• BOLETIN DE LA DIVISION SUDAMERICANA • South American Division . � % \ 00‘ � „to S4 \, ‘‘.4\ � • ..0\ \ J ‘4 '44 \ Y YEAR 196 6 JULIO - SEPTIEMBRE DE 1966 N93 AfO 42 1916 GOLDEN A A LAND OF TODAY • ARGENTINA • SOLI!//A • BRAZ/Z. • CH/LE • ECUADOR • PARAGUAY • PERU • URUGUAY • OUR GOAL TO BAPTIZE 21.600 SOULS FRESIPENTV MIME UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN AFTER eight years of most enjoyable service among you as God's people in South America, it is with a bit of a heavy heart that I leave you. I have learned to love and appreciate you each and every one as we have struggled together, through God's grace and power, for the building up of God's work in all parts of this great continent. In the words of the Psalmist we can truly say, "The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad." (Psalms 126: 3). Mrs. Aitken, my daugther Judy, my sons John and Jerry, all join me in thanking a great multitude of friends and members of God's family for all of your kindnesses to us since our arrival in South America from Europe in the year 1958. We have all greatly appreciated the fine Christian Latin spirit of brother- hood that has been manifested among all peoples here. I thank God for your sacrifices and consecrated efforts over the past eight years as we have gone out into the highways and byways to bring in the lost to the fold of our great Shepherd, Jesus Christ. How our hearts have been cheered as a great multitude of over 100,000 people have been baptized in this short period of time! I firmly believe, however, that the best days for the South American Division are just ahead of us. It seems to me that the ground is being prepared for a much greater harvest of souls in the future. If we use every means that God has given us for the finishing of His work, we will see the Advent Message spread like wildfire to every part of this great continent. I am indeed happy that you have a fine new pres- ident in the person of Elder Roger Wilcox who has had many years of experience in Latin America. I have often personally been inspired by his leadership in Brazil as well as in the Middle East Division. Mrs. Aitken and I wish Elder and Mrs. Wilcox God's richest blessings as they take up their duties in this great land of opportunity! As I take up my duties now as Radio and Television secretary of the General Conference, I wish to ask an interest in your prayers that we may use this modern miracle of science to the fullest extent for a speedy finishing of the message as we reach the multitudes bringing salvation and a better way of life to those who sit in darkness. My deepest, heartfelt thanks go to Elder Nigri and Elder Hartman, our Division officers, for their kind support and cooperation, along with each member of our Division family here in Montevideo where I am writing these last lines of greeting. To each of you as union and local conference presidents, with your loyal corps of workers, I wish to express my deepest appreciation for your consecrated efforts. To each of you as God's people I pray that our kind Heavenly Father may sustain you and uphold you until we meet again—whether it be on this earth or the earth made new. "Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in HASTA QUE NOS ENCONTREMOS OTRA VEZ DESPUES de ocho alios del mas agradable servicio entre vosotros como pueblo de Dios en Sudamerica, es con tristeza en el corazon que me alejo. He apren- dido a amar y a apreciar a cada uno de vosotros al luchar juntos con la gracia y el poder de Dios para la edification del trabajo de Dios en todas partes de este gran continente. Con las palabras del salmista puedo verdaderamente decir: "Grandes cosas ha hecho Jehova con nosotros; estaremos alegres" (Salmo 126: 3). Mi esposa y mis hijos Judy, John y Jerry, agradecen a todos los amigos de la familia de Dios por la amabi- lidad que manifestaron hacia nosotros desde nuestra llegada de Europa, en 1958, a la Division Sudamericana. Hemos apreciado grandemente el bello espiritu cristiano latino de la hermandad que han manifestado todas las personas aqui. Agradezco vuestro sacrificio y consagrado esfuerzo durante los pasados ocho alms, durante los cuales hemos salido por todas partes para traer a los perdidos al rebafio de nuestro gran Pastor, Jesucristo. Nuestros corazones se han regocij ado por la gran multitud de mas de 100.000 personas que han sido bautizadas en este corto periodo. Firmemente creo, sin embargo, que mejores dias para Sudamerica estan ante nosotros. El terreno esta siendo preparado para una gran cose- cha de almas en el futuro. Si usamos cada talento que Dios nos ha dado, en la termination de su obra, veremos que el mensaje adventista se extenders como el fuego, rapidamente, a todas partes de este gran continente. Estoy muy feliz pues teneis un muy buen presidente en la persona del pastor Roger Wilcox, quien ha tenido muchos aiios de experiencia en Latinoamerica. Yo he sido personalmente inspirado por su trabajo en Brasil como tambien en la Division del Cercano Oriente. Mi esposa y yo deseamos al pastor Wilcox y a su esposa abundantes bendiciones de Dios al hacerse cargo de esta nueva tarea en esta gran tierra de opor- tunidad. Como mi nuevo trabajo ahora es el de secretario de Radio y Television en la Asociacion General, deseo pediros que recordeis en vuestras oraciones este moder- no milagro de la ciencia para que podamos usarlo de tal manera que el mensaje sea llevado rapidamente a las multitudes que yacen en la oscuridad, proporcionando- les salvation y un mejor modo de vida. Mi sincero agradecimiento al pastor Nigri y al pastor Hartman, dirigentes de nuestra division, por vuestro gentil apoyo y cooperation, como tambien a cada miembro de la familia de la division aqui en Montevideo, donde estoy escribiendo estas filtimas palabras de saludo. Deseo agradecer tambien a cada presidente de union y campo local con su leal cuerpo de obreros por el consagrado esfuerzo realizado. Oro a Dios para que nuestro Padre celestial os sostenga a cada uno hasta que nos volvamos a ver, si no fuera posible en esta tierra, en la tierra nueva. "Resta, hermanos, que tengais gozo, seais perfectos, tengais consolation, sintais una misma cosa, tengais COVER PICTURE: Pastor Marvin Fehrenbach baptizing at the Nevati Mission Station in the Peruvian jungle. The Upper Amazon Mission set a new record in 1965. The nrignial baptismal goal of 350 was passed long ago and it now appears, in 496k.' they will baptize almost 500 people in the Upper Amazon Mission. 2 IIIIMMI 1 'Is," SUDAMERICA - TIERRA DE HOY 1966 es el afio del cincuentenario de la organization de la Division Sudamericana. Y al mirar retrospectiva- mente, podemos ver que fueron 50 ailos de progreso para Dios y su causa. En 1916, cuando la Division Sudamericana de los Adventistas del Septimo Dia fue organizada en La Plata, Argentina, contaba solamente con 4.903 miembros. Eran fervorosos y estaban listos aun a dar su sangre por la causa, si fuera necesario. No hace mucho tiempo tuve el privilegio de visitar la estacion misionera de Laro y las escuelas entre los indios quechuas, situadas a /lids de 3.000 metros de altura en la costa del Lago Titicaca, en el altiplano del Peru. Hay justamente detras de la estacion misionera, una pequefia colina con las tumbas de doce martires que dieron sus vidas para Cristo hace mas de 50 arias. Incitados por los dirigentes religiosos, una Banda de indigenas armados y a cabana atacaron a 300 hom- bres, mujeres y nilms, cuando estaban terminando de construir la escuela de Laro, bajo la direction del Hno. Pedro Kalbermatter. Muchos de ellos fueron atacados y heridos; pero doce fueron muertos sin misericordia, golpeados y atropellados por los caballos mientras esta- ban arrodillados con sus manos en alto orando por sus vidas. Este fue el espiritu y el coraje con que se comenze nuestro trabajo en Sudamerica. El espiritu de sacrificio trajo progreso y el establecimiento de nuestra obra. Hoy tenemos mas de 170.000 miembros en los ocho paises que forman la Division Sudamericana. Y aquel espiritu de sacrificio, lealtad y fe es hoy tan firme como antes, ya sea en el interior como en las grandes y modernas ciudades de este continente. No hace much() tiempo un colportor fue a una pe- queria eiudad. Poco tiempo despues de haber llegado tuvo que escaparse de ese Lugar. Se encontrO con el presidente de la mision, y levantandose la pierna del pantalon, le mostro las heridas que tenia. Entonces le dijo al presidente que sus piernas estaban heridas por la persecution que habia sufrido en aquella ciudad donde lo querian matar. "Pero —a/ladle— yo volvere a aquella ciudad a terminar el trabajo". Volvio y Dios lo bendijo abundantemente. Este es el espiritu que mueve hoy los corazones de los obreros y laicos aqui en la Division Sudamericana. Nuestro gran cometido es el evangelismo en todas las lineas de trabajo; necesitamos terminar la obra. Estamos usando a todos los hombres para llevar el nombre de Jesus a toda nation, tribu, lengua y pueblo en nuestra division. El espiritu del gran misionero del siglo pasado, Fernando Stahl, todavia vive en el siglo XX, en las alas del avian que lleva su nombre, volando sobre la selva peruana; si, vive tambien en nuestro programa de radio, television, en nuestros libros, sanatorios y hospi- tales; colegios misioneros, lanchas medicas, fabricas de alimentos, en el coraz6n de nuestros valientes misioneros de hoy y en el coraje de nuestros evangelistas. —M. S. Nigri SOUTH AMERICA, LAND OF TODAY This year, 1966, marks the 50th Anniversary of the organization of the South American Division; and looking back retrospectively we can say that they have been 50 years of progress for the Lord and His Cause. In 1916, when the South American Division of Se- venth-day Adventists was organized in La Plata, Argen- tina, there were only 4.903 members in the Division. They were faithful and ready to give even their life blood for the Lord. Not too long ago it was my privilege to visit our Laro Mission Station and school among the Quechua Indians, situated at an altitude of over 10.000 feet on the shores of Lake Titicaca in the highlands of Peru. There, just behind the mission station, is a little hill with the graves of 12 martyrs who gave their lives for the Lord almost 50 years ago. Incited by religious leaders, a band of native Indians, armed and on horseback, attacked 300 men, women and children when they were finishing the building of the school at Laro under the direction of Pedro Kalbermatter. Many of them were attacked and injured, but 12 of them were killed without mercy, shot and trampled by the horses while they were kneeling with their hands upraised, pleading for their lives. It was with this spirit and courage that our work was started in South America. The spirit of sacrifice brought progress and stability to the work. Today we have more than 170,000 members in the eight countries which make up the South American Division; but that spirit of sacrifice, loyalty, and faithfulness is just as strong today, whether it is found in the interior or in the large modern cities of the continent. Not long ago a colporteur visited a small village. A short time later he had to escape for his life. He met the president of the mission, and lifting his trouser legs, showed him his injuries. He told the president the wounds were due to persecution he suffered in that village where the people were intent on killing him. "But," he said to the mission president, "I will return to that village and finish the work." He did return, and the Lord blessed him abundantly. It is this spirit that moves the hearts of workers and laymen in South America today. Our greatest concern is evangelism in all lines of the work; we need to finish the task. We are using all the men and means to take the name of Jesus to each nation, kindred, tongue, and people in our Division. The spirit of that great mis- sionary of the 19th Century, Fernando Stahl, still lives in the 20th Century, on the wings of the airplane which bears his name, flying over the Peruvian jungle. It also lives in our radio and television programs, our literature ministry, our sanitariums and hospitals, colleges, medical launches, food factories, in the heart of each courageous modern missionary, and in the courage of our evangelists. M. S. N. peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you." (2 Cor. 13: 11). With this assurance let us lift up our hearts and rejoice that our redemption is drawing nigh. Let us work and pray while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work. May the God of peace keep and guide you all as you move forward to greater achieve- ments in His power. stt.CZ9,ailet$4/1 President paz y el Dios de paz y de caridad sera con vosotros" (2 Corintios 13: 11). Con esta confianza en nuestros corazones, vamos a dejaros, regocijandonos porque nuestra redencion este. cerca. Vamos a trabajar y orar mientras hay tiempo, porque la noche viene cuando nadie puede obrar. Que el Dios de paz os guarde y guie a todos al it hacia la conquista de grandes realizaciones con su poder. c=96;239.aat Presidente 3 SOUTH AMERICA IN THE LAST QUADRENNIUM: 10 OUTSTANDING EVENTS REMEMBERING the last General Conference Session in Detroit when reports were given of the activities of different departments during the last four years, 1962-65, we also want to give our readers a summary of the ten most important events which took place in the South American Division in the past quadrennium. 1. The South American Division passed the 165,000 mark in church membership by December 31, 1965, and 170,000 in Sabbath School mem- bership. There was a net gain of 45,239 new members over the four- year period. In nine years we almost doubled our membership. (December 31, 1956, we had a membership of 85,581.) 2. Evangelism: a. 69,466 were baptized and accepted on profession of faith in this period. In 1965 alone, 19,650 were added to the church by baptism and profession of faith. b. Evangelists are baptizing in each series, 100, 200, 300, and even up to 400 people, as was done in Arequipa, Peru, and Sao Paulo, Bra- zil. In the campaign being conducted in Santiago, Chile, it is expected from 500 to 700 will be baptized early in 1966. c. 1965 was Evangelism Year for Buenos Aires, and four evange- listic campaigns were held simul- taneously. Up to the present, 700 have been added to the church and three new churches have been or- ganized. Thirteen new groups have sprung up in Buenos Aires during 1964 and 1965. d. In Brazil, an average of 1,000 people were baptized each month during 1965. By March 31, 1966, the membership in Brazil was 100,129. e. Sao Paulo, in southern Brazil, is perhaps the city with the largest Seventh-day Adventist population in the world, outside the United States. 4 The Municipal Theater in Santiago, Chile, with seats for 1,625, where Antonio Arteaga conducted two simultaneous evangelistic campaigns and has already baptized nearly 500. In this city there are 96 churches with 14,000 members, as of December 31, 1965. f. The Voice of Youth and MV Target were launched in this qua- drennium also, and 2,891 were bap- tized by the direct work of our young people. g. The child evangelism pro- gram has begun to spread through our Sabbath Schools. 3. Development of field adminis- tration: a. The Chile Union was formed, consisting of three local fields, a senior college, a day academy, a clinic, a Seventh-day Adventist Wel- fare Service center, and a branch of the Buenos Aires Publishing House in Santiago, in addition to many primary schools. b. The Northeast Brazil Mission was granted conference status. c. A new mission was formed, the North Chile Mission. 4. The colporteurs sold a total of US$ 7,108,860.00 worth of books and won 5,496 souls in the last quad- rennium. Outside North America, our Division had the highest de- liveries and sales in the world. 5. The airplane work was started in the Peruvian jungle and extended to the Beni region of Bolivia. At present there are six airplanes in operation in the Division as part of the program to penetrate into the heart of the continent. Plans are laid to extend this work with the addition of two more airplanes in Brazil, one on the Amazon, and the other in Bahia. In one year the pioneer airplane, "Fernando Stahl" saved 60 lives in the jungle area of Peru, and in one and a half years, treated 3,559 people. 6. Six new launches and three new mobile clinics were inaugurated. In all, we have fifteen launches and three mobile clinics at present. Following is a summary of the work being done by the 18 medical units, over the past four years: Number of people who attended meetings: 183,884 Number of people baptized: 954 Number who received treatments or medicine: 264,918 Number of treatments given: 376,821 7. Advance of the medical work: a. A new hospital has been opened in Hohenau, Paraguay. Cons- truction has begun on two new hospitals in Argentina, and a new clinic was opened in Bahia, Brazil. b. Seven hospitals have impro- ved their facilities by expanding their capacity and enlarging buil- dings. c. Six medical institutions have started a construction program with the addition of new buildings, which will increase their capacity three times; actually, they will be new hospitals. These institutions are the following: American Clinic, Quito, Ecuador; Paraguay Adventist Sani- tarium, Asuncion; Penfigo Adventist Hospital, Brazil; River Plate Sani- tarium, Argentina; Sao Paulo Hos- pital, Brazil, and the Belem Hospital, Brazil. d. The Belgrano Clinic in Ar- gentina, the Good Hope Clinic in Peru, and the Silvestre Hospital in Brazil will also start construction programs. e. We now have 16 hospitals and 5 clinics and dispensaries in the Division. 8. Progress of the educational work: a. Six new secondary schools and a number of new courses have emerged in the past quadrennial period. b. Senior college status in the- ology has been granted to Inca Union College, Chile College, and Northeast Brazil College. This is one of the 15 medical the various rivers of the Sou is shown the medical mission quarters on the Araguaia HI territory of 1,500 Teniendo en vista el Ultimo Con- greso de la Asociacion General rea- lizado en Detroit, donde se presen- taron los informes de las actividades de los diversos departamentos en onary launches in operation on ierican Division. In the photo 3,unch "Pioneira" at its head- razil, from which it works a teters of the river. SUDAMERICA EN EL ULTIMO CUADRIENIO 10 ACONTECIMIENTOS IMPORTANTES c. At present we have 24 aca- demies and colleges. 9. Most of the presidents of the eight countries which make up the South American Division, have be- come acquainted with some part of our work. One of them made an official visit to two of our institu- tions, leaving behind him words of encouragement and appreciation. Truly, we have plenty of liberty in all eight countries of our Division. 10. Miscellaneous: a. The first floating school in the denomination was opened on one of the floating islands in Lake Ti- ticaca, Peru, for the Uros Indians. There are 45 young people in at- tendance, and 50 Uros mothers are also studying. b. L. C. Scofield was decorated by the Minas Gerais State government in Brazil for meritorious service to the nation and the state. c. The Five-Day Plan to stop smoking was launched and proved to be a great success. d. The Uruguay Academy Food Factory near Montevideo, was esta- blished. e. The participation of the Se- venth-day Adventist Church in wel- fare work in Chile following the earthquake of March, 1965, is no- teworthy. f. A branch of the Buenos Aires Publishing House was established in Santiago, Chile. g. The first evangelistic center in South America was inaugurated, with offices also for the Brazil Voice of Prophecy, in Rio de Janeiro, Bra- zil. This center includes offices, an auditorium seating 1,500 people, and the best radio studios in the city. Outside the United States, ours is the Division with the largest number of Voice of Prophecy broadcasts in the world. Of the total 2,500 sta- tions broadcasting this program, mo- re than 500 are in South America. M. S. N. The floating school located on Lake Titicaca serves the educational, physical, and spiritual needs of the Uros Indians. During a recent visit, John Wesley Jones, U. S. ambassador, received an appropiate gift of a balsa boat. He spoke very highly of Seventh-day Adventist work. los illtimos cuatro afios de 1962 a 1965, deseamos dar tambien a nues- tros lectores un resumen de los diez acontecimientos mas importantes rea- lizados en la DivisiOn Sudamericana en el ultimo cuadrienio. 1. La Division Sudamericana pas6 la cantidad de 165.000 miembros de iglesia el 31 de diciembre de 1965, y los 170.000 miembros de escuela sa- Utica. Hubo un aumento neto de 45.239 nuevos miembros sobre el periodo anterior. Necesitamos 9 afios para casi duplicar nuestra feligresia. (El 31 de diciembre de 1956 tenia- mos 85.581 miembros.) 2. Evangelismo: a. 69.466 personas fueron bautiza- das y aceptadas por profesion de fe en este periodo. 19.650 recibidas por bautismo y profesi6n de fe so- lamente en 1965. b. Los evangelistas estan bautizan- do en sus series, 100, 200, 300 y a veces hasta 400 como fue hecho en Arequipa, Peril y San Pablo, Brasil. En Santiago, Chile, en una campaiia realizada a principios de este alio, esperan bautizar de 500 a 700 per- sonas. c. 1965 fue el afio del Evangelis- mo en Buenos Aires, ya que se realizaron cuatro campaiias simul- taneamente. Hasta el presente, 700 personas han sido agregadas a la iglesia y se organizaron tres nuevas iglesias. Tambien trece nuevos gru- pos han surgido en Buenos Aires du- rante 1964 y 1965. d. En Brasil, un promedio de 1.000 personas fueron bautizadas cada mes durante 1965. El 31 de marzo de 1966 teniamos 100.129 miembros bau- tizados en Brasil. e. San Pablo en el sur del Brasil es la ciudad con la mayor pobla- adventista en el mundo, fuera de los Estados Unidos. El 31 de diciembre de 1965 habia 96 iglesias con 14.000 miembros. f. La Voz de la Juventud y Meta MV fueron impulsadas tambien en este cuadrienio y 2.891 personas se bautizaron por el trabajo directo de nuestros jovenes. g. Tambien el evangelismo infan- til comenza a extenderse mediante las escuelas sabaticas. 3. Desarrollo administrativo de los campos: a. Fue organizada la Union Chile- na con tres campos locales, un cole- gio superior, un liceo, una clinica, un centro de asistencia social y una sucursal de la Casa Editora en San- tiago de Chile, ademas de muchas escuelas primarias. b. La Mision Nordeste del Brasil paso a ser asociacion. c. Se fundo una nueva misiOn, la Mision de Chile Norte. 4. Los colportores vendieron un total de 7.108.860 Mares de libros y ganaron 5.496 almas en el Ultimo cuadrienio. Fuera de Norteamerica, nuestra division fue la que mas en- trego y vendio en el mundo. 5. El trabajo con los aviones co- menzo en la selva peruana y se ex- tendio hasta la region del Beni en Bolivia. Actualmente tenemos seis aviones en accion como parte del programa de penetrar en el cora- zon del continente. Hay planes de extender este trabajo con dos avio- nes mas en Brasil, uno en la zona del Amazonas y el otro en Bahia. 5 How the new Sao Paulo Hospital will look like, with a capacity for 110 beds. Part of your offering on the 13th Sabbath, Decem- ber 31, 1966, will help build this hospital. Dr. Gunther Hans, medical director of the Penfigo Ad- ventist Hospital, with one of the hundreds of patients treated. Your 13th Sabbath offering will help them have a better hospital. THE LARGEST OFFERING A FEW years ago it was my priv- ilege to attend an unusual baptism. It was the first time I had seen such a baptism. We were on the bank of a small, muddy river in the hin- terland of Brazil, in the intense heat of Mato Grosso, near the city of Campo Grande. A man lay on a low cot of wood on a simple mattress. He was taken by two deacons into the river to be baptized. In the water the pastor was waiting for the man who, be- fore God and those gathered for the service, was to receive the pre- cious rite of baptism. When the deacons lifted the cot from the river bank, the pastor raised his hand in prayer. Then, gently, with the same hand on the chest of the man, and assisted by the deacons, he submerged the cot and in this way the man was baptized. Who was this man? Why did he have to be baptized this way? He was Pedro, a victim of the horrible disease, pemphigus. He had contracted "Savage Fire" a long time before, and when he saw our hos- pital in Campo Grande, he knew nothing of the truth that redeems and the grace that saves. Pedro was no longer young because he was over 60. The terrible pemphigus disease that tormented him with a burning, constant pain, had left him so atrophied that he could no longer walk. His case was considered hope- less, and he knew it. He was con- verted, gave his heart to Jesus, and asked for baptism—and I had just witnessed the service. Some months later, Pedro passed away, but he was faithful and happy in Jesus. Many have been converted in our hospital for the treatment of pem- phigus, and many have been cured physically as well. This is the work our hospitals are doing in South America. Like Pe- dro, others in other medical institu- tions are finding Jesus in the midst of their pain and suffering. Unfor- tunately, we are not able to offer them the comfort and the facilities they need. Our hospitals are small, such as the one for pemphigus pa- tients in Campo- Grande, and the general hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sao Paulo is a city of nearly five million people and we have there only an old hospital of 40 beds. The reputation we have, the environ- ment we offer, and our missionary spirit impel us to improve the con- ditions in the Penfigo Hospital as well as in the Sao Paulo Hospital. The overflow of the 13th Sabbath offering the last quarter of 1966, taken December 31, 1966, will be used entirely for the construction of two new hospitals, one for pem- phigus patients, and the other in the city of Sao Paulo. May the spirit of Him who gave all He possessed for our salvation, touch our hearts that we may give a generous offering. This will be an offering taken between Christ- mas, 1966, and the new year, 1967, What a propitious moment to give —to celebrate Christmas and the new year by giving the largest offering of a lifetime! Do you not want to give your largest offering in the Sabbath School? Then give it the last Sabbath of 1966. In the New Earth we will see not only Pedro, the pemphigus victim, but also all who have come to know Jesus through the largest offering we have ever given to the Lord. M. S. N. En un ario, el avion pionero, Fer- nando Stahl salvo 60 vidas en la selva peruana, y atendiO a 3.559 personas en un ano y medio. 6. Seis nuevas lanchas y tres cli- nicas moviles fueron inauguradas. Actualmente tenemos 15 lanchas y 3 clinicas rodantes. Presentamos a continuation un resumen del tra- bajo realizado por estas 18 unida- des medicas de 1962-1965: No. de personas que asistieron a reuniones: 183.884. No. de personas bautizadas: 954. No. de personas aue recibieron 6 tratamientos o medicamentos: 264.918. No. de tratamientos dados: 376.821. 7. Adelantos del trabajo medico: a. Fue abierto un nuevo hospital en Hohenau, Paraguay. Se comenzo la construction de otros dos en Ar- gentina y se abri6 tambien una nue- va clinica en Bahia, Brasil. b. Siete hospitales aumentaron su capacidad tecnica y ampliaron sus edificios. c. Seis empezaron un programa de construction con la adicion de nue- yes edificios, de manera que su ca- pacidad aumentara hasta tres veces, y se convertiran en hospitales com- pletamente nuevos. Estos hospita- les son los siguientes: Clinica Ame- ricana de Quito, Ecuador; Sanato- rio Adventista del Paraguay en Asun- cion; Hospital Adventista del Pen- figo en Brasil; Sanatorio Adventis- ta del Plata, Argentina; Hospital Libertad, S. Pablo, Brasil, y el Hos- pital Belem tambien de Brasil. d. La Clinica Belgrano, Argenti- na, la Clinica Good Hope, Peril y el Hospital Silvestre en Brasil em- (Conti/vita en la pdgina 8) ELECTIONS IN DETROIT In the General Conference ON THE occasion of the last Gen- eral Conference Session held in De- troit, Michigan, June 16-25, 1966, and with 1,400 delegates represent- ing the Seventh-day Adventist church in 183 countries and political div- isions, a number of important de- cisions were made, among them the election of the leaders who will direct the work of God in the com- ing quadrennium. As one might expect, there were many changes, since at least 17 work- ers of the General Conference staff requested retirement. Among these were the following pastors: R. R. Figuhr, president; C. L. Torrey, tre- asurer; W. E. Murray and F. L. Peterson, vice-presidents; N. W. Dunn, A. F. Tarr and E. W. Dunbar, associate secretaries; R. A. Ander- son of the Ministerial Association, E. E. Cossentine of the Department of Education, T. R. Flaiz of the Med- ical Department, G. A. Huse of the Publishing Department, and others, such as the president of the Far Eastern Division, C. P. Soren- sen, and the president of the North- ern European Division, E. E. Roen- f elt. As president of the General Con- ference, Elder R. H. Pierson was nominated. He is the former pres- ident of Trans-Africa Division and previously served as president of the Southern Asia Division and in the Inter-American Division. He is leader of wide experience, and ex- cellent writer, poet, and an able ad- ministrator; a modern man of vision who has carried forward the work of the church in southern Africa in spite of the many problems which must be confronted there. He is also a man of prayer and for this reason he is also a man of power who knows his God because he is in constant contact with Him. Certainly he will have His guidance in his new responsibilities. For the vacancy created by the resignation of C. L. Torrey, Elder K. H. Emmerson was elected as treasurer of the General Confer- ence. All of us here in South Am- erica know Elder Emmerson well. His ability, his firmness, and his kind way of dealing with people indicate that his capacity will con- stantly increase. Elder Emmerson was once treasurer of the South American Division and has left many friends here. Elders Theodore Carcich, F. L. Bland, David H. Baasch, and others have taken the places of Elders W. E. Murray, F. L. Peterson, and N. W. Dunn. Elder Baasch, who was the secretary of the Inter-American Division, is the man who cares for the interests of the Inter-American and South American Divisions in the General Conference, a work which Elder N. W. Dunn carried forward efficiently for many years. He will be with us for the coming Annual meeting of the Division Commitee December 7-14, when we will have the privilege of becoming better acquainted with him, and he with us. In the Inter-American Div- ision he did excellent work, and is highly esteemed and respected by the brethren. In the South American Division As in other divisions of the world field, ours also suffered some changes in staff members. We are sorry that some of our men are leaving, but such is the Advent Movement, and perhaps that is some- thing that makes our church dif- ferent from others. Movement is progress. Changes bring news—new plans, different blood, different ex- periences. And, since we sincerely believe that the Lord directs His people and this Movement, we also believe that He approves and per- mits nominations because He sees in them a way to prepare and test men and women for finishing His work in the last days. With the decision of our president, Elder J. J. Aitken, not to return to South America because of the educational needs of his children, it was necessary to choose another president. Since Elder Nicolas Chaij had accepted the call of the Inter- American Division to be secretary of the Publishing Department, it was also necessary to call someone to take his place. Also, as Elder F. C. Webster accepted the nomination to be president of the Middle East Division, another man had to be found—and he has still to be found. For years we have been looking for someone to be the Medical De- partment secretary, possibly a doctor, and now we have found one. We also have an auditor, which relieves our treasurer of part of his respon- sibility. To reinforce the work of the three Division officers, a field secretary was named, who, in ad- dition to this responsibility, will also carry the work of the Religious Lib- erty Department. The field secretary had already been named at the be- ginning of the year to act until the time of the General Conference Ses- sion. The Nominating Committee, con- sisting of 129 members, included the following 14 representatives from the South American Division: 0. R. Azevedo, Lorenzo Baum, Ro- dolpho Belz, D. R. Christman, Sieg- fried Genske, Siegfried Ktimp el, Werner Mayr, Elbio Pereyra, Adelio Rocco, D. Peixoto da Silva, W. J. Streithorst, D. K. Sullivan, Moises Tenorio, and Arturo Weisheim. Upon these men rested the res- ponsibility of choosing and recom- mending the following list of work- ers as leaders of the work of the Seventh-day Adventist church in South America for the coming quad- rennium: R. A. Wilcox M. S. Nigri J. I. Hartman Samuel Alberro H. J. Peverini SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION BULLETIN Published Quarterly, Official Organ of the South American Division of Seventh- day Adventists, Calle Larrariaga, Casilla 286, Montevideo, Uruguay. Printed by AsociaciOn Casa Editora Sudamericana, Av. San Martin 4555, Florida (FNGBM), Buenos Aires, Argentina. EDITOR � M. S. Nigri CONSULTING EDITOR .... R. A. Wilcox Division Directory President � R. A. Wilcox Secretary � M. S. Nigri Treasurer � J. I. Hartman Assist. Treasurer � W. H. Olson Auditor � Samuel Alberro Field Secretary � H. J. Peverini Departmental Secretaries Building Engineer � D. R. Hensel Educational � A. J. Alva Lay Activities, Radio-TV .... � Medical & Temperance .. E. E. Bottsford Ministerial � Enoch Oliveira Ministerial Assistant .... A. E. Schmidt Missionary Volunteer .... F. N. Sigueria Publishing � P. S. Camacho Religious Liberty & P. Affairs H. J. Peverini Sabbath School & Pub. Relations Juan Riffel Union Directory AUSTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Elbio Pereyra, President Roald Wensell, Sec.-Treas. & Auditor CHILE UNION MISSION D. K. Sullivan, President Mario Soto, Sec.-Treas. & Auditor EAST BRAZIL UNION MISSION Rodolpho Belz, President Harry Bergold, Sec.-Treas & Auditor INCA UNION MISSION D. J. Sandstrom, President Henry Baerg, Sec.-Treas. & Auditor NORTH BRAZIL UNION MISSION W. J. Streithorst, President Erich Okn, Sec.-Treas. & Auditor SOUTH BRAZIL UNION CONFERENCE 0. R. Azevedo, President Naor Klein, Sec.-Treas. & Auditor AN IMPORTANT "P" PRAYER is an important "P" in our mental garden. We need to pray not only when things go wrong, but to make prayer a daily part of our lives. Joseph remained true when everything was going wrong, but I am sure that he never lost contact with his heavenly Father. Remember this little saying, "Satan trembles when he sees the Christian on his knees." Here is another good one—"You cannot stumble if you are on your knees." President Secretary Treasurer Auditor Field Secretary, Religious Lib- erty Depart- ment Secreta- ry 7 A. J. Alva �Department of Education E. E. Bottsford, � Medical Depart- M. D. � � ment and Tem- perance De- partment Sec- retary P. S. Camacho � Publishing De- partment Sec- retary Enoch Oliveira � Ministerial As- sociation Sec- retary Juan Riffel � Sabbath School and Public Relations D e- partments F. N. Siqueira � � Missionary Vol- unteer Depart- ment Secreta- ry In addition to these men who 'were nominated in Detroit, the Division staff includes the following, who are not elected by the General Conference: D. R. Hensel � Consulting En- gineer Wilbur H. Olson Assistant Treas- urer Arturo E. Schmidt Associate Sec- retary of the Ministerial As- sociation The Bulletin desires for each one the blessings of God and His leader- progressive Division. The responsi- bility is great. Let us pray especially ship in the administration of this for our new president, Elder R. A. Wilcox; let us sustain his upraised arms while we struggle here below to liberate souls bound in the dark- ness of sin. United in spirit, love, and understanding, and filled with zeal for this sacred cause, we will bear the trophies of victory to the feet of our beloved Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. 8. Progreso del trabajo educacio- nal: a. Seis nuevas escuelas secunda- rias y algunos nuevos cursos han co- menzado en el pasado cuadrienio. b. El "status" de Colegio Supe- rior de Teologia ha sido dado al Colegio Union en Lima, Perk al Colegio de Chile y al Colegio del Nordeste de Brasil. c. Tenemos actualmente 24 cole- gios y liceos. 9. La mayoria de los presidentes de los 8 paises que forman la Di- vision Sudamericana, se han rela- cionado con alguna fase de nuestro trabajo. Uno de ellos visite oficial- mente dos de nuestras instituciones y expreso su estimulo y aprecio hacia nuestra obra. Verdaderamente gozamos de mucha libertad en los 8 paises que forman nuestra divi- sion. Seventh-day Ad- ventists as a church have been spared one of the greatest scourges of our time. While millions of others in virtually every country of the world are enmeshed in this tragedy, we as a people are free from its ravages. No other church today is equipped to do what ours can to help smokers. No other faith has the publications program ours does to help smokers quit and to discourage non-smokers from starting. No other denomination has films like ours to help smokers. We have such tobacco films as "One in 20,000" which has helped thousands to quit smoking and thousands more to never start. Our alcohol films, our books, periodicals, and leaflets are filling a tremendous part as "Helping Hands" in this hour when we are told by the pen of inspiration that as a people we should stand in the forefront in this great battle against intemperance. The General Conference Temperance De- partment, along with its message of pre- vention, is also developing methods of helping the intemperate. Through the years our church has em- phasized a message of temperance educa- tion to help prevent people from falling victims to drink and other dangerous habits. This approach is important, perhaps the most important. However, work for the intemperate must not be neglected. —Missionary work does not consist merely of preaching. It includes personal labor for those who have abused their health 8 and have placed themselves where they have not moral power to control their appetites and passions. These souls are to be labored for as those more favorably situated. Our world is full of suffering ones."—Evangelism p. 265. The task before us is huge. The challenge is great. This church has an unprecedented opportunity to save lives and souls by supporting our temperance work today. Our Lord has told us: "Say not ye, there are four months, and then cometh the harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest"— John 4:35. We are ready to move forward, but we need "Your Helping Hand." We now hasten to finish the task our Lord assigned us in the lingering twilight of earth's history. Won't you give a little more than you have ever given before on South America Temperance Sabbath, October 15, 1966, for the temperance phase of the third angel's message? May God bless you as you share "Your Helping Hand." "As we do our part faithfully, the Lord will bless our efforts to the saving of many precious souls."—Temperance, page 251. May "Your Helping Hand" dig deeply into your pocket on October 15, and may this offering be the largest in our history, with God's help. Robert H. Pierson, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 10 ACONTECIMIENTOS IMPORTANTES (Viene de la pagina 6) pezaran pronto su programa de cons- trucciones. e. Tenemos ahora 16 hospitales y 5 clinicas y dispensarios medicos en la division. — 725 --- 10. Miscelanea: a. La primera escuela flotante en la denominacion fue abierta en una de las islas flotantes en el Lago Titicaca, Peru, para los indios uros. Asisten a ella 45 jovenes y 50 ma- dres de ellos estan tambien estu- diando. b. L. C. Scofield fue condecorado por el gobernador del Estado de Minas, Brasil, por su servicio meri. torio a la nacion y al estado. c. El Plan de 5 Dias para Dejar de Fumar fue probado y tuvo un gran exito. d. Se establecio una fabrica de alimentos en el Instituto Adventis- ta del Uruguay, cerca de Montevi- deo. e. La participacion de la Iglesia Adventista en el trabajo de asisten- cia social en Chile, despues del te- rremoto de marzo de 1965, ha sido notable. f. Una nueva sucursal de la Casa Editora de Buenos Aires se abri6 en Santiago, Chile. g. Fue inaugurado el primer cen- tro evangelistico en Sudamerica, que tambien alberga la oficina central de La Voz de la Profecia en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Este centro incluye oficinas, un auditorio para 1.500 personas y el mejor estudio en la ciudad. Fuera de los Estados Uni- dos, Sudamerica es la division que tiene mas audiciones del programa de La Voz de la Profecia en el mundo: de 2.500 estaciones, Inas de 500 estan en Sudamerica. Moises S. Nigri Director YOUR HELPING HAND IS NEEDED