Oo=I=HERN Tool Aids Literature Sales Adventist Church Named as a Historical Site In an effort to acquaint the citizens cf Pittsburg with the city’s history, the Pittsburg Bi- centennial Committee is work- ing on a project to designate about 30 locations as historical sites. The vine-covered, red brick Adventist church has been selected as one of these. Located at Ninth and Cum- berland, the church is one of the oldest in Pittsburg and was originally built by the Method- ist Church about 50 years ago. The building has been owned by Adventists for 12 years. Its spe- cial features are a bell tower and stained-glass windows. Elder Kenneth Smith is the current pastor of Pittsburg’s 150-member congregation. Literature evangelists today have a new sense of urgency in distributing the Spirit of Pro- phecy books. New methods are constantly being incorporated into the literature evangelism program in order to attract and hold the attention of busy and harried people of today. The Conflict of the Ages set and the book, Bible Readings for the Home, make up what is known as the Bible Reference Library. A new audiovisual aid has been developed which shows these books and key 1l- lustrations in them to prospec- tive customers. Several litera- ture evangelists in Northern are using this sales tool success- fully. One lady who at first wanted to buy only a small children's The Pittsburg Adventist Church has been named as a historic site. in November Non-Adventists visited Non-Adventists phoned Non-Adventists studied with Non-Adventists receiving spiritual materials Non-Adventists transported to spiritual meetings Non-Adventists receiving spiritual personal mail Decisions made Baptisms Miles driven Hours worked Volunteer Gospel Workers” November Report Total number Volunteer Gospel Workers reporting eight hours or more Total number of churches reporting witness work during November This is a wonderful report. Praise God for 70 baptisms! Volunteer Gospel Workers in Northern have pioneered a new movement. We are excited about prospects for 1977. This is only the second month churches have been invited fo re- port, and already 43 have responded. Every member in every church is being invited to join the great army of Volunteer Gospel Workers. Please ask your church lay activities secretary for a monthly witness report card and begin to share in this united thrust for Ged. Let us pray for many more baptisms during the coming year. J. B. Church, Director, Lay Activities November Accumulated Report 1976 Report 93 43 2,321 25,920 365 4,452 1,456 12,300 142 2,946 217 3,017 34 396 11 70 8,098 110,108 1,967 26,045 This audiovisual unit is helping literature evangelism. Bible storybook, after viewing the audiovisual unit decided to cet the whole Bible Reference Library set, in addition to the small storybook, for her family. George Grezoroff, Director Publishing Department Crusade Leads Twenty-two persons made decisions for baptism during the two-month Fortuna Bible Speaks Crusade which ended November 20. Thirteen persons have already been baptized, one early in the series and 12 at the close. Meetings were conducted by John and Ellen Klim. Pastors W. A. Hilliard and Tom Van Asperen of Fortuna assisted. Eureka Bible instructor Janet Holloway brought a number of interested persons from that area. Church members gave excel- lent support to the meetings by their faithful attendance. They Sabbath School “He who discerns the oppor- tunities and privileges of his work will allow nothing to stand in the way of earnest en- wes dcavor for self- improve - ment. He will spare no pains to reach the highest stand- ard of excel- lence.” Coun- ms l sels on Sab- bath School Charles Betz yy 1ic, 103, 104. Reaching a higher standard of excellence in Sabbath school work is the continuing objective of the Conference Sabbath Schcol Department. The year 1977 presents new opportunities for high-level performance in Sabbath school work. To help Sabbath school officers, three all-day meetings and eight eve- ESE Northern California Conference Helmuth C. Retzer, president; Rich- ard W. Simons, secretary; Richard H. Roderick, treasurer; (Box 23165) 2300 Norse Drive, Pleasant Hill, California 94523. Phone (415) 687- 1300. Wills, trust agreements and an- nuities should be made in favor of the legal association rather than the conference. For more informa- tion, write to Henry Bergh, direc tor, at the above address. Academy Presents Food Baskets Students and faculty of Gol- den Gate Academy prepared food baskets for eight needy families in the Bay Area dur- ing the Thanksgiving season. Each class was assigned the preparation of a food basket. Originality and creativity were expressed during the week-long project of assembling and dec- orating each basket. Some classes brought home- baked specialties, fruits, nuts and candies for the children. Even household items such as napkins, paper plates and pa- per towels were included In some of the decorated baskets. In traditional style the bas- kets were displayed before the students during a special chap- el service on Wednesday, No- vember 24. Principal William Wright expressed his apprecia- tion to each class group for their generosity. Faculty members and stu- to 22 Baptisms worked hard behind the scenes to make it possible for the meetings to run smoothly throughout the campaign. Although the population of Fortuna is small (about 4,000), at least 130 non-members regis- tered during the series. About 30 of these attended quite reg- ularly. Many victories were seen as the Spirit of God worked upon seeking hearts. Some who de- cided for baptism face consid- erable opposition. We seek an interest in your prayers for them. John Klim, Conference Evangelist ning meetings are planned for January. Superintendents, assistant superintendents, secretaries, In- vestment lead- ers and exten- sion leaders should plan to attend one of these meetings. Emphasis will be on reaching § a higher stand- Vernon Flor ard of —excel- Y lence in lead- ership and administration. Features of the seminars will be problem clinics, demonstra- dents made the deliveries that afternoon to homes in Emery- ville, Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond. GGA staff plans to keep in touch with the families helped and renew contact at Christ- mas in a meaningful and tan- gible way. Carol Moses, GGA Correspondent Five-day Plans Held at Vacaville Prison Almest 100 prisoners at the California Medical Facility in Vacaville have attended two Five-Day Plans held there since November. At the request of the inmates, the Vacaville Church and Northern's Health Services Department have sponsored these programs, with Elders Robert Larsen and Charles Edwards leading out. Because many more persons attended the first class than prison officials had anticipated, and because the chapel was not large enough to accommodate all of them, a plan was agreed upon to hold a series of smaller Five-Day Plans with about 50 persons in attendance at each. This program is currently be- ing followed. Three additional Plans are being considered for the future. Many men have found f{ree- dom from tobacco in these pro- orams and have expressed their gratitude to the Adventist Church for making the pro- grams available in their special circumstances. Charles G. Edwards, Director Health Services Officers’ Training Seminars Slated tions, group problem-solving and audiovisuals. Special class- es will be held in these topics. Conference Sabbath School Director Charles Betz and El- der Vernon Flory, until recently Sabbath school director of the Oregon Conference, will lead the seminars. Elder Joe Quinn and Ethel Crocker will be among those assisting. COMPANY ONE January 7, 7:30 p.m. January 8 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Camino Adventist Church ALL-DAY SEMINARS - 9:30 A.M.-4:30 F.M. (potluck lunch) Sacramento Union Academy PUC Prep School Chapel Conference Office EVENING SEMINARS - 7:30 P.M. Sabbath January 8 Sabbath January 15 Sabbath January 22 Sunday January 9 Monday January 10 Tuesday January 11 Wednesday ~~ January 12 Sunday January 16 Monday January 17 Tuesday January 18 Sunday January 23 Ukiah Church Arcata-McKinleyville Church Redding Church Yreka Church Paradise Church Lodi Fairmont Church Auburn Church Placerville Church We are requesting that each person bring one good idea to share with the group. This is your Invitation to Ex- cellence. Sabbath School Department PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1976