Friday, June 19 The Claim to Humanity OPINION Key Text: Ps. 139:16 Procreation in human terms has come to be viewed dispassion- ately. A sperm joins with an egg to form a single cell. That cell then divides. As it continues to di- vide, it becomes an embryo. The American Heritage Dictionary defines an embryo as: “An or- ganism in its early stages of development, especially before it has reached a distinctively recog- nizable form . . . in humans, the pre-fetal product of conception up to the beginning of the third month of pregnancy.” As the embryo continues to mature, it becomes a fetus. Again a defi- nition according to the same dictionary: “The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate [offspring that lives in its mother’s womb]; in humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week to the moment of birth.” According to our legal system, it is only after the 24th week of existence that this lump of or- ganic material has any possible legal rights as a human being. There are people who insist that the cell/embryo/fetus has no claim to humanity until it is born. But what is God’s perspective of an unborn child? How does the Creator view His creation? Psalm 139:13, 15 give information as to when God views us as humans: when we were knit together, when we were woven together in our mother’s womb. How does God value us at this point? Verse 16 gives further evidence: “Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (NIV). At the time when we were being knit in our mother’s womb, God knew what would happen to us every single day of our lives. This knowl- edge does not apply merely to our earthly life, but to our heavenly days as well. At the moment of conception, God sees us as we are, then, a single cell; and He knows our entire life for all eternity, pro- viding, of course, we choose a life that leads to eternity. God’s intimate knowledge of us, as described in Psalm 139, de- clares that there is no point in our lives that God does not care enough about us to know every- thing there is to know about us. He knows us from the moment of conception, He cares about our daily activities, and He knows every one of our days before they ever come to be. REACT How does Ps. 139 affect your views on abortion? 1. The American Heritage Dictionary (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985), p. 499. 2. Ibid., p. 448. by Lynette M. Wilcox Lynette M. Wilcox has received her master’s degree in music from the New England Conservatory of Music and is currently pursuing a career in opera. 101