., ~ ts | po ~ 17 id = be wr ’ AB EE A D rT J 7 3 me 5 Fy iene rep, — on Loma I.inda, California, September 4, 1907. Mrs. E.G.White, Sanitarium, Cale, Dear Sister,=== I received your letter of Kugust 29, in- quiring in reference to the Los Angeles campe-meetinge. This was the largest meeting ever held in Southern California, there being near- ly three hundred family tents pitched on the ground; on the Sabbaths there must have heen nearly two thousand people gathered together. The work has grown greatly the last two years in this part of the state. On the whole, the meetl ngs were well attended, considering the time they continued. The outside, attendance, however, was not very great, as the meeting was on the outskirts of the city . Quite a number, however, were baptized; I think about sixty at the close of the camp-meet ing, many of them belng younger members. The meet- ings among the young people were especially good; many gave their hearts to the Lords | The business meetings were a great perplexity and a wearing load from beginning to finish. - There was an incessant battle kept up against Loma Linda, both publicly and privately. Certain ones seem ed to feel it their special mission to fight the work being done here. However, the Lord gave me grace to keep quiet most of the time; occasionally I tried to give a word of explanation, which was invariably met with a storm of orposition . I therefore finally concluded the least sald , the better, and walted the outcore. Just at the 2losing meeting, your communications sent to prother White ‘were read to a few of the most prominent opponents, which silenced