were filled to capacity. Appropriate verses selected from Prov- erbs 31, emphasising the excellent gual- ities of a mother, were read by one of the young men, followed by a vocal guartette entitled, ‘‘My Gentle Mother.’® A poem recited and several short talks given showed how tender is the love of a mother, and its dependence on Jesus’ love in the heart. The conferring on our methers of their degrees of motherhood was the next item, one which, we believe, is unigue in young people’s meetings in Australia. The de grees of M.D. (Magnified Determination), Dedication of Church School, Avondale The new Primary School at Avondale wag dedicated to God’s service on the morning of Wednesday, May 25, 1938. ~The school is a fine brick building, built on modern educational lines to suit the need of our chief training school, and so supplies a long felt want. . Pastor A. H. Piper, in his address to the gathering of parents, friends, teachers, and children, emphasised that the chief ob- jective of education is to train the youth ful mind to exercise a right choice in all that pertains to life. It was pointed out that we should be very happy that, in the previdence of God, our school is in the country, as God chose the country for the training ground of many of the greatest religious leaders of all time, The dedicatory prayer was offered by. Pastor A. F. J. Kranz. We pray that God’s way will always be followed in this train- ing institution for our church school teachers. GR. The Estate of the Australasian Missionary College, showing the new Primary School on the right as one approaches the College.