: r= Raising the Second pvoayment The sime was drawiig nears when uw second $5,000 must be pa:d on the purohase price of Lowy Linda Elder Burden ang those associated with nim in securing the property iad aspronched every one wiloi they Knew in Souvaerln Callioraia who be also wali likely to neip, had written many leliers, bul hud received AO fg Lulfnde oodles of the Conference Comal vice were bepinnlng to Poa Lng. sche coalurcace credil woedld be Jeopariized oy tuls pew aadert king, and some urged that they try to get {ree from t,o financial rezvonsicility by l:sing she $5,000 tkLat had been isd aaa. bo their disbczss, 4hose secklaz the sonsy thought tiie mint seours 1% in the Sacrumaats and the Fun Joacuin Valley amurates, as none, bad often been raised there for the St. ole ns oan tarlio. So the Commdttee su gested that the Californis coaference oe asked to permit them to solicit means among the chureh meoers Io that district, In harmony with this surgestion, they visited tie Califor ni Conference oomsittee and Wolo them of their perplexities and tnel oc nveas. Toney reminded those who were seeking zeans that tne .acific Unica confercunce nad advised thc oouthern California prethren not to invest 1a more sanitariums that they had gone coentruTy to this counsel. Because of this, and because of their op finpanciol noced , they obleoted to granting the privilege of soliciting in the territcry of the California Confer. nce. The sclicitors rviurbed howe, sill wouderiiyg where the needed mohey woula come fron, | As he Gay drew nearer, when the puywent sas due, and no money was in sight, deep anxiety was fely by those carrying the Cinancial responsibility of the Conference. At last ihe czy arrived, and the forenoon faund the members of the Confer=-