ts PACIFIC UNION RECORDER S.We Recommend, Phe thie sso lon od the conse of study wath thie ox: stitute, and tat the matter of room secretiny and the ste cooy ss nen cootton of the correlation of subjeers and board he Jett to the ineoming con nnite dn holding po Jess thon roar eon doc outlined an the primary orades aod a nit tee, ventrons during ihe coming soni noe Ccovara ble consideration of ihe texs hooks Fo. We Recommend, The adoption of tierests of praciiend Biome drier aed ns Pecomtensbee dd by the sad convention, thie Primary Cheb Sehool Govern: Stonary work and the peering eu sgenty SoH hr owe dept the conrses of study ment = now published tn pamphlet form For our forty per cent, did reoendar seh Gol Tou boeks moeomiended by the Nor by one conference, seription heoks, ved Iasitttie, Healdsboros ©nls and he Lo, Whereas, The saceess of ony inter We Farther Recommends That ww lhiereve: Pid catioral Devan ireent of che Califor mediate senools to other conferences has praciicables these conventions he nh Corterenee of Sevenihaday Ndventists ao demonstinted the vidue of the plans cen Joined to sueh copventrons as may he prect the Teen ness of ony edueantionad cricthy adopted, of maintaining the most planed Hy the saneriintenent of iy TEres oN, and, rntimate relationship Between conterence ERE RTISY peonles ~ocietios one the Sabbah Soha ihe anand suhlished hv HI and schools: and, seheol secretary, Norm] institute be onsed hy our prinry Whereas, We veonrd the education of b. NUE NEU NIHRE i Tht thie old Cine [OTE ERT Cente hors, cll bE Vout dN ober Of ihe Nios sacred Ji chieh, tracer, ad nissioay saeieny be vi hme cnr ven noe every Seventh