Chir omer Vol. XXXIV UNION COLLEGE, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, May 11, 1962 No. 15 Tuition Charge Monthly Next Year; Wages And Charges Increase Also Tuition charges will be back on the monthly basis and slightly in- creased next year, reports Mr. W. 13. Higgins, assistant business manager. Entrance fees, wages, room rent, and food prices will also be changed, according to recent Board of Trustees action. The tuition charges for full work (1.3-16 hours), will be $700 per year as compared with $650 this year. The increase amounts to about $3 per semester hour, said Higgins. Tuition will be charged in eight monthly payments. "So many felt that the heavy charges three times during the year worked a hardship on them," Higgins explained, "that the Board felt it best to change back to the old system." A $200 entrance fee will be charged next year. One hundred of this amount will be the advance deposit, and the other $100 will he applied on the account to cover fees, books, room, etc. The ad- vance deposit will be credited on tho final statement as previously. The wage ceiling will be raised approximately 5