QUARTERLY REVIE ORGAN OF THE - OUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION _ of the General Conference of SDA. ERY DECEMBER 1938 NUMBER 4 Dear fellow believers in the Advent Message * Greetings ! The annual Council! of the Southern European Division, insession at Lausanne, Switzerland, devo- ted much time to a consideration of the spiritual needs of both our ministers and our people. We are facing today conditions that are giving mankind the deepest concern. Men's hearts are failing them for fear for looking after those things that are coming on the earth. Only those who are studying God's word in the light of the propheciesare able to give a clear answer to the question: “What do these things mean?” Speaking of our time, the angel said to the prophet Daniel, “Many shall be purified and made white and true: but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand: but the wise shall understand.” The special need for this time is for a deeper experien- ce in the things of God, a whole-hearted turning away from every sin, and receiving into our hearts the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. A great work is to be done in all our churches in setting before our people the need of soul-cleans- ing. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3: 2-3). Let us live close to God's holy word, for there is power in that word to break the grip of sin upon our lives. The writ- ings of the Spirit of prophecy should be given earnest attention, as those writings were given to God's remnant people to instruct them regarding the things that are shortly to come to pass. A revi- val of true godliness is to be seen in all our church- es, and it is time for this to come to pass. We also need to be on our guard against the dangers of which our Saviour spoke when telling His disciples about the conditions that would pre- vail in the last days:“And take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with drunkenness, and care of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares” (Luke 21: 34). “And be- Message from the Winter Council cause iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matt. 24: 12). Again we are warned against manifestations that “if it were possible would deceive the very elect” (Matt. 24: 24). Satan's most successful way of deceiving God's people is by sending among them those who make a high profession of holiness, but who sow the seeds of doubt in the church concerning the ministry and their fellow believers. Thus he plans to bring in division and prevent the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer that His disciples might be one as He and the Father are one. In this way he plans to cause weakness where the church should be strong and united. Against all these dangers we should be on our guard. Anyone who sows the seeds of division in the church is working with the powers of darkness, no matter what pretensions he may make to piety and to spiritual leadership. Our hearts have been greatly cheered as we have listened to the reports of progress which the work of God is making even in lands where bitter persecution is the lot of the believers. The Spirit of God is at work upon human hearts, and souls are coming to the light in great numbers. At the same time we have been very unhappy to find that the funds at our command do not enable us to help the needy mission fields during 1939 as we would like to; but the money at our disposal has been distributed in the best way possible, and we are confident that in the months to come the Lord of the harvest will impress men and women with means to remember God’s cause in a special way while their gifts may be used for the salvation of souls. We believe our people will rally in a strong way to provide the necessary means for quickly finishing the work committed into our hands by our Saviour. May the rich blessing of Heaven rest upon all our faithful people, and may we be kept true to God during the storm that is soon to break. Faithfully your brethren, A.V. Orson, President. W.R. Beach, Secretary.