EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER VOL. � OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MAY A WILLING PEOPLE Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning." Ps. 110: 3. This is the day of His power, when God has set his hand to make the remnant ready for translation. " I saw that God had children who do not see and keep the Sabbath. They have not re- jected the light upon it. And at the com- mencement of the time of trouble, we were filled with the Holy Ghost as we went forth and proclaimed the Sabbath more fully. . . . " The commencement of the time of trouble' here mentioned does not refer to the time when the plagues shall begin to be poured out, but to a short period just before they are poured out, while Christ is in the sanctuary. At that time, while the work of salvation is closing, trouble will be coming on the earth, and the nations will be angry, yet held in check so as not to prevent the work of the third angel. At that time the `latter rain,' or refreshing from the presence of the Lord, will come, to give power to the loud voice of the third angel, and prepare the saints to stand in the period when the seven last plagues shall be poured out"— Early Writings, pp. 85, 86. The time has come, and the latter rain is falling. " God calls for a revival and a refor- mation," and it has begun in earnest. When filled with the Holy Ghost we will go forth, and proclaim the Sabbath more fully. There are two ways to proclaim the Sab- bath more fully. The one by greater holiness of life, so that it is kept more fully, and thus through a more consecrated channel there is a fuller proclamation. The other by a wider proclamation of the Sabbath truth by voice and pen. The latter rain reveals in the believer a more holy life, inasmuch as the Spirit of God has convicted of sin, and converted from sin, as the believer has earnestly sought for the outpour- ing of the Holy Spirit. Prompted by the heaven born desire to win souls, the revived, reformed believer goes forth to proclaim the Sabbath as it is in Jesus. The way has been prepared in the Big Week plans. Two books, " Steps to Christ " which contains the converting message of the Father's love to man in the gift of Christ, and " Marked Bible " bearing the Sabbath reform message, are nicely wrapped in one parcel, and sold at a very small price. Some of our people could readily sell 100 or more of these sets during Big Week, and practically all can dispose of the suggested minimum of eight sets. All the profits are to be turned over to the church • treasurer to apply on the Missions Press Ex- tension Fund, for the establishment of printing plants throughout the world, to quickly " pro- claim the Sabbath more fully." Thus the blessing of Big Week is threefold. The blessing upon those who go forth, the re- sults obtained from the wider proclamation of the Sabbath truth in the home field, and the extension of the message in foreign fields with the funds brought in. Then there is the Watchman. Thousands of these message laden magazines should be dis- tributed in " Big Week " and the proceeds turned into this fund. Colporteurs will do- nate the profits of their biggest day in the " Big Week." A collection will be taken in all our churches, Sabbath, June 2, giving all an opportunity to make a substantial contri- bution of our own means to the Missions Press Extension Fund, in addition to what is brought in from the sale of literature. We do not believe that we should let this be a day or week of small things• The writer was able last year under the blessing of God to turn in about twenty-five dollars in " Big Week " to the Ottawa church on its goal of three hundred dollars. Others did more than this. " Let us all work together in all kinds of weather, and see what can be done." All funds turned in are counted in the 600 per week goal to missions of each church. F. W. STRAY 2 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER " HERE AM I, SEND ME! " " Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall rise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee." Isa. 60: 1, 2. Before us lies a world in darkness and many parts are without God and without hope. Brethren and sisters, shall we heed the call to arise and shine? The call comes to us from Turkey, Bulgaria, Czecho-slovakia, Poland, Jugo-slavia, and Rumania for printing presses and for increasing the equipment in the pub- lishing houses of the denomination in France, Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines. We cannot say nay to these calls for this is one of God's methods of giving the Message to the world, and it is very effective as we all know from, experience. I dare say many, if not all, who read this article were brought into the Truth by first reading a book, a paper, a magazine, or a tract. That being the case, you know somewhat of the value of the printing press. There is no doubt but it will do fully as much for the countries named. The amount of money needed to accomplish this work according to the above program will be $150,000. Our part of this amount will be $4,000 to be divided among the conferences of Eastern Canada. This money is to be raised by a real missionary campaign in our home field in which you, dear reader, are invited to have an active part. You will not disappoint those waiting people by neglecting to do your -part, will you? I'm sure that if you do your part faithfully Eastern Canada's tradition will .be assured, that is of being in the lead in every call that comes from the General Conference regardless of what sacrifice it may mean. Big Week is the time set apart for this special world-wide missionary endeavor—one week only—during which we are to sell " Marked Bible," " Steps to Christ," Canadian Watchman Magazine. In order to he able to turn into the Missions Publishing Fund our individual quota, we must sell at least five dollars worth of literature send- ing to your conference office the whole amount received. Some who feel that they cannot get out to do this work are invited to donate one day's pay. Among the fishermen, where they do not have the territory to sell the hook, let them set apart the best day's catch of the week. Farmers may give one day's produce such as butter, eggs, chickens, etc. Many are going to sell the amount of literature and give a day's pay also. All the money received in this fund goes to- ward the sixty-cent-a-week goal. Plan at once to make this a victorious week both in placing the literature in the homes of the people and es- tablishing the printing press in those needy fields. We have just received word from a small church in the Maritime conference saying they had ordered seventy-two sets of " Two Great Books for Bible Lovers " and forty Canadian Watchman and there is a good prospect they will need many more. This is a splendid start. There is no better evidence of the outpouring of God's Spirit than in seeing His people going to work for others. Let us pray much that the Lord will enable us to make this coming Big Week the greatest success we have ever seen. When May 27 comes, let us all be ready to answer the call by saying, " Hear am I, send me." J. L. WILSON TWO CLASSES " But what think ye? A certain man had two sons ; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work today in my vineyard. He an- swered and said, I will not, but afterward he repented, and went. And he came to the sec- ond, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir, and went not. Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, the first." Matt. 21: 28-31. These few verses describe the two classes of people in the church today. There are those who read the announcements and instructions relative to conference missionary activitie-- for instance, at present the whole field is plan- ning for Big Week, May 27 to June 2—and they make some very definite promises. " 0, yes, I am going out that week for sure." About May 1 they order . supplies from the Missionary Secretary. But May 27 comes around quickly—too soon. Sister. Brown, thinking that Sister Jones is already for work, calls at her house early Mon- day morning with her bundle of hooks and magazines. " Good-morning, Sister Jones, are you ready to go out with me this morning on our Big Week program? " " Well—eh--well I really cannot begin on Monday, Sister Brown. You know I have the biggest wash on hand that I have had for weeks, and I must do it. Can EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER you call for me Tuesday morning? " Tuesday morning comes but it is cloudly. " It looks as though it might rain. I guess I had better not go out today. I am awfully afraid of catching cold if I get wet. I can pitch in and do that big ironing today, and be free to go out with Sister Brown tomorrow. It will be finer then, maybe." Wednesday morning,—bright and clear, and Sister Brown calls early. " Good-morning, this is a beautiful day for our missionary work." " Yes, it is, but I was called up on the phone by a dear old schoolmate of mine who arrived in town on the early train. I must visit her today. It would be just simply out of the question to allow her to come and go without my taking the time to call on her." Wednesday has been far too short, so the unexpected visit extends late into the night. Sister Brown calls again on Thursday morning. She is full of cheer and courage for she has already gone over her Big Week goal. Be- sides, she is anxious to see Sister Jones get her goal, and is willing to assist her if- necessary. But Sister Jones is in bed yet. She is very tired, having visited till late the night before. " I am sorry that I cannot go out with you this morning, Sister Brown. You had better not wait, but go ahead and I will pray for you. You can sell all your literature by the time I could get ready to join you. Besides, it is getting late in the week now and my Sabbath work needs attention. My husband objects to my housecleaning and baking on Friday, so I guess I shall do my Sabbath work after I get up." " Well, Sister Jones, I won't be able to call for you tomorrow morning, for I have been out with my books every day this week, and will therefore have to make the most necessary preparations for the Sabbath." So the week is past, and the two sisters at- tend the Sabbath service. When the proceeds of Big Week are received, Sister Brown is happy because she has done what she could. Sister Jones looks back with regret over the week that has been so unprofitable to her in the Lord's service. It won't be very long before everyone of us will be tempted just as was Sister Jones. May 27 will soon be here and find many with various excuses if they are not careful. Those who have passed through this experience know that the greatest joy comes from going out even at a sacrifice of time and feelings or inconvenience. We can gain the victory in 1923 if we want to. Starting is the hardest step in the program. Let us make the start and we are sure to finish. We may all say, " But we are not of them who draw back." GEORGE BUTLER ONTARIO D. J. C. Barrett, Pres. � S. Donaldson, See.-'Teas. Office address � 3 Awde St., Toronto ,4 Go When Jesus called us from sin to salvation with the word " COME " He also invited us to share the blessing, by telling us to " GO " to others- When we " go " we must have some- thing from God to tell the people, and when we are supplied with a message, we do not have a valid excuse for not " going." The week of May 27 to June 2 has been designated as a " GO " week, and the words of salvation we should speak are given us in the package, " Two Great Books for Bible Lovers." Each package contains a paper covered copy of " Steps to Christ," and also a copy of " The Marked Bible." But suppose you have been through your neighbourhood with these books, then you can still find your message in the Canadian Watchman magazine, which is new every month. You purchase either of the above messengers at the colporteur rates, and through the profit from their sale, we " GO " to our neighbours and also extend the message in other parts through the increased publishing facilities. Last year our BIG WEEK offering brought us $1,299.34 in Ontario Conference and this year, by, doing our part, we can exceed our at- tainment of last year, both in homes visited by us and also in the larger offering for the ex- tension of our publishing work. Let each one faithfully pray and work for a successful BIG WEEK for the Christ, who invited us to " GO" to every creature. � S. DONALDSON ONTARIO CAMPMEETING TIME—June 28 to July 8. PLACE—Oshawa, near the College and Publishing House. BENEFIT—A closer walk with God for those who attend. Two factors contributed to the selection of Oshawa, by the Conference Committee, as the place for us to hold our campmeeting this year. 4 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER. By having campmeeting near the College and Publishing House, our people will have ex- cellent opportunity to learn for themselves the conditions surrounding these two most promi- nent institutions of the Lord's work in Eastern Canada. This is a good reason for your mak- ing special effort to attend the campmeeting this year. Because of the lack of tents in the conference, we were sure our people would enjoy the privi- kge of keeping the money we spend for rooms, in the work of God and also enjoy an oppor- tunity of dwelling together in unity for ten days under almost the same conditions as our children dwell during the College term. We are also making arrangements to have our meals supplied in the College dining room and this will give us an opportunity to enjoy meals served under the same conditions as they arc served during the College year. And then let us not forget the campmeeting is a spiritual uplift to us as a people and we should pray, plan, and attend the camp- meeting. " And all the congregation of them . . . sat under the booths—Also day by day from the first day to the last day, he read in the book of the law of God. And they kept the feast." Neh. 8: 17-18. S. DONALDSON QUEBEC F. G. Lane, Pres. � W. F. Wilson, See-Treas. Office address �280 Villeneuve, W. Montreal QUEBEC CAMPMEETING Yes the Campmeeting will convene in Rich- mond, Quebec, June 21 to July 1 as planned. God is in this movement, and it will take more than a fire to stop its progress. Our new tents are already for shipment. We are fast gathering together all other necessary Camp equipment, and by the grace of God everything will be ready for your reception and welcome June 21 as advertised. The Lord has won- derfully blessed us at this time, so let us all come to the Campmeeting and together lift our hearts and voices in praise to Him for His manifold blessings. I am sure God is going to give us the best Campmeeting Quebec has ever had. Come not only to seek a blessing for yourself, but with a determined purpose under God to make the meeting a blessing to every other one who may he there. Not many more years and the last call to Campmeeting will have been given. The last opportunity to meet together with those of like faith on this earth will be past. But then, 0 what joy, when the faithful of all the ages meet in that grand reunion round the throne of God! Our highest expectations fall far short of the fulness of that eternal weight of glory and vi- brant joy that will be ours when there first falls upon our ears the sound of our Saviour's voice as He addresses us by our new name and introduces us to the Father as His own. In anticipation of that glorious event can we not plan to meet in these annual gatherings and by a reconsecration to God enjoy a fore- taste of that which awaits us hereafter? " Go to the Campmeeting, even though you have to make a sacrifice to do so. . . . Angels who are commissioned to minister to those who are heirs of salvation will accompany you. God will do great things for his people." F. G. LANE LET ALL HAVE A PART " Seventy weeks are determined (or cut off) upon thy people and upon thy holy city." Dan. 9: 24. From what were these seventy weeks determined or cut off? Obviously from the 2300 days of the preceding chapter. Let us notice what important events were to transpire during those seventy weeks. First— " To finish the transgression," because of their persistent trangression the history of the Jew- ish nation as the chosen people of God was to end. Second—" And to make an end of sins," margin, (to restrain sin). Not only would those seventy weeks witness the end of sin offer- ings, but there would be brought in some re- straining influence against sin. What that re- straining influence was to be is clearly indi- cated by the following events. " And to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in ever- lasting righteousness." Reconciliation for ini- quity was made through the death of Christ. Itom. 5: 10 ; Everlasting righteousness is brought in by the gospel. Rom. 1: 16, 17; One more event—" And to anoint the Most Holy." This was done at the baptism of Jesus by the descent. of the Holy Spirit upon Hi:n, when the voice from heaven declared, " This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Matt. 3:16, 17; Acts 10:38. It will be noticed that, beginning with the annointing of the Most Holy, all the important events named above took place during the last one of those seventy weeks. Of all the seventy, this %k as indeed the one Big week ; not only of EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER � 5 that prophetic period, but of all time, and might I not justly say, of all eternity. For in the midst of that week occurred the supreme event of all history, temporal or eternal, the crucifixion of the only begotten Son of God. Around that infinite manifestation of divine love radiates the whole plan of salvation. On it rests our hope of glory, our future eternal life with God. Just before His ascension the Saviour com- missioned His church to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Through all the succeeding years the faithful have been pressing on in fulfillment of that coin- mission. But because of persecutions and apostasy its progress for centuries was seri- ously hindered, and for a time almost stopped. But the Lord had declared, " This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come." Now in the time of the end the Lord calls upon His faithful church to hasten on with the everlasting gospel, and associated with it, as a part of it is the Judgment hour Message of Rev. 14: 6-12; which is to call out and prepare a people for the coming of Jesus. In answer to this call there has developed the Advent peo- ple who have dedicated themselves to the pro- clamation of the Message. Every true Sev- enth-day Adventist has cast in his all for the finishing of the work. And we shall know no halting, no slowing until the work is done and we are taken home to be with Jesus. But because of sin, men have not only be- come alienated from God, but they have become so estranged from one another that their lan- guage has degenerated into a babel of tongues, and to preach the Message to every nation, kindred, tongue and people, would seem an im- possible task were it not for the wonderful providences of God just at this time. Among these, possibly the most important for the car- rying of the gospel to the many tongues of t'arth, is the Press and the printed page. In 1845 this people began to publish the Message, and today it is being run off the press in more than one hundred different languages. But we must push on until the Message is pro- claimed in every language spoken by man. That we might do this more quickly, out of the fifty two weeks in the year devoted to the Mas- ter's service, one has been set apart to be known as " Missions Publishing Fund—BIG WEEK." dedicated to carrying Message-filled literature to all peoples and languages. Victory is just before us. Let us all have a part in the BIG WEEK rally for missions. F. G. LANE BIG WEEK CAMPAIGN As our missionaries face the heavy task of reaching the millions of souls in heathen lands, there is nothing that appeals to them more than the printing of the Message in the rainy languages spoken. To give the Me§s.age .in the shortest time possible in the regions beyond to hundreds of millions of people is the task before us as a denomination. The pages; of literature must be scattered as the leaves of autumn, not only in this land but to every na- tion, kindred and people. To accomplish this, new facilities must be provided and for this the call from the Pub- lishing Department and Home Missions De- partment is for every Seventh-day Adventist to do his best in this BIG WEEK Campaign. Think of what the results may be if each Sev- enth-day Adventist will do his duty and live up to his privilege in this Big Week. Not only the $150,000 will be raised and the facilities provided. for millions of heathen to receive the light in their own languages, but how many souls may be brought to Christ by the litera- ture sold during BIG WEEK! In this Union we are blessed with a printing plant that furnishes us splendid literature, both in the French and English languages, and the measure of interest we shall take in this campaign will in that same measure benefit our own publishing house at Oshawa, the Canadian Watchman Press. We are surrounded in this field with French people who must be warned. We have now a splendid supply of French literature that can and should be used in this campaign, the French Signs, Steps to Christ, and the Dispised Treas- ure, same as Marked Bible in English. These are magazines and small books that can be sold by all, whether you speak French or not. Get a supply and sell them to your French neighbours. To my French brethren and sisters I would say that we are not accustomed to he behind in any good work and we feel sure von will not come short in this effort. We are depending that every French Seventh-day Adventist may do a noble work and use a large amount of French literature. Yours in this great work, L. F. PASSEBOIS 6 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER DOES BIG WEEK APPEAL TO YOU? Once the question was asked the Saviour, " What must I do to be saved? " and the final reply came from the Master, " Go and sell what thou hast and follow me." In the case of the young man, the Saviour's reply seemed too great, for his possessions were many. But friends, we who have been given responsibilities to finish this work in the earth have been given different means with which to finish the work. Our literature is one of the great possessions we have and our duty is to go and sell that which we have and follow the Saviour day by day. The General Conference goal for the Big Week is $150,000 and it is our duty to raise our proportion of this amount. Now, friends, the great question is, are we going to do it? An old time saying is, " Procrastination is the thief of time," so let us not put off this duty of ours, but let each of us start right out and do our share during the allotted time. The two little books entitled " Steps ,to Christ " and " Marked Bible " can be secured in either English or French, and we are ready to fill your orders at any time. Scatter these books among the people, which will not only help the Big Week goal, but they give the gospel to them. MARITIME E. M. Chapman, Pres. �Amy Frank, Sec.-Treas. OffiCe Address � Memramcook, N. B. "WHY STAND YE ALL THE DAY IDLE?" Reading this Scripture one can see that the speaker makes this expression because of so much to be done and yet some are doing noth- ing. This denomination is made up of the best people in the world. In fact we get the cream into our ranks. We often hear, after conducting a tent or hall effort, " You have taken the best." We know that the Message is reaching the honest in heart. In the parable referred to you will notice that the people are not idle because they aro indolent or lazy, but because no one has pointed out their particular work. This has reference to the time in which we are living, the eleventh hour, the finishing of the work. The greatest work now is the publishing of the truth in all languages, so that it may spread world-wide in this generation. The Truth can- not be given through the literature without printing presses, hence the plan for the Mis- sions Publishing Fund to establish printing plants at different points throughout the world field. Big Week has come into prominence that our people might have the opportunity to step in and assist in raising this money by per- sonal work amongst their neighbours. We are asked to sell books to the amount of $5.00 for each member which is to be forwarded to the conference treasurer. If one has work which prohibits his entering the field and canvassing during that week there is the opportunity to purchase the books and later dispose of them, either selling them or giving them away. Or one may give a day's salary. We all must have a part. Do not let this grand opportunity pass by unnoticed, and yet expect to obtain a blessing and salva- tion. It is the willing and obedient that will eat the good of the land. " Go work today in my vineyard." May 27 to June 2 is the date set. Many things will come in to prevent your getting your share of the blessing on the date mentioned, but purpose in your heart that you are going to do your part, and I am sure you will receive a rich blessing. Scatter literature, raise money for the publishing work, and in the end save souls. That is really the great objective. The " Marked Bible " and " Steps to Christ " are the two books we are planning on selling during Big Week. They come in a neat wrapper and are sold together under the title of " Books for Bible Lovers." Order from five to ten sets from the Tract Society or the church missionary secretary at your earlLst convenience, and see how easy it will be to dis- pose of them. Remember while you are work- ing the whole denomination is with you. " We will all work together, In all kinds of weather, And see what can be done." The amount raised at this time for the Missions Publishing Fund will count on our 60-cents-a-week goal. You will be supplied with complete informa- tion for the program of the week. Read all that comes to your hand and get imbibed with the spirit of the campaign, and doing things when the right time comes. Let us keep up with the demands that are made on us by the extension of the Third Angel's Message. God is directing the leaders in all these plans and may we rally to their support. E. M. CHAPMAN W. F. WILSON EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER GIVE SPIRITUAL FOOD We find recorded in Holy Writ (Mark 6) a beautiful story which tells of how a great com- pany of about 5000 men were gathered around the greatest Teacher this world has ever known. We read that they sat listening until the day was drawing to a close. There was no food for their physical needs, as far as they could see, and the disciples suggested that they be sent away in search of something to satisfy their hunger. But the Great Teacher, Jesus, who is ever aware of the needs of humanity, com- manded the disciples to feed them. They, realizing the small amount of their supplies, questioned its sufficiency to feed such a multi- tude. Jesus blessed the bread and fishes and commanded them a second time to feed the wait- ing multitude. We know the result—one of the greatest miracles recorded in the Bible. It is clear in this that things which may ap- pear small in the sight of man, can with the blessing of God, and obedience on the part of His people, accomplish wonders. Dear brethren, God is commanding us as His disciples to feed the waiting multitude of today with spiritual food which He has blessed and given to us to distribute. The BIG WEEK which has been set for May 27 to June 2, pre- sents to each one of us an opportunity for this work. Let us not send these hungry people away to search food for themselves, but let us do what we can to supply their needs. Perhaps some may think that the small amount they may seem to do will be of no avail, but remember that the results lie with God. These two books which will be used in the campaign, " Steps to Christ," and " Marked Bible," are excellent books, and should be in every Seventh-day Adventist home, and what we need, others need. Let us all pull together at the same time, and with the Lord's help make this one of the biggest of BIG WEEKS, for " where there is unity there is strength." J. H. CROOKS A PERSONAL LETTER TO YOU One morning recently when I was turning the pages of " Great Controversy " my eye caught two lines that were heavily underscored. You have read them many times, no doubt. I won- der how they impressed you. This is what I read: " The loss of even one soul is a calamity in- finitely outweighing the gains and treasure of a world." What a remarkable statement, and how vi- tally it concerns each of us, too. Do not these solemn words-help us to realize how much in earnest we should be during these fast clos- ing days of probation? When " even one soul " is of such high value, it thrills our hearts to think of the great work we are carrying for- ward to redeem many souls in all lands of the earth. Just imagine yourself going into a new coun- try to tell the good tidings of the gospel to a people who had never heard of Jesus. One lone missionary facing millions in darkness ! You would realize that you could preach to only a small percentage of those millions. Would not your mind turn to the small percentage of those millions. Would not your mind turn to the printing press as the means of multiplying your single handed efforts? Now this very thing is actually happening all the time. We send out missionaries to these unentered sec- tions and almost immediately comes back the plea, " Send us a little printing press." Why ? Because our literature is today recognized as being one of the greatest forces in the giving of our Message. You will remember that it was through the liberality of one of our strong publishing houses—Review & Herald—that our own Can- adian publishing house came into existence. The pages of truth now going forth from our presses are doing a mighty work throughout the Dominion. The printing of magazines, books, and tracts in the French language really makes us a mission printing plant. Furnish- ing the printed Message to the French Catho- lics of Quebec and of the other provinces, as well as to the French 'West Indies is one of the most encouraging features of our work. Without the printed page it would seem al- most an impossibility to warn the multiplied millions who must know the Message before the end. This fact is recognized by our leaders throughout the denomination, and that is why the call has been issued to all our people to help furnish these printing plants to all fields of the earth. The funds that are secured for this purpose are set aside expressly for this work under the title of Missions Publishing Fund, and as you know, this is now a part of our sixty-cent-a-week fund. The iinportance of this great effort is shown by the setting aside of one full week during which time every be- liever is invited to have a part in supplying the needed help. The time for this great lift on the Missions Publishing Fund is almost here. You will 8 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Office Address �- � - � - � - � Oshawa, Ont. Alma M. Hill - � - � - � - � - � - � - Editor Entered as second-class matter. Price one dollar a year in advance. want a part in equipping and building these mission printing plants, that they may not fall short of supplying literature for our faithful workers. You can use the literature that has been selected for this occasion, turning in your profits to your church treasurer. If you can- not have a part with our literature, you will want to give your biggest day's earnings for the week. Here in the factory our workers are entering upon the busiest season of the year and while some will be denied the privilege of getting out with the literature, all will be g:ad to help, as they have in the past, by donating their biggest day's wage. May this world- wide effort find all of us doing our full share. H. H. RANS " SOME BIG THINGS! " "THE BIG WEEK—is a BIG opportunity ! " THE BIGGEST DAY—is .a BIG privi- lege! " India is Big in population, problems, and paganism; and for these reasons—and others-- must soon be given the Third Angel's Message, which is so Big in scope, solemnity, and— salvation ! " Then shall we not as heralds of this Mes- sage—believers and iworkers—ALL--be Big in lenity, perseverance, and faith, thus doing our Biggest to give BIG India our Big Message, and at the same time cooperate with our Big- hearted Brethren in other parts of the Big World in providing this Big Field with a Big Publishing House (so Big in need!) on the Biggest Day of this Big Week? " Let's Attempt BIG things for God and Expect. BIG things from God ' " During the BIG WEEK! " The above paragraphs occupied the first page of a special BIG WEEK number of the Eastern Tidings, published in India, and fur- nishes a striking illustration of how our workers in the mission fields have entered into the spirit of the world-wide effort to establish and equip printing plants in our mission fields. While our missionaries are expecting Big help from the effort that will he made in the homeland they are doing their part, and the Lord is blessing in a most remarkable way in the Big-Week and Big-Day effort out in the mission fields. Brother J. J. Strahle reports a sale of over eight hundred dollars worth of our literature sold during the Big Week in the Philippines. Brother E. H. Meyers, Publishing Depart- ment Secretary of the South American Divi- sion, tells the following experience of two of his colporteurs: " In the city of Buenos Aires, one brother went to a certain large building of offices in connection with the Exchange.' He went to the Secretary of the Department and took his order. He then asked to see the employees-- The Secretary said, ' If you leave your pros- pectus with me, I will see if I can get you some orders here.' The colporteur did and returned at the end of a half day. The Secretary se- cured nineteen orders and apologized for not getting more. He is now helping to deliver the books. That made the day's sales over four hundred dollars Argentine currency. " Another brother hearing of this experience before the week was over felt somewhat outdone and so decided to make a big day of it Friday. He went to the Custom House and began. By night he had taken eighteen orders. That was his BIG DAY." May 27 to June 2, is the time of our Big opportunity and Big privilege in the Big Week in North America. Shall we not begin to plan at once for this week's work? To meet the ur- gent requests for 1923 we need $150,000, and this is our goal. Let us do our best to supply these pressing needs. N. Z. TOWN Sec'y General Conference Publishing Dept. Our brethren and sisters who are working for the foreigners will be glad to learn there is another book ready in the Greek language. The title of this little book is " Messages of Comfort." It is well illustrated and will sell for only forty cents on home workers' basis.. The publishers report that one individual has already ordered six hundred copies. Your tract society office can supply you with these promptly. CANADIAN WATCHMAN PRESS " ATTEMPT Great Things for God, and ex- pect Great Things of God." Try it during Big Week, May 27 to June 2.