1) 000 yo-z___ Eugene William Farnsworth was born 71-ovember 27,1847., in Washington, New Pampshire. William Farnsworth, father of Eugene William, was anong the firs Adventists who began k eping the Sabbath of tha foUrth com- mandment, after the disappointment in 1844. In 1869 left New Hampshire, and began his educational work in Waukon, Iowa. Attended and taught school for four years, and and planned to attend the University, when he was given a license at a complicating, and that suramtr began preaching cOmpany with Ekder Calvin Washburn. Feld tent meetings that summer, • and raised up two small companies who ac cepted the Third Angel's Message. Was ordained to the ministry at a camp meeting in ,!arshall- town0 fewki Wolitia43108W6theElder Uriah Smith, GaOra T. Butler, town, Iowa. James White, and Trenry Nicola, li,ere the officia- ting ministers. Mrs. E.G.White was also present, and after the charge had been given hyElder White, and at its close he said, "Brother 7arnsworth, never ba content to be a one-horse preacher." Sister White said auong otAer tiiings, "Brother .marnsworth, you nay not be able to do a great many great things in life, but you can do a great many little things." FilmtxxgaiximAilkplinlxx Then went to Western Iowa with Bro. Jefferson Marti eft in a tent in Dennison and Dunlap, Iowa. The same year after these efforts held meetings in soxwe halls and schoolhouses, and finally went to Smithiand. Labored there and in adjacent territory 2pstly that winter. The next Summer, in connection with Elder R.M.I.Ulgore, to Elk Point, South Dakota, and in the fail and winter following went to Big Springs and Swan Lake and stayed mostly ,of the wintlr. After laboring four years was ordained at 7-arshailtown. When first called to the ministry he was offered $1000. to teach where he had taught the previous year, and all lte could make biside Wane t.:aching penmanship. At the clostmg of the summer the auditing comAittee gave him two dollars a week v:agd for the time he had spent in the 'work. Be was married to Miss Carrie Eggleston of Yamilton, Missoun_ septembar 30, 1879. and they united their xxitatit earnest labors for about two years. Fe afterward married Miss Lizzie Hornby, and they labored most unselfishly, often being separated for, long weeks and months until she was also taken by death after about eight years. :prom his diaries we learn of the earnest and unceasirg labors the young man who had consecrated his time and ahilty to the Lord put forth. JAMES WHITE LIBRARY ANDREWS UNIVERSITY BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN 6 HERITAGE ROOM ov. sw#,4-1, )0-r--- rAY9 `1 24,t, 474,, gr•- .) Fe- , , UAL, (1 (Y-u OAr• SZ1, - , ,,,I,., ,,- ) cs(„___ i.e.& ;t4,..— /,,,.,__ i--e,,„ v,,__,----/-(„ ,,_ , , t_ S' • s , ..,-•-t- A-L-i,/,-----, ,-,,,---t-T a.---c( 43-61- --L__,_ -6- 4-4--1-4'-- / cc Oeu , cV•A- ei'`' -.--- I'L'i (ktC- % 6L- 66 I 1 -.. 'I,- , ( 6-17,-<- 14,-La-- z'-•-t-e-Lr. Lt2 7eL 1-- ,•/- (''-'::*-4'7 1<_ S CL"L ti Ola-&-(4-- A--:7ZP-L--- r4-4-4T d,--.1-------- --• (o_Lti,—„L, .gtL---I . 9 L_-ie,__ al. L---,_ f-- 1-----t CtA-74 -1^1-- -6--c,_._,. --&a...E... 1 0-----')-- (1-1--- (z,--- . D 1 ) et.__,, j ) j._,,_-,___ _21 i— ,/-0 ,Z--- tA-/L-)--P , 71,--C--- -- ,Lt-c •'-- - -41/1-/ Otrt--1"1 l't tf a/11-C- e ti-15.-- 7:(E:L . ) A. /y 7.Z, L-11,0 e--ttre, , ?-7--- , e * - , „ ---1-1.1 .st,4 Lt-4--%-; / "b -*)-4-1,- -r..- ) ,1--- /94 L . )41,----1 )t-e- t 1„. a_ /7 ,—„ , tZ4.7 ' r W-71, 1 9Y,2- 72-0-15 - )r--1 4 EfLeL---e--a---&-t---,---- -"--d-":' L-e..--‘ ' t_ • r _ 417-4.__:-- . -e --- '.,_,_4, /:-. - ..,- --t-,A2.,..., e,.."" 1 " Cz; :-----' 17!" " )/17-/ -& 6-12-4-ett, '1---1.---........" L/...V.., 1 1 '1,•v-1--14e----.L-' 1)--t-- Lr~L L ) <-2 ell- )'1," C4— S. DONALDSON, SECRETARY-TREASURER J. ADAMS STEVENS, PRESIDENT SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT L So Z-k 0 z— / ett—ea-ed 4".e"-* "---7!"----- ,.t... (.....4- ---4.--...., to 1........ L t , &i„.„,,-L r /.....4._ t e". 2-1 • t 2 / 45) Si 3, lit /76 44 4.„ ti #A,4_40 e ) /492feLoi ,....AirE cal 19`-t e *--- t Isto.„. ,) 1/2 c tel. 4 A -IA. -7, /14 de, 7 2— 7/ / .g7 715. s74, I ANDREWS UNIVERSITY BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN' 742 THIRD STREET, SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA HERITAGE ROOM Aorthiutsorn laliforniaatotiftrtn t (AMES WHITE LIBRARY of %Ninth-bap Whitntisto VESTA J. FARNSWORTH, SECRETARY PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE ST. HELENA, CAL. (P4— Cv.1 /1.2- 44- e.e.- ILA-4 , ty—e— Fqrnsworth Fiiy2.ecorl. d. 1111am Farnsworth Feb. 8, 1807. Sarah kead Feb. 1C, 1812 1, (1.30, 1830. Cnildren:- Lucy A. John P. SLephen J2sephine Lucian B. 04. Albert ueorcre Saran J. Eugene VI. Autas T. ELogene Oct. 7, 183.f.2. Aug. 1834. aiay 2 , April 12, 1838 ;etc. 27, 1839. Aug. 20, i84I. June 29, 1843. Ft b. 2,1844i. ,,ov. 29, 1847. .opt. 7, 1849. Aug. I. 1851. Dec.I7,1888. June 40, 1855. Dec. 3. 1835. ii.ay 4, July 182. April 1, 1845. AprIX Willialii Farnsworth - Cy,ctlia Stowell Larried Cynthia Stowell Cniidren:- lioretta V. Sept. 4, 1857 Urvii,L. . Jan. 22, Zj59. 1,i;nora I,. $4010/2, IOVO.June I, 1866. Bfinton Dec. 14,184I. SePt. 1, 18i5. Elwer i. June 2, 1845 Alton V. Jan. 12, 1847. melbourn A, Aug. 24, 188. Nellie lilay baay 9, 187c. Ernest k. June 24, 1872. sel--ton A. July 25, 1874. Born ov. 30, 1830. Sept. 19,1805. eLarcrtI, 1873. 4o86 JAMES WHITE LIBRARY ANDREWS UNIVERSITY BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN HERITAGE ROOM 7