seed, and heirs according to the promise. My dear brother, my dear sister, if you or I have the ineffably glorious privilege of being one of the one hundred and forty-four thousand, having the Father's name written in our foreheads, sealed with the seal of the living God, keeping his blessed Sabbath holy, it is because we are Israelites indeed; and God, who 1s the God of order, will give us our place in one of the tribes of Israel. In which tribe vou will be enrolled, or I, God knows. We cannot say. But unless we are Israelites, we have no part or lot in this matter. Let us be faithful, and therefore blessed with faithful Abraham, and it may be God’s will that we shall be among the one hundred and forty-four thousand of the twelve tribes of the true spiritual Israel, princes of God, overcomers, con- querors in the conflict, that we may enter in through the gates into the city, and eat of the tree of life, and rejoice in the deathless land, in the victory over death and the grave. Are you to-day, my brother, my sister, an Israelite indeed? EI THE LORD’S DAY Frank Peabody Jesus Curist is the one who created all things. John 1:1-3, 10, 14; Col. I: 14-16; Heb. 1:1, 2; Eph. 3:9. God the Father corresponds to the architect, Jesus Christ to the one who does the work, carrving out the plans laid. But at creation he was not yet known as either Jesus or Christ, but as God. He was God the Son. This name he ob- tained by inheritance from his Father. Heb. 1:4. He was called “Lord” at the creation. Verses 8 - 10. He became Jesus (Saviour) at his birth. Matt. 1: 21 and Christ (the anointed) at his bap- tism. Compare Luke 3:22 with Acts 10: 38. It is God the Son of whom it is writ- ten: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth;” for it has been shown that he is the creator of all things. As it was the Son who did the work, it must have been the Son who rested, sanctified, and blessed the Sabbath day of Gen. 2:2, 3. Therefore he could say with peculiar force, “The Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.” And the Sabbath, the seventh day, is the Lord’s day, because he rested on that day, THE WATCHMAN blessed that day, set that day apart for a holy use and claimed it as his own. And when Eusebius said, in the fourth century, “All things whatsoever it was 181 duty to do on the Sabbath, these we have transferred to the Lords day” (Sun- day), he spoke for those who “ stole the livery of heaven to serve the devil in.” 5 30 AF RA I b THOUGHTS FOR THE TEMPTED G. W. Stilson READER, do you meet with temptation and trouble along life's pathway? Are you sometimes discouraged at the diffi- culties before you? Do you become weary of meeting the perplexities of life, and possibly feel that it is useless to keep up the struggle? Do not lose sight of the fact that these experiences, though not “ for the present joyous, but grievous,” if you endure them patiently, and stand firm and true, will be the means of developing in you a strength of character which will some day cause you to thank God for them. These trials may be the very thing God knows vou need. In fact, if you love God, they surely will work for your good ; for “we know that all things work to- gether for good to them that love God.” Rom. 8:28. ““ But,” some one may say, “I have en- dured bitter experiences, and have done that which I believe to be in harmony with the character Jesus manifested; yet the result has been worse, seemingly, than if I had not endeavored so care- fully to exemplify his principles in my life, and it seems to weaken me instead of making me stronger.” Yes, dear brother, dear sister, this may be your experience; it has been that of others. But, nevertheless, God is faith- ful. Do not give up to these feelings. Cling to God in faith. Say in your heart, as did Job, “ Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.” “ When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Job 13:15; 23: I0. Even though experience seems to weaken your faith, do not be discouraged. “ Cast not away therefore your confi- dence, which hath great recompense of reward; for ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” Heb. 10:35, 36. Notice that, even after you have done the will of God, you have need of patience; and do not be discouraged if vou find trial still permitted to develop Remember, too, the prom- that grace. ise that your confidence will receive great recompense of reward. If faithful, you will find that, even when you felt that you were weakening under the trial, God was working to strengthen you, and to prepare you for usefulness here and a home with him hereafter. Then let the very trials through which you pass be a source of encouragement to you. Let them be stepping-stones to lift you heavenward. ‘God never tries a soul unless there is gold in him.” If you have trials, let them be to you as- surances that God loves you, and that he sees in you enough of the true gold of character so that he wishes to save you. Leave yourself in his hands, and be as- sured that he will not fail to accomplish his blessed purpose. I DOING KIND THINGS Have you ever noticed how much of Christ's life was spent in doing kind things — in merely doing kind things? Run over it with that in view, and you will find that he spent a great proportion of his time simply in making people happy, in doing good turns to people. There is only one thing greater than hap- piness in the world, and that is holiness; and it is not in our keeping. But what God has put in our power is the happi- ness of those about us, and that is largely to be secured by our being kind to them. “The greatest thing,” says some one, “ 2 man can do for his heavenly Father is to be kind to some of his other chil- dren.” 1 wonder why it is that we are not all kinder than we are? How much the world needs it! How easily it is done! How instantaneously it acts! How infallibly it is remembered! How superabundantly it pays itself back! For there is no debt in the world so hon- orable, so superbly honorable, as love.— Henry Drummond. SE SF SP ““ Gop accepts faith at the cross, but he will demand character at the judgment.”