Andrews Alumni Are people serving... ¢ Their local churches, chapters, communities. e Their vocations and professions. e Their University and its students. x i Hyde Park Community Hospital A Caring Hospital for a Caring Community. H. Park Community Hospital, located near the shores of Lake Michigan in Hyde Park, serves Hyde Park and surrounding Chicago communities. Our 235 bed medical-surgical hospital leads the area in health care for many reasons. ® University of Chicago affiliate ® Primary care nursing ® Newly-renovated facility ® Large inpatient/outpatient surgery program ® Urgent Care Center ® Adult and Adolescent New Day Center for substance abuse treatment ® Advanced radiology and nuclear medicine programs For more information concerning Hyde Park Community Hospital, please call (312) 643-9200, ext. 208. For information regarding employment at Hyde Park Community Hospital, please call (312) 643-9200, ext. 382.