LES30N 14 --- WE FLOOD AWD THI FOSSILS I. Te Three Theories about thie Fossils a) Made before the Creation of Genesis I -- Preadamite Theory b) " during " " n -- Day-age Theory--- Evolution c) " after 1" 1" 1 7" ——~=The Flood Theory Higtory of these three theories Natural results following each theory II. Facts about the Foggils l, Found almost everywhere--- in all the mount.ing, under all the cities. all our coal, oil, are fogsiliferous products. 2. The geological timetable ( classification into ages ) is a purely artificial arrangement, because: a) No place on earth where they all occur thus together; b) No bottom fossils for the world as a whole; hence there is no place to he in the series; c) Many instances of ‘persistent " +tyves, also of "gkippingi" d) Deceptive Conformities; e) llany examples of "thrust faults." Since the geological series is an artificial affair, there is no way to prove the common time-digtinctionsgs between the fossils. idence, all of the fogsils may have lived contemporaneously, and may have been caused by the Flood. IIT. The alleged chronological order of the fogsils is the only objective or scientific argument against the Flood Theory. But it is not valid. Hence, as this alleged time-value of the fossils is removed, the Flood Theory stands as the hest scientific explanation of the Fossils IV. From gall this it follows that we have in the fossils from gll parts of the world genuine objective evidences of the most stupendous physical event, what may be called the greatest physical miracle, which has ever taken place on this old earth.