SEE ' —= — | nmane 4 —_— » | tN S ij = Whe re are the Dead? Hy mh 701, = | Zz Some say that the right. NS PA ~ TH eous dead are in heaven, - i Z| i the wicked dead in hell ~~ Ll = fire. What does the ph | Slit Bible say? dl 3 tC SS by NELS P. NEILSEN HERE are the dead? A solemn question indeed, for death is everywhere. We meet it on every hand. No land on earth can boast of freedom from its ravages. By millions are its viec- lims tolled in every clime. Each city has its burying place; each damlet has its “city of the dead.” Scarcely can a home be found where death has never come. We all have felt its sting. We pll have seen the helplessness of man, when death has laid its hand upon one we loved. Where are the dead? What is their state in death? Are they unconscious in their sleep, or are they still alive? Do they go to heaven at death, or are they resting in the grave? Do they now experience the joys of heaven, or suffer the pains of a molten hell? These questions — yes, and kindred ones — will throng our minds as we stand beside the form of a loved one who has passed away. Where are the dead? We speak to them, but they make no reply. We touch them with a fond caress, but there is no re- sponse. Our hearts may nearly break with grief, still they lie unmoved by our tears. We follow them to their last resting place. But where are they now? What is their state? Silence reigns supreme. No word comes back from them. Sternly the tomb closes its heavy portals against every attempt to solve our No. 20 BIBLE TRUTH SERIES % Cent Each