THE EASY ROAD CART MANUFACTURED BY We also Manufacture a Full Line of Buggies, Cutters, Spring Wagons, Surreys, Buckboards, Runabout Wagons, Etc. Write for Catalogue and Price List of our work before you buy. We can save you money. MICHIGAN BUGGY CO., KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. CHICAGO BRANCH HOUSE We Carry in Stock a Full Line of Including Victorias, Rockaways, Cabriolets, Barouches. Surreys, Phaetons, Pony Carts, Harness, Bobes, Blankets, Whips, Anti-Rattlers, At Wholesale and Retail. We make a Specialty of Fine Hand-Made Harness FOR LIVERY AND FINE TRADE Before placing your orders for Harness, write us for Catalogue and Price List. MICHIGAN BUGGY CO., 341, 343, 345 Wabash Avenue. CHICAGO, ILL. U. S. A. Ihling Bros. & Everard, Printers and Stationers, Kalamazoo, Mich. MICHIGAN BUGGY CO. CARRIAGES, To the Public. Knowing there has been and is now, to a certain extent, a great prejudice against road carts, owing to the vast number worthless articles which have been and are being put on the market; and being determined to follow out the principle we first established when we commenced manufacturing vehicles, namely, to build only the best and what we knew would give satisfaction, we have refrained from their manufacture to any extent until the merits of the cart we now offer were thoroughly tested and tried, and pronounced by mechanics, horsemen, and the public to be unequaled by any other two-wheeled vehicle in the No. 1—ONE PASSENGER, WITH SLAT FOOT REST. No. 7'4—ONE PASSENGER, WITH SOLID BODY. market, for utility, durability and ease. The ones we first manufactured gave such universal satisfaction and so completely overcame the prejudices of all those who saw them, that we were compelled at once to greatly increase our output und are to-day the largest manufacturers of carts in the land. We say, and we mean just what we say, that we have the best Cart on the market, and while many others seek, by the most miserly cutting down in the quality of both material and labor, to see how cheap wood, iron and putty can be thrown together in the shape of Carts, we shall keep our standard as high as steel, second-growth hickory, and the best of skilled labor can put it, believing you will sustain us in this, as in our past efforts, by your valued patronage. 1st—No leverage or spring-board motion. 2nd —No broken bars, as the springs support theip. 3d — No coil springs to weaken or straighten. Points of Superiority. The Easy Road Cart is made upon honor, and aside from the material, which is the best that can be produced, we have considered the scientific principles best adapted to vehicles of this kind. 1st. To avoid all horse motion by a peculiar and original construction of the springs and seat. 2nd. We have no leverage or spring board motion, which would demand a spring much heavier than is required to support the load where the cart is properly constructed. 3rd. The spring gives an easy, regular and circumscribed motion to the seat which renders the cart as safe as any vehicle manufactured. 4th. We use the sensible, durable and economical old fashioned straight spring, which any mechanic will tell you is the true principle on which to construct a spring for durability and ease. We get the very tone and essence of the spring by retaining the center and supporting the load from each end. The straight spring if used in this manner will outlast a dozen coil or curve springs and retain its elasticity for an indefinite period. On the same principle the Indian grasps his bow in the middle, and pulling both ends inward from a straight line, gets the greatest amount of elasticity from a piece of wood. 5th. It has double curved cross bars which meet each other at the highest point and are thoroughly bolted together and to the shafts, thus forming a compound brace which holds all parts rigidly in position. 6th. It is perfectly balanced whether one man or more upon the seat, rendering it the easiest in draft of any in the market, with the assurance of no injury or discomfort to the horse. 7th. It being a bar cart, the bars act as a convenient holder for robe or blanket, and as a support to the driver around curves on the race course, or in riding over rough pavements and country roads. No cart is safe without them. 8th. The springs running lengthwise of the bars support them, consequently we have no broken bars. 9th. It is a jogging cart, a road and a pleasure cart combined. It is a jogging cart because its perfect balance grants the horse entire freedom of motion without a hitch or strain to throw him off his feet when speeding, a fault so common in all carts where a leverage is used, besides the peculiar manner of construction in seat and spring insures the driver a steady rein, regardless of the nature of the road, which fact renders our cart a great favorite among horsemen. In ordering always specify width of track, otherwise we ship 4 feet 8 inch track. No. 2. - A TWO PASSENGER CART, WITH SLAT FOOT REST, No. 21/2 A TWO PASSENGER, WITH BODY Our New Cart Body. No Cart is complete without a Body, and finding those made of veneering practically worthless owing to their liability to warp out of shape and go to pieces when exposed to dampness, we have invented one made of narrow strips of wood, headed and matched and so shaped that they can be put tightly together on a curve, making a body not affected by any kind of weather. Being tight it is a dust, dirt and cold excluder, and having sides it is as convenient as the sides of a buggy for holding the robe or blanket tightly about you and for carrying packages and parcels which every one is sure to have with them when out driving for either pleasure or business. This body adds $5.00 to the value of any Cart, but to those purchasing from us or our agents we only charge $2.00 extra. It is light, neat and durable and any dealer will find that it will largely increase his sale of carts by at least keeping samples in stock. Where one goes into a neighborhood others will want one, and many dealers tell us that with them they have worked up a trade on Carts in territory where other two wheeled vehicles have been entirely discarded.