THE MINNESOTA WORKER. Undersigned spoke from John 11:25 to an inter- esting congregation at the home of family at Gil- christ, Minnesota. .C. NELSON, THE BOOK WORK. Canvassers’ Report for Week Ending May 7, 1897. ORDERS TAKEN. Val. Val. Helps. $39.25 $1.10 11.00 1.08 Book Ord. Hrs. P. O. Johuson G. C. 17 Gust Henrikson P. J. 7 I. T. Andrus .O.S 16 12.75 1.60 H. E. Shelstad 21 9.25 .50 Julia A. Johnson 5 3.75 1.60 Ida A. Johnson 17 7.25 Hattie Richiel 10 6.00 Martha Lee 15 7.50 108 195 $96.75 2.50 $8.38 Some of the canvassers have started out whose reports do not appear this week but will in our next issue. Bro. D. A. Deedon started last week and had quite good success for which he is thankful and of good courage. Bro. J. M. Little starts next week for his field of labor. Julia Johnson says that although she has not taken very many orders the past week, it has been a week of rejoicing for her, as she has had so many opportunities to talk of the love of God, and cheer some down-hearted soul every day, AHARRHARARAAIHIRHK ====% ITEMS, i * * MAAAAAAAAAAAFAHAA We are informed that the Signs of the Times has reached a circulation of 40,250 * * * The article for the Sabbath-school column came a little too late for this week’s WORKER. * ¥ 0% Those purchasing tickets to come to the Camp- meeting be sure to take a receipt for the purchase price of the ticket in order to secure rates. * * 0% Bro. Geo. B. Johnson from Minnesota is now in the city engaged in Swedish work. He comes to take the place of Eld. A. J. Stone, who goes to Min- nesota to labor.—/llinois ‘Recorder. * * * Our article promised last week from the pen of Bro. Hiliard was crowded out, or left out because it would keep better than other ‘articles that were necessary to appear in relation to the Camp-meeting. * * * Those wishing tents for the Camp-meeting would confer a favor by ordering at once. Address M. H. Ellis, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. ‘Tents may be had at the following prices: $2.00 for 10x12, $2.50 for 12x14, and $2.75 for 12x16. * * * Bro. C. M. Teachout who was helping to prepare the Camp-ground Tuesday, received word from home in south Minneapolis that his son, Millious, had been kicked by a vicious horse; hurrying home he found his son badly hurt about the face, and one limb bruised and cut. * * * We have a few copies of the Special number of the Sentinel that we will sell at one-half cent each, post-paid, as long as they last. They are just as good to circulate now as two weeks ago as the princi- ples it contains are never old. Order at once of Min- nesota Tract Society. * * * Preliminary work on the Camp-ground has al- ready begun, and several of our ministering breth- ren have already come in from their fields of labor to assist in preparing the Camp; among the latest ar- rivals we notice Eld. J. H. Behrens, C. H. Parker; Bro. Moon and family of Eagle Lake arrived Monday evening and will take charge of the dining tent. * * * As we go to press a gentle rain is falling, and all nature is drinking in the life-giving water, mak- ing old earth look young and fresh again with green leaves, grass, and fragrant flowers; reminding one of the earth made new, exceptingas the blighting curse of sin is seen in the dead and withered leaves and fad- ing flowers, and the memory of the funeral trains that pass our office window nearly every day, telling the sad story that sin and death is not yet abolished. * LE Orders for the Minneapolis Times are coming in very slowly and we fear many are waiting till they come to Camp-meeting before giving in their orders, and will be disappointed with the result as the re- ports will begin to be printed the week of the Work- ers’ Meeting; and by the time your order would be in to the publishers (if you wait till you come to the reg- ular Camp-meeting) three-fourths of the reports will have been published and you are liable to miss them. Order at once. * * * Our Camp-meeting will be quite thorougly ad- vertised throughout the State this year before it be- gins, as we have made arrangements with the pub- lishers of the Signs of the Times "to print a special Camp-meeting edition of May 20, advertising the meeting in Minnesota on the covers of the Signs. Besides the 1,260 copies coming to the regular sub- scribers in Minnesota we have ordered 1,500 extra copies of this issue to be distributed in St. Paul and Minneapolis, just before the meeting begins, The money expended in the purchase of these papers will not be lost if no (ne is induced to attend the meeting from reading the advertisement; for the people will have a good missionary paper placed in their hands, and the seeds of truth will be sown. The Husbandman will see to the watering thereof.