\Jo•-,,,AV Csle\o•it. co oes '6r.. ADVENT SOURCE COLLECTN1 General Conference of Seventh-Day Adveal:sts WASHINGTON, D. C. g g No. ((hart 01 thr 41lItt Shewing the UNCHANGED ORDER of the Days and the true Position of the SABBATH, as proved by the combined testimony of Ancient and Modern Languages. WILLIAM MEAD JONES, D.D. ABBREVIATIONS.-For "r.I.," read the foreign types from right to left ; for "t.b.," read from top to bottom; read all others from left to right. The letter "d." means that the language is dead. The various terms showing the place of the Sabbath, such as " purification-day," " bath-day," " Seventh-day," " end-day," &c., as well as " Sabbath," are indicated by figures in the extreme right-hand column. Literal translations are given and not equivalents, e.g., " as-sabt, the Sabbath," and not Saturday. PRONUNCIATION.-In reading the transliterations care should be taken to pronounce as nearly as possible after the following examples (long) as in father; a (short) as in ab ; e (long) as a in say ; e" (short) as in eh and met ; I (long) as in machine (never as i in pine); i or i (short) as in pin; 6 (long) as in tone; 6 (short) as in broke ; a (long) as oo in boom, YOOln, and moon ; u (short) is merely a shortened form of the same sound ; ai as eye. Circumflex and acute accents lengthen vowels. All deviations from this system are adopted from authors. A. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1886, BY Rev. W. M. JONES, D.D., IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S. No. LANGUAGE. (WHERE SPOKEN, READ, -OR OTHERWISE USED.) WEEK. (NAME OF THE CLUSTER, OR CYCLE, OF SEVEN DAYS.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. NAME OF SEVENTH DAY (WITH ETYMOLOGICAL MEANING.) i -51 .E . t'"?..: +.,..J a_ ;,v =.--.,, 11'4 ...):, Shemitic- __ ? 1 Hebrew Bible. (World-wide) (r.1.) vicar sha-vu-ah. Seven. -TIN, iml, yom 6-khad. Day One. n'tz, D-f, yom she-ni. Day Second. mt,47t, r...,--i,- yam she-li-shi. Day Third. -,--k ' ,f,ttmi, pain r6-vi i. Day Fourth. ,trnr-1 m-1, yom kha-mi-shi. Day Fifth. ,ry ni, j ,tt yom hash-shi-shi. /17 Day the Sixth. birmyr-r al, ratn-T n), yOm hash-sh6-v1-1. yom hash-shab-bath. Day the Seventh. Day the Sabbath. 1 2 Hebrew. (Ancient and Modern use.) (* Proceeding on to the Sabbath.) (rd.) Nrat, sha-vii-ah. Seven. ratn 1111•1 e-khad be-shab-bath. One into* the Sabbath. ratra nit? she-ni be-shab-bath. Second into the Sabbath. rat= ,Y47t, she-li-shi be-shah-bath. Third into the Sabbath. rat= ,ran re-vi-i be-shab-bath. Fourth into the Sabbath. PM= Itr,nr-r kha-mi-shi be-shab-bath. Fifth into the Sabbath. trrip mt., mnr 6-reb shab-bath ko-desh Eve of Holy Sabbath. rat, shab-bath. Sabbath. 2 3 Targum of Onkelos. (Hebrew Literature.) (y.1.) Nyinv sha-vu-ah. Seven. -r-t -cr yom khad. Day One. inn mil, yOm tin-yan. Day Second. ,Nn,L7n tn, yom t'-li-thai. Day Third. - ,t4v,m-) tri, yom r'-vi-ai. ,Day Fourth. ,Ntr,nry nil - yom kh'-mi-shai. Day Fifth. ,tArrnt, =I, yom shi-thi-thai. Day Sixth. rtt4.1,Int7 MI rat? yom sh'-vi-aa. sab-bath. Day Seventh. Sabbath. 3 4 Targum Diale1 of the Jews in Kurdistan. (yd.) tA vim:, sha-vta -ah. Seven. tAm,trin rrn-o yoy-met khoy-she ba Day One of the Seven. ntr-rrn 1147211 yoy-met ti-rii-sheb. Day 2nd of the Seven. my-1147,n rrni, yoy-met to-la-wii-sheb. Day 3rd of the Seven. MI,121t4 1-VIVI, yoy-met ar-bil-sheb. Day 4th of the Seven. =VA= TM"' yoy-met kham-shfi-sheb. Day 5th of the Seven. t-ttnItA rm-i, yoy-met a-roy-ta. Day of Eve (of Sabbath). 1.1.,11p nmt, rrn-1, yoy-met sha-bat ko-desh. Holy Sabbath Day. 4 Ancient Syriac. 0 V' IL IL V' V 1.44 .4.il.. ...a,iz IL I..., ILL 0 V 1.:% 4 1, ay....) 11=1 0 ,,, 1L(Di..l 0 v. 1.111 5 (*Each day proceeds on, and belangs to, the Sabbath. This is the meaning in all the languages where " into Sab- bath" or " into the Sabbath," is em- (v.1.) -2i shab-ba-tho. Sabbath. ployed. Four khad be-shab-bo. One into* Sabbath. tren be shab-bo. Two into Sabbath. Three into Sabbath. 1.1L= ar-ba-oh be-shab-bo. into Sabbath. ti-lo-the be-shab-bo. shab-ba-tho. kham-sho be-shab-bo. Five into Sabbath. e-rfiv-rho. Eve (of Sabbath). Sabbath. 5 6 Chaldee Syriac. promo. vul. pron. Kurdistan, and Uremia. Persia. (v.1.) 4.i .i Li:Ci.e. tIlin yii-mat shap-tit Days into Sabbath. leb • khad b6-shab-ba. One into Sabbath. tren 136-shab-ba. Two into Sabbath. 1.:11.= iA 1ijr.z 2AZIA t6-1a-tha be-shab-ba. Three into Sabbath. /..i.irz &Ill ar-ba b6-shab-ba. Four into Sabbath. 44.:LI * • kham-sha be-shab-ba. Five into Sabbath. tt.zol.1 e-ritv-tho, and ro-ta. Eve (of Sabbath). 43-ig shap-ta. Sabbath. 6 7 Samaritan. (Old Hebrew Letters.) Nablus, Palestine. (v.1.) wTsw, sha-via-ah. Seven. %.Tei . %%"VII' yo-ma kha-da. Day One. VIIYIN . %%Vat yo-ma t'ni-na. Day Second. %Aratih• . %%1 fil yo-ma t' li-tha. Day Third. %VITT\ . %%Vl1' yo-ma re-vi-ah. Day Fourth. VAIIM'et . %%"VIT yo-ma kha-mi-sha. Day Fifth. %ARM' . ?‘ %VII yo-ma she-thi-tha. Day Sixth. M71119"-k% . %%VII . A9'''''' yo-ma ha-she-vi-ah. shab-bath. Day the Seventh. Sabbath. 7 Babylonian. V TI I 4-4/7- I' < TI IT * r-,-- l'il ,--.E-Ti -TT9 yek-shamba. atwar. One to Sabbath. Sunday. l'-.6^:';`) -.):?'?.• du shamba.pir. 2nd to Sab. Moon-day. a?,):. ,z..., - Lgi,.., sah-shamba. mangal. 3 to Sabbath. Mars. 4..k.i.:'..)1... - 3. cha-har shamba. bildha. 4 to Sabbath. Mercury. tui.::: J L.:.•._,I panj-shamba. jiima r5t. 5th to Sab. Eve (of Juma). • y - 7"44-' J.x.4.- - AA ,:,..-- j Um-a. j am-a. Assembly (day). 1-5120... - 4,0et. ) , - sanichar. shamba. Saturn. Sabbath. 22 c 28 Sindhi. Sindh, India. VtEar ha t4 Seven. a-it ru. Sun(day). s'111 M FIT stim-ma-rii. Moon(day). sn mangalii. Mars. '41M 1:171M bildhrti. Mercury. ir AwNt. vispati. Jupiter. NEITc thanin. Venus. 19.4 chhancharh. Saturn 29 Sindhi Miihammadan. Sindh, India. / TRT 'I jumla. Warl acharti. Sun(day). T171" silmmarii. Moon(day). 55.1R-). ariaro. Mars (day). 4.MT arbe. 4th (day). Tqlft R khamils. 5th (day). Wit Amo. Assembly (day). liat), chhanchharii. Saturn (day). 30 Gujarati. India. ravivir kcaci Lk or wiViLrsi or athavddiyung. Seven days. wtiRc-tqLk adit-var. Sun-day. Z:0.1-Lctlk som-var. Moon-day. 'illWtl?. mangal-var. Mars-day. Ilticilk bildh-var. Mercury-day. Aket.P. gfirfi-var. Jupiter-day. -9,3kcilk shil-kar-var. Venus-day. -Ztratctlk sani-var. Saturn-day. cut 3'4b il 31 Marathi. India. VTirt saptaha. Seven. k cicilk ravi-var. Sun-day. ki aillk som-var. Moon-day. 6 mangal-var. Mars-day. bildh-var. Mercury-day. gfirii-vitr. Jupiter-day. nshi7X shalcra-var. Venus-day. * Iciik shani-var. Saturn-day. Cashmere. (r./.) a..1.1...tb )1,.ii ) I.,.)ii...., M I 0 J % Y). 1 .r_fl' 2r..*-4..?.. )y=1 32 India. hafta. Seven. at-war. Sun-day. Sandar-war. Moon-day. bong-war. Mars-day. bud-war. Mercury-day. bris-war. Jupiter-day. jum-a. Assembly (day). bat-war. Idolator's day. _ _ r;1 47.a. ziarz;5qra ti w 1 d fH oiclid 33 Punjabi. India. ROT sa-ta. Seven. niTIES 1 d ayat-war. Sun-day. som-war. Moon-day. mungal-war. Mars-day. bildh-war. Mercury-day. < did vir-war. Jupiter-day. silkar-war. Venus-day. TIM bar. Day. (Bar is said of a door, a turn ; perhaps of opening out and ending for another turn of seven days to begin.) 23 34 Punjabi Muhammadan. India. T431' hafta. Seven. l9f1"ft3-413' a-it-war. Sun-day. ula pir. Moon. (old man). Arm mangal. Mars. titt bildh. Mercury. ROTS ' jiimerat. Eve (of Jilma.). VITT ji-na. Assembly. IT re5 d sanich-chhar. Saturn. 35 Bengali. India. 3TV saptaha. Seven. A 44 sz rabi-var. Sun-day. 011N41sx som-bar. Moon-day. IrarRalw mangal-bar. Mars-day. atiato d. bildha-bar. Mercury-day. Zrerdi'ff brihespatibar. Jupiter-day. st0disz shfikra-bar. Venus-day. strR1tA shani-bar. Saturn-day. 36 Assamese. Assam, India. TiVrq saptaha. Seven. 411 IQ rabi-bar. Sun-day. wtsiat4 som-bar. Moon-day. saw mangal. Mars. -4 TI-Tt . budh-bar. Mercury-day. fa-m-riTizt brihaspati-bar. Jupiter-day. .zr-414 41Ir44, sukur-bar. Venus-day. 31f4Tr4 sani-bar. Saturn-day. 37 Uriya. Orissa, India. 8g,1 1 v41 sapah and hapa. Seven. c2NQ1c1 rabi-bar. Sun-day. Cq lqQ1C1 som-bar. Moon-day. si *IQ"' C2 mangal-bar. Mars-day. ‘z.1 Q 1Q bildh-bar. Mercury-day. slcQ1C2 gfirii-bar. Jupiter-day. cj,w.Q1C1 shilkr-bar. Venus-day. avm. sani-bir. Saturn-day. 38 Pashto or Afghan. Afghanistan. (rd.) Li.?,....11\ al-isbfiah. The seven. 6..X.A. • yek-shamba. One to the Sabbath. 1541\-' ''',.3 du-shamba. Two to Sabbath. 14-3.44` 45,...4 sha-shamba. Three to Sabbath. &....1.X.:12.)\?; char-shamba. Four to Sabbath. 14"‘t-1,4 pfinj-shamba. Five to Sabbath.. 44-1t....?.. jUm-a. Assembly (day). j\.. - zo...).L.) khali. shamba. Unemployed-day, Holiday, Sabbath. 24 39 Pahlavi or Pahlavi-Pazand. (Ancient Persian). (2) (I) (rd.) 411-10- ?el" (i) (a) shaba and haft. Seven. (2).06;SG...re" V6.44A°4 (I) (I) (2) c. mittira and klifirshid. Sun. .404.) kamrya. Moon. (a) IIN0, ..47411: ILi i) ( I) (x) (2) behram and valahlan. Mars. • Co tin Mercury. .S.5404 hormazd. Jupiter. .0900)44U anahita. Venus. also shambid, i.e., fragrance : /1,3) The pleasantest day of the week. kevan. Saturn. " Dies Sabbati." Sabbath. 25 Persian. (v.1.) iiict, z4;`...ct A.), jz., a 4‘...34 144, 24,,:).irl. ea4iT 0..,:th-•, 40 Persia. hafta. Seven (days). 1 yek-shambih. One to Sabbath. 5 dii-shambih. Two to Sabbath. sih-shambih. Three to Sabbath. chahar-shambih. Four to Sabbath. panj-shambih. Five to Sabbath. adina. Religious (day). shambih. Holiday, Sabbath. 26 41 Mythological. Persia and India. Haft Rang. (Seven Colours.) Yellow to the Sun. Green to the Moon. Red to Mars. -filue-to Xercury. -"- Brown to Jupiter. i. White to Venus. Black to Saturn. 42 Sabbath. Armenian, Armenia. r_wriuta- shapat. Wt." zeal/ PP mia shapti. One to the Sabbath. bP fli-. 2_,-till1 yergil-shapti Second to the Sabbath. brkg zaliPt, yerek shapti. Third to the Sabbath. '-lnrke ii-tilJb chorek shapti. Fourth to the Sabbath. a...Pig- z_mr14 hink shapti. Fifth of the Sabbath. 11-rp-P- firpat. Fast Day. r ...weewp shapat. Sabbath. 27 43 Kurdish. Kurdistan. (r.1.) c..c, L)Ll ahfti. Seven. azAL.L (j yek-shamba. One to Sabbath. du-shamba. 2nd to Sabbath. a..kil 1..., sa-shamba. 3rd to Sabbath. ,-.).., char-shamba. 4th to Sabbath. 44:41h tie pani-shamba. 5th to Sabbath. 45i inni. Religious day (Mtiham.) e.?,:ut shamba. Sabbath. 28 44 Brahuiky. Baluchistan. hafta. Seven. (v.1.) iiiib 43 4,1z.c.) yek-shamba. One to Sab. A.A.34 - du-shamba. 2nd to Sab. 4.!..1,1 ,r.,..., shi-shambe. 3rd to Sab. 1) 44 V'' chahar-shamba. 4th to Sab. o v ...a..Z.71,; panj-shamba. 5th to Sab. Ax4.?.. jfim-A. Assembly. _ awal-i-hafta. La.: shamba First or Chief of the Seven. Sabbath. TARTARIC - The Mongolian Alphabet is the Manchu- 45 Tungusian. NI anchu. (Manchu and Chinese Characters.) Fac-simile of Manchu writing (full size) by a native of Manchuria. Sent from Peking in 1886. The Manchu alpha- bet is the same as the Mongolian with a few alterations. • adopting the Arabian charad ers. It is de- rived from the Syriac Alphabet which was carried into Tartary by the Nestorian Mis - sionaries in the 3rd century. " They filled Tartary and even China with their adive propaganda." It is said that Syriac (Ara- maen) was originally written from top to 'bottom instead of horizontally as now. The Manchu and Mongol perpendicular proceed from left to right ; the Chinese from right to left. • shfm. Sun (day). Manchuria. t A bi-a. Tartar Ouigour. The Turks used it before lines ii . to-wa wu-shi-ha. Mars-day. wil-shi-ha. mil-ko Mercury- day. Moon (day). wil-shi-ha. mou wil-shi-ha. Jupiter- day. ai-yen - s hi - ha w Venus- day. boi-huan . Saturn-day. 46 Mongolian. Sharra-Mongolian. Eastern Mongolia. do-lo-ghan gil-mak, and dologan ho-nok ; to pass the night ; hence II seven nights, an idiom for wv Seven days. comp. Old English use of sen'night contrasted from seven night (as fortnight from fourteen d--- ..-4--. a-de-ya. Sun. ,,v.. sara. Princess, bright moon. Moon. (I) 4 4 li (2) (I) fi-le-gan, (2) gil-si-gun. L. Planet Mars. ..,:::-. v:••• ba-tit. Mercury. .... (I) (2) I. le.".. (i)ghatassiin grak, and (2) var-has- ba-ti. Planet 1-- C. --4- (I) (2) . 1"--' (I) tsol-man. j Morning Star. 13 -.. ,..... (2) shil-ga-ra. ..z- Venus. ' ..; I_ * -- 4..... 33 sa-ni-tsar, and bemba The Son of the Sun : Saturn. " The Mongols use ' Bemba ' as another and especial term for the Seventh-day. They strictly keep it from the transaction of secu- lar business. They neither give out nor take in any property at their houses, nor , collect or pay debts, or start on a journey 30 ( night) for seven nights and days. -.- - --- .,z.,, Jupiter. on that day." 47 Kalmuk. Western Mongolia. do-ion gil-niik. Seven Days. na-ran gra-kil. Sun Planet. some Moon. mii-ga-mer gra-kit. Mars Planet. eultimsi gra,-kil. Mercury Planet. gii-tits-siin gra-kil. Jupiter Planet. bassang gra-kii. Venus Planet. bem-be gra-kii. Saturn Planet. The centre or culmination of the other days. 31 Turkish. Osmanlian. Turkey. ell , asbu-ah. Seven. AY4 bazaar-guni. Market Day. tra3f))1f.? bazaar irteci. Morrow after Market. vv., sa-li. Third (Day). ,)um-a. 48-, yom-es-sabt. LL*OJ L, ..) . char shamba. Four to Sabbath. 4.41.2,.7:11 pang. shamba. Five to Sabbath. ax4.?.. Assembly (day). Lx.....A...11 r'' Day the Sabbath. 32 49 Lazen. Pashalik of Trebizond. L5L.).1,.M...0 ssabatandi. Fourth to the Sabbath. • 24a-a k, ) v paraske. Preparation. c.I.AL4 ss5biitim. Sabbath. 33 50__ Kazani-Tartar, Kazan, East Russia. At-na. Day. (idiomatic for the seven days.) atna Italie. Market day. do shamba. 2nd to the Sabbath. shi-shamba. 3rd to the Sabbath. char-shamba. 4th to the Sabbath. keche-atna. Fifth-day. jiim-a. Assembly. at narti. Hindmost of the series of Seven Days. Subbota. Sabbath. 34 DRAVIDIAN-- 6urruLdly,6tnw errLulitgie6egl .7`11-LE6Lacly6e3)Lo $2,6.6i.J airruliefidl Liacireglyi capLo 60AurTy,gbdtiyarap 0261J 6fT6r-f166a3CRIDO 51 Tamil. India. varamkilamai. - A Period of time. .F5'ir Lai nayirrukkilemai. Sun-day. tinkatkilamai. Moon-day. yar) LD chevaykkilamai. Mars-day. Piathankilamai. - Budh or Mercury-day. vayalakkilamai. - - Jupiter-day. villikkilamai. Morning Star coy Venus- day. ecesi.nAikk&ila9ma7L13 Saturn-day. 52 NI alayalam. India. OM U'-iai go archavattam. Day circle (of Seven.) arm cain NU nayarorcha. Sun-day. est% to w_.: tinggalorcha. Moon-day. 61..Q.J010-1 chovorcha. Mars-day. 6YJW01093.J bildhnorcha. Mercury-day. 06,;;D £J vyalorcha. Jupiter-day. 61f1__ t L1C12J3eJ velliyorcha. Silence, Venus-day. ciami CCDO FP-1 saniyorcha. Saturn-day. 53 Kodagu or Coorg. Southern India. 8zc'o yelu-nalu. Seven days. wuz26 naritche. Sun-day. a07ly-D24 tingaliche. Moon-day. tt.a4e3Th chovilache. Mars-day. .....3„pdaziS podanfiche. Mercury-day. etv-Deil belyhe. Jupiter-day. a3-0,9vessl bolliache. Venus-day. zne/2.4 chaniache. Saturn-day. 54 Kanarese. India. co z.S' z -.NJ (1) hafta. (2) vara. Seven. A Day. 22.3z.)zzd e../t)od (a) bhanii wara. (2) adi wara. Sun-day. 7,1,a.)0zr3 soma wara. Moon-day. .)orvozrl mangala wara. . Mars-day. w ozgo zzi bildha wara. Mercury-day. :.,,At7-Jc..Azztl brihaspati wara. Jupiter-day. t .., 0 zd shilkra wara. Venus-day. IMzzd shani wara. Saturn-day. 55 Telugu. India. er°15 6 =-°6 .5.34.) (Ii athwara. (2) varamil Space of Seven Days. ei-8z-06a) adiparamii. Sun-day. *4 ..)o-°&13.3 somavaramit Moon-day. w'63z-vsn5a.) jilyilvaram-O. Mars-day. ex e5 -.--6&.) bildhayaramil. Mercury-day. K.)6)0.-.6o giirtivaram. Jupiter-day. &Lt(0-06.15o siikravaramO. i Venus-days i i -,,.5,'5,1) sanivaramil. Saturn-day. Singhalese. Ceylon. esair; c90 satiy6 dawas. Seven Days. @ge, irida. Sun-day. J esSe., san-dil-da Moon-day. Tvn6Le3e„ ar*aharftwada. Mars-day. ) t. -t.,----1 di. Mercury-day. gt5r...30.3-3e„ brahaspatindi. Jupiter-day. ' E325)63e„ 1 sikiirada. ' i Venus-day. iges•s-)03e., senasfirada. Saturn. day. MONOSYLLABIC- > _L vsi. gc cheng. ist Week. N fang. animal : ist Week. 6 sin. Corresponding animal : Fox. 1st Week wei. Corresponding animal: Tiger. rst Week ft ki. Corresponding animal : Leopard. ist Week `• tau teu or doe. Corresponding animal: Griffin. ist Week It. niu. Corresponding animal : Ox. ist Week * n. Corresponding animal: Bat. 57 A ncient Chinese. (Astronomical). Names of the Cycle of 28 days. It ever repeats itself without regard to years. This 7 and 28 day Cycle is used in Corea, Manchuria, Mon- golia and Tibet. Or Seven Regulators, equivalent to Week. This method of reckoning the week is very old, and is a four-fold witness to the unchanged order of.h ancient the series of seven and modern taimyessso Iwell t known has b eei Corresponding n a safeguard against the loss of a day of the week, and of one day being exchanged for another. Each day has its place assigned by four different planetary names. Corresponding Hare. 2nd Week. hil. Corresponding animal : Rat. lal 3rd Week. sirs mac. animal : Cock. 4th Week. , sing. Corresponding animal : Horse. Sun. 2nd Week. g wei. Corresponding animal: Swallow. 3rd Week. pih. Corresponding animal : Raven. 4th Week. . chang. Corresponding animal : Deer. Moon, 2nd Week $: shih. Corresponding animal : Boar. 3rd Week yff tsui. Corresponding animal : Monkey. 4th Week le yeh. Corresponding animal : Snake. Mars. 2nd Week e pih. Correspdng. animal: Porcupine. 3rd Week A tsan. de Corresponding animal : Ape. 4th Week chan. Corresponding animal : Worm. Mercury. 2nd Week -ti: kwei. Corresponding animal: Wolf. 3rd Week 4 tsing. Corresponding animal : Tapir. 4th Week A kioh. Corresponding animal: Dragon. Jupiter. 2nd Week X leu. Corresponding animal: Dog. 3rd Week cia kwei. Corresponding animal : Sheep. 4th Week A ,k'ang. Corresponding animal: Dragon. Venus. 2nd Week W wei. Corresponding animal : Pheasant. 3rd Week to liu. Corresponding animal : Muntjak. 4th Week M ti. Corresponding animal : Badger. Saturn. 58 Chinese (Roman Catholic). (Adopted long prior to those of the Protestant.) li pai or lai pai. A. chan li yih. iie Day of look. ing up -' and worshipping. ig chan li erh. ra Worship-day , Two. - * chan li san. ,--4 Worship-day -... Three. - -- TM chan li ssii. nit _ Worship-day Four. iff chan li wit a Worship-day A Five. ' chan li leu. 1:01a. Worship-day ....t... Six. IN * chan li t'si. fa Worship-day Seven. --E 35 59 Chinese (Protestant). (Mi abosysse'ontarroybanbaiymeisvitc century.) hheiinngaedfr ome ifiN If li pai or lai pai. *I If 11 li pai or lai pai' yat. Respectful,Worshipping. tit 4 m=m4 li pai yih. Worship-day One. tit n- li pai erh. Worship-day Two. di If- li pai san. Worship-day Three. lig If IAI li pai ssii. Worship-day Four. a if A li pai wit. Worship-day Five. iis 4f * li pai leu. Worship-day Six. 6o (Persian Muhammadan Chinese. and Arabic Names.) itim-a. For want of space these native charaCters are placed horizontally. si%411i 1E tr1 yae k'i shan bai. 1st to the Sabbath. 11.? 32 du shan bai. 2nd to the Sabbath. FIE 'III hieh shan bai. 3rd to the Sabbath. ,. kt %-;:: 1337 et ch'e ha shan bai. 4th to the Sabbath. Kg itmi P 4:11 p'an chih shan bai. 5th to the Sabbath. 4+1 tt: chi" ma. Assembly. ..:,, ilei in sai b a tai. Sabbath. 36 61 Annamite. Annam. -61 4 tuan le. Kind or sort of rites or ceremonies equivalent to a Series of Days. El -A 1-... ngay thfe nlifft. Day in order the First. ii tt -A az: ngay tin? hai. Day in order Two. nti EF-: ngay thif ba. Day in order Three. AI: -A iii ngay this bOn. Day in order Four. 111. -A -Mlf ngay tliff nam. Day in order Five. flq --t It- ngay thfi' sau. Day in order Six. ill, .- rt ngay thif biy. Day in order Seven. 37 62 Tai or Siamese. Siam. - GPMV athit. Sun. (By extension, seven days.) 04 9773/W) van athilt. Day Sun. h Vuri? van chan. Day Moon. van ebT4 b-\w-r? angkhan. Day Mars. _ Yi4 W71 , van phut. Day Mercury. Yu 2.2i4finti van pra: hat. Day Jupiter. h rinT van sli. k . Day Venus. 22i 1)047 _ L van sac. Day Saturn. _ _..., f4- 1 63 ,8 Kambojan. Kamboja. ( Khmer.) Ut. ttin. (By extens. n, seven days.) Vwf.Si c' SS.61' thngay atilt. Day Sun. We/ jo 9S) thngay chan. Day Moon. ,..41;, Vt,.)p-S1.5) thngay angkear. Day Mars. ....,, tTC12 V V thngay pfit. Day Mercury. „,..., , VifiC =Els/ thngay preahos. Day Jupiter. ......„ 60-asv I, thngay sOk. Day Venus. i , qi 5a.$) thngay safi. Day Saturn. 64 Mranma or Burmese. Bilrmah. ( r c ir :i00 II hkoo-hnit yek. Seven Days. Mars. r 00C2OGS11 ta-ning g -ga-nuay. Day devoted to the Sun. (One day thou to the Sun.) r 00C2,C0-)11 ta-ningg la. One thou to the Moon. C(-)111 ing!ga. . °L°?lg " boda-da-hOO 8 Mercury. aDaDOCCOSa kya-tha-ba-days Jupiter. r 6aDDOO Da thouk-kya.' Venus. OGr tsa-nay. Saturn. Ancient Peguan. Pegu-Burmah. aD88a) sattaha. Seven (days). 8 moos. (Day) One. 01 bd. (Day) Two. 8 pee (0). (Day) Three. \ ° r pawn. (Day) Four. Qa)t. r - m' son. (Day) Five. 0061 t'row. (Day) Six. OD09r t' pauh. (Day) Seven. 38 66 Modern Peguan. Burmah. OD8BOD sattaha. Seven (days). D;345 i. atilt. Sun (day). C? chaun. Moon (day). a80 a' gnaer. Mars (day). dPoe) (.0 pooto' waer. Mercury-day. praowp' tee. IS009 e-/ Jupiter-day. 0805 1. saik. Venus (day). 0 ODO r s' gne-saw. Saturn (day). . 67 Shan. Burmah. r 03000 hsa tang. Seven Days. r r OODGCDGaNn Jr ta nungnim. Sun-day. r OODGCML ta nang la. Moon-day. r DOCOL angka. Mars (Day). r 03 COQ L cJIL pook6 ta hoo. Mercury-day. r r 041L3DUOGOD kya hsappate. Jupiter-day. r MOO IL 0 4 hsauk kya. Venus-day. r CO6DG sane. Saturn (Day). t'At NW 68 Manipuri. • South of Assam. I, CR of choyol. Seven. C4Ksitf67 nongmaichin. Sun. fg,;calwt-4 ningthaukaba. Moon. Ra9iirzcitTct . , laepakpokpa. Mars. fr;urm yimsakaesa. Mercury. Tr 11.4V101 sagonsel. Jupiter. irai. Venus. \ thanja. Saturn. 69 Khassi. Cossyah Hills, East of Bengal. Ka shi taiew. A Seven days. Ka sngi U Blei. A day devoted to the Sun. Ka sngi sombar. Moon-day. Ka sngi hat Majai. A day to Mars. Ka sngi balang. Mid-week. Ka sngi kaba san. A day the Fifth. Ka sngi thoh-ding. A day to cut trees ; make fire ; Passion-day. Ka sngi sait-jain. A day to wash clothes: Purification-day. 39 70 Ancient Rong or Lepcha. Darjeling and Sikim Hills, East of Nepal and South of Tibet. i t ti dun-hrOk. A Period of Seven Days. 5 S 4, 20 mi sa-ayik. Fire Day. qz 3 c.,, vl tang sa-ayik. Water Day. 9 cv 6.0 v t lang sa-ayak. War Planet Day. t 6., 2izil c nyen sa-ayak. Copper Planet Day. C, i i 6,1 aw sung-mat sa-ayak. Wood Planet Day. 0 (44, zzli c fat sa-ayik. Gold Planet Day. )ectscolzolt pun-jeng sa-ayak. Earth Planet Day. 71 Modern Rong or Lepcha. (as above.) i t i: dun-hrok. A Period of Seven Days. also gzah-bdun (the 7 planets). Air 0 ( 5 Z C , -, za nyi-ma. Planet Sun. 4 ( * ( V. ( zi di-wi.. Planet Moon. t 4 c 5 Z C za. mik-ma. Planet Mars. C ii(X it 0 zi. hlik-bo. Planet Mercury. lit ff 3 C o za phur-bo. Planet Jupiter. it ( ( iCkw C za, pa-sang. Planet Venus. 0 ( 1:5 4. C 0 za, phem-bo. Planet Saturn, ISOLATED LANGUAGES.- fr ( . 11 ,ii- 11-1. - . 11.\ li .. II 4. I . .1i K.+, M. 4.ii .• 4-I Si .,,, . .. 1- Di ,I.J sie ril 72 Japanese, Japan. mawari. , A turn, a period of 7 days. nitciyOubi. Sun-day. getsuyoubi. Moon-day. kayoubi. Mars-day. suiyOubi. Mercury-day. (Water). mokuyoubi. Jupiter-day. (Wood). kinyoubi. doyOubi. Venus-day. (Gold). I Saturn-day. (Copper.) 73 Corean. Corea. These charaCters are a fac-simile of native writing sent by a Missionary in Corea, 1886. The names of the Corean 28 constellations correspond with the .four weeks cycle of the Chinese. t --' 92 ill Sun. 0 A '°(.4 -- wol. Moon. .j1 ___,5_,_ hwa sheng. Fire Star. Mars. - 4ft ,44. _ shu sheng. Water Star. Mercury. 25t iA __ A o mok sheng. Wood Star. Jupiter. 1 f:1 iii 0 1 '.-- kilo sheng, or gum shungc i t‘ oh. Metal Star. Venus. Earth Star. Saturn. 74 Tibetan. Tibet. 11 * zl) • Tl. 19 zag-dfin-prag-shig. One Seven Days. TR. , •74 za-nyi-ma. Planet Sun. TR.4..1 za-zla-ba and za-da-wa. Planet Moon. Tr,, • `4.9 • V1 za-mi mar. ra-la-ma. (Planet eye red.) Planet Mars. 2111 • V•11 za-lha-pa and za-la-ma. (Balance, Mid-week.) Planet Mercury. Igt2%•-•- za-p'ur-bil. Planet Jupiter. 1A2N • 74 • 9 • 3iSig za-pa-lba-sang. Planet Venus. igIN• V e 11 za-pen pa. (Planet Seven). The Seventh Planet. Saturn. 40 75 Boutan. Little Tibet. The Boutanese held the seven planets in very high esteem, as appears from the many names given to each planet. The septenary cycle also; hence the improb- ability of losing the proper order of the reckoning of the days of the week. (I) •1, • z (2) S . 74Z) (i) sa-kar dun. Planet days Seven. (2) gfigna diin. Days Seven. sa-nyi-ma. Planet Day. Planet Sun. (Has 44 names.) sa-nyi-moo khyoodh. (Darkness breaker). Planet Moon. (Has 5o names.) mi-dh-mar. (Eye red). Mars. (Has 12 names.) \ 1•ai 4R • 3 1 i S • N sa-tag-dagna-ni. Half-week Planet. Planet Mercury. . (Has 12 names.) tshig-gi-dag. Jupiter. (Has 23 names). e 1 1 c z 71 TR T4s9sq sa-pa-sagnos. Planet Venus. (Has 14 names.) (I)V • 11 (2) Fir: • g • 2:1Z) • 11 (a) pen-pa. Eye of God-Saturn. 1 2 3 (2) Od-sar-diin pa. 3 2 I Seventh Brilliant Star. (Has 12 names.) 41 76 Georgian. Caucasus. nJP-Qauac.n° slivideooli. Seven. Also shabati : Sabbath. 3506 kvira. Lordly (day.) cn._ n586 coo Or-shabati. Two to the Sabbath. ls 69 or 685 co:) sam-shabati. Three to the Sabbath. cn-oob n686 cn o otkh-shabati. Four to the Sabbath. buoop an 68.5coo khoot-shabati. Five to the Sabbath. LS (6118o paraskevi. Preparation (day). nr,5.!,6 Li o-)c) shabati. Sabbath. 42 77 Suanian. Caucasus. There were 15o languages spoken in the Caucasus in Pliny's time. moushladh'h. DayOne. deshdysh. taghash. djoumash. tzash. ouebysh. sammtyn. Sabbath. 43 78 Ingoush. Caucasus. kyrynda. Lordly (day.) orshout. shynra. kar. Four. era. peryska. Preparation. shatt. Sabbath.. 44 79 Aware or Avar (Daghestan.) Cis-Caucasus. ant. Seven. itni qo. Second day. khamiz qo. Fifth-day. samat qo. Sabbath Day. 45 8o Circassian. Circassia. 0 , .1.) 4.,;‘,..vtio - eci' ..lig:. ‘::,..,,..... sit tkhamafey, or hamapey. Space of Seven Days. ‘....A...D1..‘ L::... J l.L. I. -sy nouy-isht-kha-maf. Market-day. 2(4 4.) tc..A...4.1);.) - 1 billife' or billipe. Morrow after Market. 0 .• 1-.i,.-' J' tkiraf. Djexid. (Javelin throwing). beyreyskeyzee. Space of Four days. ' "' irg-", k.,P" Space of Five days. mehfok. ' 0 ax,:l.zo I Z.,,,y, - pereske kfilshe. Day of Assembly. ... ...• 5 ,. mafizaki. Morrow after Assembly. POLYNESIAN.- (r./.) .4.... a.,1 tzt ,-9 j:LLt ,..5:pb Z ,...9kib LIU 1 tib ) ‘ 5 ) ka0/4*-‘- '...5.) i0/44..?*- 4...S.P6 ,i'!'" kJ?) 81 Malayan. Sumatra. jum at. Collection (of Days.) hari shad. Day One. hari isnein. Day Two. hari thillathit. Day Three. hari arbaa. Day Four. hart khamis. Day Fifth. hari jilm-at. Day Assembly. hari sabtfi. Day Sabbath. 46 "4.--. 82 ( ,....-.. Javanese. Java. n aJaKisun,t,5n_ j` sajemoohat. Collection of Days. 0 :._ 0040 aftWii Ily diva shad. - Day One. - - a 0 ea la an an diva senen. Day Two. o 40,10 a-4 al.414 diva selasa. Day Three. a anan 1111 .1,0 diva rebo. Day Fourth. o 110 GO omzatep diva kemis. Day Fifth. ------e--- 0 . 1_ wan 2kaintsjm% diva joomahat. Day (of the) Assembly. I e., Snail la Ill 1 asn , saptoe (saptu). Sabbath. 47 , 83 Sunda (West Java.) jurn-a.. Collection (of Days). achad. One (day). senin. Two (2nd day). salasa. Three (3rd day). rebo. Fourth (day). khemis. Fifth.juin-a-hat. Assembly (d.) saptd. Sabbath. 48 8 Dayak. Borneo. andau shat. Day One. andau sananyang. Day Two. andau salasa Day Three. andau raba. Day Fourth. andau kamis. Day Fifth. s andau djouma. Day of Assembly. sabtil. Sabbath. 49 85 Makssar. Southern Celebes and Salayer Islands. ..c- •:=. boesa. Seven. •••,:s co aha. One. or '74 sand*. (Day) Two. • 1=1 ...CO, 0 salasa. (Day) Three. ,v: i."... X araba. (Day) Fourth. ,/:„., •!.., 0 kamisi. (Day) Fifth. jfim-a. Assembly (Day). .., ,h... sattfi. Sabbath. 50 86 _ Bogis. Celh3es. ...c. .-..c. TJ balanitya Seven. ,..-:. zz aha. One. t= . r ,... sineng. Two. :::, .....,:::. salasa Three. ,....,,..........c. araba. Four. ..,- .,..., =. kamisi Fifth. -o •-• jinn-a Assembly. t=:. --. sattfi. Sabbath. 87 Malagassy. Madagaskar. herinando. Complete Measure. alahady. The One (day). alatsinainy. The Second (day). talata. Three (3rd day). alarobia. The Fourth (day). alkarnisy. The Fifth (day). zoma. Assembly. alsabotsy. The Sabbath. 52 88 Nuforian. N.W. New Guinea. ras de fiek. Day in Seven. (Time of Seven Days). hari. Day (One). ras besiiru. Day Two. ras bekior. Day Three. ras flak. Day Four. ras rim. Day Five. ras fiek. Day Seven. 53 AFRICAN. - 89 Swahili. East Equatorial Africa. jiim-a. Collection of (Days). al-shad. The One (Day). ath-the-nin. The Two (Day). ath-thelfith. The Three. arrobila. The Fourth (Day). al-khamis. The Fifth (Day). jiim-a. Assembly (Day). as-sabt. The Sabbath. 54 90 Congo. West Equatorial Africa. The Negroes of the Gold Coast say, " God, the Creator, made Seven Days." sumingu. Domingo. sekUnda, segunda. 2nd Market Day. kietatu. 3rd Feira (fair) or 3rd Market Day. kieya. 4th Feria, or 4th Market Day. kietanu. 5th Feira, or 5th Market Day. kiesambanu. 6th Feira, or 6th Market-day. satade. kiansabnlii. Saturday. Sabbado : Sabbath. 55 91 ISOLATED LANGUAGES- Wolof. Senegambia, West Africa. ayoubesse. Seven. ... diber. Dimanche. altine. The Two. zalata. Three. alarba. The Four. alkhamesse. The Fifth. aldiouma. The Assembly (Day). alere-asser. Last Day. Sabbath. 56 92 Fulah (West Africa.) . telata. Three (3rd day). alarba. The Four (4th d.) alguman. The Assembly. 57 essibt. The Sabbath. 93 Mandingo. South of Senegal, West Africa. lukungo. allahaddo. The One. tenning. Two. tellata. Three. araba. The Four. aramisu. The Fifth. arajtima. The Assemb sihiti. Sabbath. 2 58 94 Teda. Central Africa. degesa. tuddesa. Collection of Days. lahadu. The One. eltnin. The Two. tleta. Three. ria laraba. The ourth. lamisu., i , The (Fifth. el-arzumma. The Assembly. es*bdu. The Sabbath. 59 95 Bornu or Kanuri. Central Africa. mage. Co119_ttion. lade. The One. leterin. letertin. The Two. telago. Three. laraba. The Fourth. lamisu. The Fifth. zumma. Assembly. sibda. Sabbath. 6o 96 -A. Fulfulde. Central Africa. lahade. The One. altenin. The Two. attaleta. The Three. al araba. The Fourth. alamisu. The Fifth. aldzumma. The Assembly. , assebdu. The Sabbath. 61 97 Soryal. Central Africa. lahade. The One. altenin. The Two. attaleta. The Three. aliraba. The Fourth. alamisu. The Fifth. aldzumma. - The Assembly. assebdu. . The Sabbath. 62 98 Logone. Central Africa. , semalge. Seven Days. sel-lade. The One. sele-telen. The Two. sel-telako. The Three. sel-laraba. The Fourth. sel-lamisu. The Fifth. sel-dema. The Assembly. se'-sibde. The Sabbath. 63 99 Wandala. Central Africa. harwfiye. lade. The One. , letenin. The Two. telago. Three. laraba. The Fourth. lamisu. The Fifth. zumma. Assembly sibda. Sabbath. 64 100 Bagrimma. Central Africa. dzamorta. Collection. lahadi. The One. letnin. The Two. dzata15,ki. Three. laraba. The Fourth. lamisi. The Fifth. ildiimma. The Assembly. sibbedi. Sabbath. 65 Ica Maba. Central Africa. mindri. Seven. ahad. One. ettenin. The Two. ettelet. The Three. araba. Fourth. xamis. Fifth. diumma. Assembly. sab. Sabbath. 66 IO2 MISCELLANEOUS- Norman French. (loth and ilth Centuries.) Sepmayn, Sepmeme. Diemane. Luner. Jeusday, Jeusdye, Jurisdie. Merkedy, Mercuredi, Merdie, Meskerdy Jeodi. Venerdy, Venardy, and Venredi. Sabbedi, Samaday, Semadi. Sabbath Day. 67 103 Ancient French. (12th and 13th Centuries.) * Semaine, Semeigne. Ltindi. Marsdi. Merquedi. Joedi, Jeusidi. Vendredi, Vendresdi. Samedi i.e. Sabbath Day. 68 104 D'oc. France. (Ancient and Modern). semana, semane, Seven Days. dimenche, dimeche. Day Dominical. diluns, dilfms. Day Moon(White-day.) dimars, dimirs. Day Mars. dimecres, dimecres. Day Mercury. dijours, dijooft. Day Jupiter. divendres, diveindres. Day Venus. dissata, dissate. Day Sabbath. 69 105 Ecclesiastical. Roman. Dominica, Feria Secunda. Feria Tertia. Feria Quarts. Feria Quanta. Feria Sexta. Sabbatu m. 70 Io6 Parliamentary. British. Until recently whenever Parliament assem- bled on Saturday, the Clerk wrote the day of the week thus:-" Dies Sabbati." Dies Solis. Dies Lunx. Dies Martis. Dies Mercurii. Dies Jovis. Dies Veneris. Dies Sabbati. 71 107 Astronomical. 0 Sun. Q Moon. e Mars. Mercury. 24 Jupiter. g Venus. 12 Saturn. C.1\ t 00 OB ADVENT SOURCE COLLECT!7,:l General Conference et Seventh-Day Adveal:sts WASHINGTON, D. C. Na 31 ((bad. 01 thr aittrrh: Shewing the UNCHANGED ORDER of the Days and the true Position of the SABBATH, as proved by the combined testimony of Ancient and Modern Languages. 13y Ete.mr. 1/S/ILLIAM MEAD JONES, 120 OD. ./ ABBREVIATIONS.-For "r.I.," read the foreign types from right to left ; for " t.b.," read from top to bottom ; read all others from left to right. The letter "d." means that the language is dead. The various terms showing the place of the Sabbath, such as " purification-day," " bath-day," " Seventh-day," " end-day," &c., as well as " Sabbath," are indicated by figures in the extreme right-hand column. Literal translations are given and not equivalents, e.g., " as-sabt, the Sabbath," and not Saturday. PRONUNCIATION.-In reading the transliterations care should be taken to pronounce as nearly as possible after the following examples :-d (long) as in father ; u (short) as in ab; e (long) as a in say ; e (short) as in eh and met ; 1 (long) as in machine (never as i in pine); i or i (short) as in pin o (long) as in tone; 6 (short) as in broke; u (long) as oo in boom, room, and moon; it (short) is merely a shortened form of the same sound ; ai as eye. Circumflex and acute accents lengthen vowels. All deviations from this system are adopted from authors. MM. 1/4 ( ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1886, BY Rev. W. M. JONES, D D., IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, AT WASHINGTON, O.U., U.S.R. No. LANGUAGE. (WHERE SPOKEN, READ, --oR OTHERWISE USED.) WEEK. (NAME OF THE CLUSTER, OR 1. i 2. CYCLE, OF SEVEN DAYS.) (WITH 3. 4. 5. 6. NAME OF SEVENTH DAY ETYMOLOGICAL MEANING.) :F)-g , .= 7, ,-i,.. 31:4 ...v..= '4 g.1 5 5-`,1 EiS)(4 lg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 0 r . i I2 I3 14 15 • 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Shemitic- (r.l.) 3,12tr sha.-vu-ah. Seven. "Trig', C115 yom 6-khad. Day One. n't:, DT/ yom sh6-ni. Day Second. _____ ___ *Itr5t, n), yom sh6-1i-shi. Day Third. r .iftnt-tn, yom r&vi I. Day Fourth. n y .,,nri my. yom kha-mi-shi. Day Fifth. vtt -T , ,r In yom hash-shi-shi. i Day the Sixth. ,rinvr-T ni, ratr-T nv yom hash-sh6-vi-i. yiim hash-shab-bath. Day the Seventh. Day the Sabbath. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 I I I 2 13 14 15 17 I I 20 2 I 2 2 Hebrew Bible. ( World-wide) Hebrew. (Ancient and Modern use.) (* Proceeding on to the Sabbath.) (r.l.) Nyint, sha-vii-Ah. Seven. (r.l.) mra,t, shA-vu-Ah. Seven. Mtn. -TN 6-khad be-shab-bath. One into* the Sabbath. rat= 'int, she-ni be-shab-bath. Second into the Sabbath. nay= i+trtpt, she-li-shi be-shab-bath. Third into the Sabbath. rat= 4,1m1 re-vi-I be-shab-bath. Fourth into the Sabbath. rat ,trnr-r kha-mi-shi be-shab-bath. Fifth into the Sabbath. trnp rat, snr 6-reb shab-bath ko-desh Eve of Holy Sabbath. nett, shab-bath. Sabbath. Targum of Onkelos. (Hebrew Literature.) In nil yom khad. Day One. inn mi, yom tin-yan. Day Second. ntrn,r1 r-rmi, yoy-met ti-ril-sheb. Day 2nd of the Seven. ,Nr14171-1 tro yom t'-li-thai. Day Third. - 414p 11 =V yom r'-vi-Ai. Day Fourth. inAttrilnri tn, . yOm kh'-mi-shai. Day Fifth. 14rrritt, ni, yam shi-thi-thai. Day Sixth. nwpmt, try, 1-1:t., y,-int sh'-vi-iia. sab-bath. Day Seventh. Sabbath. Targum Dialed-1 of the Jews in Kurdistan. (r.1.) Nratt, shfi-vu -all. Seven. tAn.vcriz tral4 yoy-met khoy-she ba Day One of the Seven. =,117,r1 nmr yoy-met to-1A-wii-sheb. Day 3rd of the Seven. =tra-IN rimi, yoy-met ar-bii-sheb. Day 4th of the Seven. =wit= rival, yoy-met kham-shii-sheb. Day 5th of the Seven. ov 0 1'm a 'Th 1..2.,Lae4 NI.111N rPryri yoy-met a-roy-ta. Day of Eve (of Sabbath). 0 . trnp ralr mar yoy-met sha-bat ko-desh. Holy Sabbath Day. Ancient Syriac. (.Each day proceeds on, and belongs to, the Sabbath. This is the meaning in all the languages where " into Sab- bath" or " into the Sabbath," is em- ployed. o v 1L\.=.0 .1..,:, r" .1 ,c... av „I r.a5L 1A 1 ....., . -D i 1LL in......, „ 1...), 1L\-..0i.1 e-rfiv-tho. Eve (of Sabbath). P 'sr 1,L411 shab-ba-tho. Sabbath. (r.l.) shab-ba-tho. Sabbath. khad be-shab-bo. One into* Sabbath. tren be shab-bo. , Two into Sabbath. ti-lo-the be-shab-bo. Three into Sabbath. ar-ba-Oh be-shab-bo. Four into Sabbath. kham-sho be-shab-bo. Five into Sabbath. Chaldee Syriac. vul. pronun. Kiirdistan, and Oriimia. Persia. .1. .2 4.tLif. =I .,06.... yu-mat shap-tri. Days into Sabbath. 7•-,A= Nek . . khad be-shab-ba. One into Sabbath. : • A tren be-shab-ba. Two into Sabbath. .1.k.z 24a. ia te-la-tha be-shab-ba. Three into Sabbath. i..i.l .).i2 ar-bit be-shab-ba. Four into Sabbath. :1-i= kham-sha be-shab-ba. Five into Sabbath. fi.,0i..1, e-rriv-tho, and re-ta. Eve (of Sabbath). 4-1-ig. shap-ta. Sabbath. Samaritan. (Old Hebrew Letters.) Nablus, Palestine. (r.1.) %\i'VT" shri-vii-Ah. Seven. V=ST-i . %%WIT . yo-ma kha-da. Day One. %`.111111Ar . %=Tt yo-ma t'ni-na. Day Second. V1/4112A . %%*t fll yo-ma t' li-tha. Day Third. %VittScs. . %'Tfir yo-ma re-vi-ah. Day Fourth. r'ulTf%12c . ?M'TilY yo-ma kha-mi-sha. Day Fifth. %.11rfrf Nu"' . %%'TIIT yo-ma she-thi-tha. Day Sixth. SIVFITT-u% . %%'Kfir . ArTu yo-ma ha-she-vi-ith. shab-bath. Day the Seventh. Sabbath. Babylonian. Euphrates and Tigris Valleys, Mesopotamia. (d.) (A written language 3800 B.c.) '-'( 1 I ma-a-sii. Quarter of a Lunation. ..- --;-;-. 4-Y .. War Chief. , ) L+,) dii-bar. Turning day or Midweek. 19 i • m th-nis. L.7-t-- Familiar or Society Day. " 1-rii.- bat .t.i. - Eve (of Sabbath). J+ h' 7 i s i-yar. Chief or Rejoicing Day. - Arabic. (Ancient and Modern.) Westn. Asia, E., W. & N. Africa. (r.l.) e7.1'41 4.. irot :ft- al-As-ha-fib. jrim-At. The Seven, Colleetion (of days). sTUitill ath-tha-la-tha. The Three. '.A.), In al-ar-ba. The Four. - *II L-7:): * al-khrt-mis. The Fifth. - SI ir.oe4...7 al-jiim-At. Assembly (day, Wiliam.) - 1/4::..s.,..4.11 as-sabt. The Sabbath. Maltese, Malta. Ghimgh'a. Colleuion (of days). H'add. - One (day). It-t'nien. Two (2nd day). It-t'lieta. The 3 (3rd d.) L'erbagh. The 4 (4th d.) H'amis. Fifth (day.) Il-gimgh'a. Assembly. Is-sibt. The Sabbath. Ge-ez or Ethiopic. Abyssinia. (Ge-ez signifies "original.") 11'1 ti. : • sa-beh. Seven. '7xtil-K e-hUd. One (day). 'iritii•K : e hud. One (First day). fill-g sa-nu-ye. . Second. U1.1A-ri : sa-lits. Third. 4n-0 : ra-bft-eh. Fourth. 10-0-il : kha-mus. Fifth. a d-ri A-reb. Eve (of Sabbath). risnlr san-bat Sabbath. Tigre. Abyssinia. (Closely related to Ge-ez.) emirs : sa-min. or seven complete days. Eight. The turn from the 7th comp. " une huitieme " for week of 7 days. fri-g : sa-gne. Second. tkin-fl : sa-lus. Third. cen-O re-ha-eh. Fourth. --s 913E1 : kha-me-sfi. Fifth. viciri : A-ra). Eve (of Sabbath). , rrin + san-bat. Sabbath. Amharic, Abyssinia. (Nearly re?ated to Ge-ez.) eiwril• : sa-me-net. Eight. (Same use as in Tigre). Xth,g. : 0-hitd. One. (Also festal Sabbath, vide Galla.) A?' : sa-gna. Second. non ri?. : mak-sa-gna. Third. " The other 2nd." rLAri : seles. Third. c[1'° : re-bti-eh. Fourth. uo., : h r ha-mils. Fifth. oc-n : ar-be. Eve (of Sabbath). - (ran- : san-bat. Sabbath. Falasha. (Lang. of the yews of Abyssinia.) eigrril.- : sa-me-net. ?lg. : ad. One. Ian : san. Second. Lt [l : loba. Fourth. thipvi : hams. Fifth. ilytrl- : VII : sedast kan. Sixth. m1,: inrsnl• : yini sanbat. The Sabbath. Hamitic- 1 No word found for Week. (Chons, Amen, At-hor and Seb also represent their respedive Planets). Ra. Sun. ,, , - ,,, A 1/4 - .......--, ,- -- - 0 .=, Hor chuta em chetchet. (Hor going backwards). Mars. 171 Ei8001C Akiutikz, T: watt. pi ehoou emmah i shomt.* The 3rd Day. 3 Pi Sebkau. Mercury. * 1 Nutar tua. At-hor. Morning Star : enu . (Horus dividing the mysteries). ' (Horus N. Hor Ka. bee. the BIM. Saturn. - V 7 ti Old Egyptia n. (Hieroglyphic). (d.) Thoth. Chons. Moon. X O . Hor ap sheta. Amen. Jupiter. Coptic. Egypt. (A dead language for 200 years.) (Words with * are names of the numerals). Orma or Galla. South of Abyssinia. (This language has two sets of names, the first being the oldest). ITS Artd.rt, 4 - _ pi anan, z (z numerical letter for 7). A period of time belonging to the Sabbath. -41-Cn`i : /q. torban and torbo. Seven. rtt i8ocer JULLILA.8 ---- 41/4 : OTAII pi ehoou emmah ouai.* r1 The First Day. nz i800it it.uzike, B.: cffikir pi ehoou emmah b sna!).* The 2nd Day. Ill i80 : crro r pi ehoou emmah c7 ftou.* The Fourth Day. 1 N . i Ill E800T , suutief..8 E : v1-101r pi ehoou emmah 7 tiou.* The 5th Day. N 111 E800V 111 i8ocer Tit cedillArrott - .11JULP.A. 'EN-- : COON' Juuulax.8 - 4: wekwg pi sabbaton. pi ehoou emmah-so-ou.* pi ehoou emmah .i: shashaf.* The 6th Day. The 7th Day. The Sabbath. -t: gif-ti. Lady, Virgin Mary Day. Also Sanbata gudda (Rom. C.) Great or Festival Sabbath. tcru-r : dji-ma-ta. Second day. Hu-tshi dura. First Trade Day. HUD illg : MS : zambada t'i-na. 3rd Day to the Sabbath. HA-tshi-la ma-fa. Second Trade Day. 11913111K : 1-g : zam-ba-da gii-da. 4th day to the Sabbath. Robi. Fourth (day). 1191311 : hams also za-iio.: Fifth (day). mum I. : H Yin K : zam-ba-da. Sabbath. tshi-ma-ta (jUrn-a). Last day of the half-week inclusive of 4th day. Also San-ba-ta tenna. Assembly (day). Little, or Humble, or Solemn Sabbath. (A day of no ceremonial display and no work). Tamashek or Towarek. (From ancient Lybian or Numidian). Atlas Mountains, Africa. (rd.) • j :1 jUm-A. Colled'Uon of Seven days. I i ' Int- a,hal 1-yen First Day. I eil!.. a-hal sin. Second Day. a o • : 111. a-hal ke-radh. Third Day. 4* .: HI. - a-hal k6z. Fourth Day. : • .• 0 3 0 11. a-hal si-mus. Fifth Day. • 2 : 1 11 I. -HD 0111. a-hal jfim-A. a-hal es-sabt. Assembly Day. The Sabbath Day. Kabyle or Berber. Via. PrOitUn. (Ancient Numidian.) North Africa. (rd.) c 65''. _ w3c, also dart and du-a-rin. Seven (days). .- 0 (' ..- il=4 ! knre, glias al-a-had. Day the One (First). co C' ..- C' - wtk-ir Y' ,../...1.; _ k ,....1 ghas or wass at-nin. Day the Two (2nd). , - o.:11:1 ' . k....r- .; - L.,-6 ghas or wass at-lata. Day the Three (3rd). ..---,..1 G .., C. , o......+ 3 I i . _ .1. ..> '1/4..1"' . L.r ghas or wass al-arba. Day the Four (4th). , G, l 31 _ L.P`' N..""' ghas elh'amis. Day the Fifth. ...-G .0 t G 0. G. G. A -.1 1 4...::.--,:‘,.,31 ,...r.1..1 - i.),-b A''', 1/4P, - L.1"1 ghas or wass edjemaa. ghas or wass assebt. The Assembly day. The Sabbath Day. Hausa (Central'Africa). kwAna bokoi. Seven Days. lahade. The One (1st). altenin. The Two (2nd). attaleta. The Three (3rd )• alaraba. The Four (4th). alamesit. The Fifth. ald.immma. The Assembly. assebatn. The Sabbat h. J ap h et i c - -- - Tr4TK Ire or nil 1 bildh -var. bridh or bildh-var. Mercury-day. I - VIMRTT .. lfqlK ITMITIT shtikra-vier. shani-var. I sani-var. Venus Star. Saturn-day. TITITg saptaha. Seven. 1TT'RTK TfwgiT bhanii-var. ravi-vitr. Sun-day. 1,1111"VT .4...,,ITT so m a-var. canda-var. Moon-day. Rw.o.Trt. -71WITWIT mangal-var. angaravar. Mars-day. 11-ffert-i-ITT 7,1-TIT brihtispati-vas. gfiriivar. Jupiter-day. Sanscrit. (The classic language of India.) (From 2000 B.C.) Hindi. India. TI stiptah. Seven. Tf4 MT rtibi-var. Sun-day. XftainTT som-war. Moon-day. 1.4 ITT btidh-war. Mercury-day. kiij. Mars-day. iini-war. .Z1414. gilrit-war. Jupiter-day. % Ail I k Tftqq'TK ' . shfikr-war. Venus-day. sh Saturn-day. Pali. (The sacred language of India.) . tf-4-dritr ravi \Taro. Sun-day. 'qallT1 candavaro. Moon-day. V.IWRAIt angaravaro. Mars-day. 1.1. T . gfirtivaro. Jupiter-day. mriT4Tt WO-4TO' stikkavaro. sanivaro. Venus-day.. Saturn-day. TIWTer, sattAhaM. Seven Days. S or ql,111-4 .., bildh or btidhvaro. Mercury-day. Urdu or Hindustani. (Milhammadan and Hindu, India.) (Three names for the week, and two names for the days.) (y.1.) . 41.-Lit.Z ey!.e, / S;1;411 haftah. fisbii-ah. atwAra. Seven. Seven. Sun-day. . - - - -- - - a.s.1...t..() "I - --. 0 yek-shamba. atwar. One to Sabbath. Sunday. s?'-:`;`) - i:?'). du shamba. pir. 2nd to Sab. M eon-day. a?...x..7. J...., - Li :<'..l..0 sah-shamba. mangal. 3 to Sabbath. Mars. et.O.Z . V..ii. .-7... .... 5.3*? chti-har shamba. bildha. 4 to Sabbath. Mercury. eX14.. ;), (Z:-.; 1.1,•.- panj-shamba. jiima rut. 5th to Sab. Eve (of Jumil). ci,C4,,,- - Aft. 4.1.... jiim-A. jtim-A. Assembly (day). ! • - • . ) •-..:7-" 4•!'. 1.." - sanichar. shamba. Saturn. Sabbath. • Sindhi. Sindh, India. 1ialt hapt. Seven. W1'9" a-it rii. Sun(day). ict sum-ma-ra. Moon(day). TiTIFf mangah-i, Mars. 7T-i bfidhrii. Mercury. vispati. khamas. giirii-var. NTI:rfa Jupiter. NT* tharfin. Venus. gisvgk chhancharii. Saturn Sindhi Mithammadan. Sindh, India. (T .9 . jiim-4. 7.7:TT) aliaro. Mars (day). 7. I. "q T arbe. 4th (day). T4TER 5th (day). 71:11- jumo. Assembly (day). sITT-q- itcharti. Sun(day). T11:1- sammarti. Moon(day). l&itk chhanchharti. Saturn (day). Gujarati. India. Rq..i.p. or wtsctirsil ravivar or athavadiyung. Seven days. wit ii.,-viLk adit-var. Sun-day. z--o.-alet R. som-var. Moon-day. -eilvAcip. mangal-var. Mars-day. t.t.tik budh-var. Mercury-day. vfi. O. Jupiter-day. P-3kcilk shil-kar-var. Venus-day. -Z1 ralct l k sani-var. Saturn-day. VTR bildh-var. Mercury-day. 7T-TIT - gfirii-var. Jupiter-day. 41fw47 shani-var. Saturn-day. Marathi. India. ATV saptaha. Seven. T qqlik ravi-var. Sun-day. TefFMTT som-var. Moon-day. mangal-var. atruaTK Mars-day. shakra-var. IpaTz Venus-day. Cashmere. India. (r.l.) 6—:i—Et—Ib 1 -T J Y I at-war. Sun-day. ) .,) a.i.., sandar-war. Moon-day. )5s-4 bong-war. Mars-day. )1,'):' .)'1 biid-war. Mercury-day. 1 ".'...? bris-war. Jupiter-day. e.....4..?.. jum-A. Assembly (day). )1,61 bat-war. Idolator's day. hafta. Seven. Punjabi. India. ,.. W141-4TU som-war. Moon-day. — vir-war. 'MU bar. Day. ( Bar is said of a door, a turn ; perhaps of opening out and ending for another turn of seven days to begin.) TfT3T sa-ta. Seven. rai1i8i 1d ayat-war. Sun-day. naingal-war. aidiold _ Mars-day. - bildh-war. r-41-11c1 Mercury-day. 'B-- -°2S,5.),..) athwAra. (2) varamil of Seven Days. '63 -',6.,.),) w jiiyilvaramii• Mars-day. Singhalese. Ceylon. r.3.6ic..o Oc..3 satire dawas. Seven Days. @ge., irida. Sun-day. case., san-du-da 4 Moon-day. r cr,$)6z,e3e,,, ar*ahartiwada. '-"--- Mars-day. ' t. 1 r'''---- - b 'da. Mercury-day. + AZ.6r..3045-3e,, brahaspatinda. Jupiter-day. . E325 63e,, 1 sikiirada. • Venus-day. igesa--)00„, - senasuradit. Saturn-day. MONOSYLLABIC— x.jc cheng. Or Seven Regulators, equivalent to Week. This method of reckoning the week is very old, and is a four-fold witness to the unchanged order of the. series of seven days so well known in ancient and modern times. It has been a safeguard against the loss of a day of the week, and of one day being exchanged for another. Each day has its place assigned by four different planetary names. ist Week. g fang. Corresponding animal : Hare. 2nd Week. Kg ha. Corresponding animal : Rat. 3rd Week. ris mac. Corresponding animal : Cock. 4th Week. * sing. Corresponding animal : Horse. Sun. 1st Week. )1.1N sin. Corresponding animal :Fox. 2nd Week. g- wei. Corresponding animal: Swallow. 3rd Week. pih. Corresponding animal : Raven. 4th Week. . chang. Corresponding animal : Deer. Moon, 1st Week wei. Corresponding animal : Tiger. 2nd Week $' shih. Corresponding animal : Boar. 3rd Week tsui. Corresponding animal : Monkey. 4th Week yeh. Corresponding animal : Snake. Mars. 1st Week ft. ki. Corresponding animal: Leopard. 2nd Week pih. .. • Correspdng. animal: Porcupine. 3rd Week tsan. _.. Corresponding animal : Ape. 4th Week chan. Corresponding animal : Worm. Mercury. is/ Week :1-•• teu or doe. Corresponding animal: Griffin. 2nd Week *. kwei. Corresponding animal: Wolf. 3rd Week 4 tsing. Corresponding animal : Tapir. 4th Week A kioh. Corresponding animal: Dragon. Jupiter. 1st Week4. niu. Corresponding animal: Ox. 2nd Week leu. Corresponding animal: Dog. 3rd Week cla kwei. Corresponding animal : Sheep. 4th Week -ii,- .k'ang. Corresponding animal: Dragon. Venus. 1st Week * nu. Corresponding animal: Bat. 2nd Week M wei. Corresponding animal : Pheasant. 3rd Week op liu. Corresponding animal : Muntjak. 4th Week M ti. Corresponding animal : Badger. Saturn. A ncient Chinese. (Astronomical). Names of the Cycle of 28 days. It ever repeats itself without regard to years. This 7 and 28 day Cycle is used in Corea, Manchuria, Mon- golia and Tibet. Chinese (Roman Catholic). (Adopted long prior to those of the Protestant.) li pai or lai pai. )4J chan li yih. .4 Day of looking lip and worshipping. — chan li erh. ) — Worship-day Two. IA ---. — .____ chan li san. Worship-day Three. IN chan li ssii. et-i VVorship-day Four. W chan li wii. iff5 Worship day A Five. iN. chan li leu. fra Worship-day _i_. Six. .• chan li t`si. Worship-day Seven. --)E Chinese (Protestant). (Missionary names changed from the above, probably within a century.) )(1 li pai or lai pai. 111 IT El li pai or lai pai' yat. Respectful,Worshipping. d __. li pai yih. Worship-day One. *a — li pai erh. - Worship-day Two. iiiff IT ____. --=' li pai san. Worship-day Three. IR 4 Ig1 li pai ssfi. Worship-day Four. 01. If A li pai wii. Worship-day Five. di 4 * li pai leu. Worship-day Six. Muhammadan Chinese. (Persian and Arabic Names.) For want Kind or sort jum-a. of space these native charaaers are placed horizontally. ail ,Tir,-. .,... tuan le. o f rites or ceremonies equivalent to a Series of Days. w% # tE til yae k'i shan bai. 1st to the Sabbath. FE 4:1 du shan bai. 2nd to the Sabbath. iil =7 ,iit hieh shan bai. 3rd to the Sabbath. ,:: tti =:: tE- zr ch'e ha shan bai. 4th to the Sabbath. gt ittri Er_< ta p'an chih shan bai. 5th to the Sabbath. 4+1 a chit ma. Assembly. i.„„ ii.in sai 1)-1 tai. Sabbath. Annamite. Annam. Atl A * ngay the' nhift. Day in order the First. 114 A tii--- ngay the' hai. Day in order Two. Olt- it r ngay the' ba. Day in order Three. fri. A 111, ngay the' bOn. Day in order Four. ilq- Jt Mlf ngay the' nem. Day in order Five. fill, - lt ngay the' sau. 1 Day in order Six. ifil jt 4t ngay the' bay. Day in order Seven. Tai or Siamese. Siam. a7PME.) athit. Sun. (By extension, seven days.) Yu 97*)6 • Van athilt. Day Sun. V76 Vumi van chan. Day Moon. 04 @�O? van angkhan. Day Mars. PU 141 Pi van phut. Day Mercury. 4 gpout5) FU v? van pra: hat. Day Jupiter. (b-i‘ rla Van sulk. Day Venus. 226 6e150 a van sic.. Day Saturn. 86 Kambojan. k Khmer.) Kamboja. • a.tiat. .un. (By extensirSn, seven days.) ( qSj'acvA thngay atilt. Day Sun. V trili)V., thngay chan. Day Moon. .......e_y,, &01-S1.4) c1 thngay angkear. Day Mars. w & iSj C12 1,' thngay put. Day Mercury. w VifiCI5VZS thngay prelhos. Day Jupiter. we, &iiya57) cl• thngay sek. Day Venus. . wt„ ViS5Vw) thngay sail. Day Saturn. r OrDC(80GS11 ta-ningg -ga-nuay. Day devoted to the Sun. (One day thou to the Sun) r OfD-C20.D•D (I ta-ning c`1,' la,. One thou to the Moon. &DSOill ing-gd. Mars. (920D211 lc) it hods-da-hoii 8 Mercury. B")300600211 kyd-tha-ba-day g Jupiter. r GaD)00 --)11 tV heunku-ksila. OGyli• tsa-nay. Saturn. Mranma or Burmese. Bfirmah. r r D'..-O'Ll 0011 LT L hkoo-hnit yek. Seven Days. Q 0 mood. (Day) One. a bd. (Day) Two. 8 pee (pi). (Day) Three. r CYY paun. (Day) Four. r Qa)LY - m' son. (Day) Five. \ 009. t'row. (Day) Six. r- COU9 t' pauh. (Day) Seven. Ancient Peguan. Pegu-Burmah. aDmoo sattaha. Seven (days). 0 r 000D saik. Venus (day). 0 r 08030 s' gni;-saw. Saturn (day). 0 r- aD 300 atut. Sun (day). r EYY chaun. Moon (day). aDco C2 a' gnaer. Mars (day). r..) 20) 1.0 pooto' wder. Mercury-day. g lA praowp' tee. Jupiter-day. Modern Peguan. Burmah. aDMOD sattaha. Seven (days). r r OODCCD660 L., ta nungnim. Sun-day. r CODGcaDL to nang la. Moon-day. r aDCOL angka. Mars (Day). r 0009Q L cm. pooke to hoo. Mercury-day. r r 0 JLODOOGC0 kya hsappate. Jupiter-day. r 09004IL 0 hsauk kya. Venus-day. r- 006DG sane. Saturn (Day). Shan. Burmah. r aDo-Dc hsa tang. Seven Days. tg't irai. Venus. T( MUT( Ma thanja. Saturn. r4t,;%1tr6si nongmaichin. Sun. f4Q.T.t/ ningthaukaba. Moon. Ra9rrviT9t laepakpokpa. Mars. fTivrifT,751 yimsakaesa. Mercury. ... . Yf 11APH sagonsel. Jupiter. Manipuri. of Assam. biork choyol. Seven. Ka sngi thoh-ding. A day to cut trees ; make fire ; Passion-day. Ka sngi sait-jain. A day to wash clothes: Purification-day. Ka sngi U Blei. A day devoted to the Sun. Ka sngi sombar. Moon-day. Ka sngi hat Majai. A day to Mars. Ka sngi balang. Mid-week. Ka sngi kaba san. A day the Fifth. Khassi. Cossyah Hills, East of Bengal. Ka shi taiew. A Seven days. a 6,2z0( fat sa-ayak. Gold Planet Day. 3,c1cc,..,wk A pun-jeng sa-ayak. Earth Planet Day. 5 41 CA' 415 C mi sa-ayak. Fire Day. fs3c.../v( ling sa-ayak. Water Day. 9 04) 6, v t lang sa-ayak. War Planet Day. ....... .., nyen sa-ayak. Copper Planet Day. i CV/ .) Z ." 6041 vi sung-mat sa-ayak. Wood Planet Day. Ancient Rong or Lepcha. Darjeling and Sikim Hills, East of Nepal and South of Tibet. /•* i iii dfin-hrOk. A Period of Seven Days. it ( ( t & za pa-sang. Planet Venus. -0( Ja ( 0 za phem-bo. Planet Saturn, S Air # ( z C za nyi-ma. Planet Sun. -if c * c caw C za cla-wa. Planet Moon. i -(6 c 5 z z( za. mik-ma. Planet Mars. t it t x c t o za. hlak-bo. Planet Mercury. 0 t 5 3c 40 za phur-bo. Planet Jupiter. Modern Rong or Lepcha. (as above.) - / dun-hrOk. A Period of Seven Days. also gzah-bdun (the 7 planets). . a. 11 -N1-- Cr; .1- nitciyOubi. Sun-day. IN.;•N 01 li getsuyoubi. Moon-day. . . f.....z„, pi _L., 1.1 kayoubi. Mars-day. ' K± RI .. A.J suiyoubi. Mercury-day. (Water). 4-1 111 .1i mokuyOubi. Jupiter-day. (Wood). . --; X ill .1.J kinyoubi. , Venus-day. (Gold). - a %-r-- rrl ...i cloyOubi. 1 Saturn-day. (Copper.) ISOLATED LANGUAGES.— tr < ,. Japanese, Japan. mawari. .. A turn, a period of 7 days. k't 0 kfim sheng, or gum shung. Metal Star. Venus. it, t' oh. Earth Star. Saturn. i il. Sun. '-i 0_ GP' ol. Moon. ... 1 hwa sheng. Fire Star. Mars. 411 ..--41 , • shil sheng. Water Star. Mercury. 4 0 mok sheng. Wood Star. Jupiter. Corean. Corea. These charadiers are a fac-simile of native writing sent by a Missionary in Corea, .886. The names of the Corean 28 constellations correspond with the four weeks cycle of the Chinese. N r: • '" • xi za-nyi-ma. Planet Sun. Tibet. za-mi 271W2N ' 4 • zl za-zla-ba and za-da-wa. Planet Moon. Tr:, • '41. mar. ra-la-ma. (Planet eye red.) Planet Mars. zW2,• V*74 za-lha-pa and za-la-ma. (Balance, Mid-week.) Planet Mercury. At r2N • -• za-p'ilr-bil. Planet Jupiter. zr 2\ • 11 • rii • qSN za-pa-lba-sang. Planet Venus. zriqm, • 11) • 71 za-pen pa. (Planet Seven). The Seventh Planet. Saturn. Tibetan. Ti . '71 ) • 111 • 19 zag-dfin-prag-shig. One Seven Days. 'Vr, • T...1 • 2:MSN sa-pa-sagnos. Planet Venus. (Has 14 names.) (I) WS • (2) Fi,e- • • qz9 • 11 (I) pen-pa. Eye of God=Saturn. i 2 3 (2) oci-sar-diin pa. 3 z 1 Seventh Brilliant Star. (Has I2 names.) Boutan. Little Tibet. The Boutanese held the seven planets in very high esteem, as appears from the many names given to each planet. The septenary cycle also; hence the improb- ability of losing the proper order of the reckoning of the days of the week. (I) 2w,• IF • 2:1. c\ (r) sa-kar dun. Planet days Seven. (2) giigna diin. Days Seven. z7F2, • Planet Day. Planet Sun. (Has 44 names.) .-. zpr,,' til • • T.s sa-nyi-moo khyoodh. (Darkness breaker). Planet Moon. (Has 5o names.) (2) 7\* . 2:1- 1 (2) ... mi-dh-mar. (Eye red). Mars. (Has 52 names.) ,,...plr,x1r., , 4igr2,•ri's•I‘ i sa-tag-dagna-ni. Half-week Planet. Planet Mercury. (Has 12 names.) c. ., 9'ziir471 tshig-gi-dag. Jupiter. (Has 23 names). _MO IS (k51! paraskevi. Preparation (day). Orit5 6 CO 0 l._, shabati. Sabbath. 35o,5 kvira. Lordly (day.) m-( (6,5860x) Or-shabati. Two to the Sabbath. L69 of-68503.-) l..) sam-shabati. Three to the Sabbath. m-mb (6,58 6 cn o otkh-shabati. Four to the Sabbath. b OD ',f' t5L0)0 LI khoot-shabati. Five to the Sabbath. Georgian. Caucasus. ao3'-Zau.6)° shvideooli. Seven. Also shabati : Sabbath. moushladh'h. Day One. deshdysh. taghash. - - - djoumash. tzash. ouebysh. sammtyn. Sabbath. Suanian. Caucasus. There were 15o languages spoken in the Caucasus in Pliny's time. peryska. Preparation. shatt. Sabbath.. kyrynda. Lordly (day.) orshout. shynra. kar. Four. era. Ingoush. Caucasus. itni qo. Second day. khamiz qo. Fifth-day. samat qo. Sabbath Day. Aware or Avar (Daghestan.) Cis-Caucasus. ant. Seven. 4...-A-.01-;• u:---;;.?1 r.4.:1 nouy-isht-kha-maf. Market-day. o...k.A1.7..x.+ — 2‘..CL)32.-k.1 .... ... .. ... billife or billipe. Morrow after Market. 6.;)C' tkaraf. Djexid. (Javelin throwing). ''''.1(54",1 beyreyskeyzee. Space of Four days. 0_9 c",. mehfok. Space. of Five days. -Tb ; A.LJ / ..?..! pereske killshe. Day of Assembly. gj..!.;',4 matizaka. Morrow after Assembly. Circassian. Circassia. (rd.) e...::.,,,tct. ._ eci'.... ‘ ‘.::..--.÷...„, sit tkhamafey, or hamapey. Space of Seven Days. al..-1 Ut L-9 hari Chad. Day One. .A.:iS . , .tt, tv.. k....) hari isnein. Day Two. POLYNESIAN.— ;X C;r: ,...5)Ub hari thillathii. Day Three. tp.J U) >1 4-51 hari arbaa. 1 Day Four_.________i_ kj".? -4-: ,_.5;Uki hari khamis. Day Fifth. ot,•.- ,k.to liar' jilm-at. Day Assembly. „j„:,,,, ")(3D hAri sabt ft. Day Sabbath. --1--- 7--- - ist.4..?..- (rd.) Malayan. Sumatra., iiim at. Collection (of Days.) . _____ ______ 0 ... _ „_. aorta runtina,z24 diva Chad. . Day One. -, 0 -, woo (La? ort,24' diva senen. Day Two. _ _ '..-----.! 0 rum o_ollil Oa diva selasa. Day Three. 0 rum trit..-70 diva rebo. Day Fourth. 0 0 two° 4477 Ea t.2.4 N diva kemis. Day Fifth. - ---- e-- — — --% ---- 0 a tO 10 pRomavii diva joomahat. Day (of the) Assembly. N11(44 40 201% 11577 saptoe (saptu). Sabbath. f Javanese. Java. 044A-rwn Iv k sajemoohat. Collection of Days. achad. One (day). senin. Two (2nd day). salasa. Three (3rd day). rebo. Fourth (day). khernis. Fifth. ii. jrim-C-hat. Assembly (d.) saptu. Sabbath. Sunda (West Java.) jfim-A.. Collection (of Days). andau ahat. Day One. andau sananyang. Day Two. andau salasa Day Three. andau raba. Day Fourth. andau kamis. Day Fifth. andau djouma. Day of Assembly. sabtn. Sabbath. Dayak. Borneo. .-t? ._. jiim-d. Assembly (Day). ::., --, sattd. Sabbath. -•,:s tvz) aha. One. © r ,...• sanefig. (Day) Two. ,:=........,., salasa. (Day) Three. --, ,-.....- ,c, araba. (Day) Fourth. .........., kamisi. (Day) Fifth. Makssar. Southern Celebes and Salayer Islands. ..c. © . boesa. Seven. en, ez aha. One. . ,c::, r , singing. Two. . ...... .:::. „-. . salasa Three. ev,,-...-_,- araba. Four. • ....... ..,, <.. kamisi Fifth. -o ...... jiim-O Assembly. o ,-.. sattfi. Sabbath. Bfigis. CelL-bes. .4' .-.4.----J balanitya Seven. alahady. The One (day). alatsinainy. The Second (day). talata. Three (3rd day). alarobia. The Fourth (day). alkansisy. 1 The Fifth (day). -- zoma. Assembly. alsabotsy. The Sabbath. Malagassy. Madagaskar. herinando. Complete Measure. N uforian. N.W. New Guinea. ras de fiek. Day in Seven. (Time of Seven Days). hari. Day (One). ras besfiru. Day Two. ras bekior. Day Three. ras flak. Day Four. ras rim. Day Five. ras fiek. Day Seven. jilm-a. Assembly (Day). as-sabt. The Sabbath. al-shad. The One (Day). ath-the-nin. The Two (Day). ath-thelfith. The Three. arrobfia. The Fourth (Day). al-khamis. The Fifth (Day). AFRICAN. — Swahili. East Equatorial Africa. jilm-a. Collection of (Days). Congo. West Equatorial Africa. The Negroes of the Gold Coast say, " God, the Creator, made Seven Days." snmingn. Domingo. sekfinda, segnnda. 2nd Market Day. kietatu. 3rd Feira (fair) or 3rd Market Day. kieya. 4th Feria, or 4th Market Day. kietanfi. 5th Feira, or 5th Market Day. kiesambann. 6th Feira, or 6th Market-day. satade. kiansabfilft. Saturday. Sabbado : Sabbath. • giber. Dimanche. altine. The Two. zalata. Three. alarba. The Four. alkhamesse. The Fifth. aldiouma. The Assembly (Day). alere-asser. Last Day. Sabbath. ISOLATED LANGUAGES— Wolof. Senegambia, West Africa. ayoubesse. Seven. telata. Three (3rd day). alarba. The Four (4th d.) alguman. The Assembly. essibt. The Sabbath. Fulah (West Africa.) arajnma. The Assemb . sibiti. Sabbath. allahaddo. The One. terming. Two. tellata. Three. araba. The Four. aramisu. The Fifth. Mandingo. South of Senegal, West Africa. liiknrigo. lahade. The One. eltnin. The Two. tleta. Three. - laraba. The ti:purth. lamisu. The (Fifth. el-numma. The Assembly. esspdu. The Sabbath. Teda. Central Africa. degesa. tuddesa. Collection of Days. zumma. Assembly. sibda. Sabbath. lade. 1 I The One. leterin. letertin. The Two. • % telago. Three. laraba. The Fourth. lamisu. The Fifth. Bornu or Kanuri. Central Africa. mage. Coilqction. aldzumma. The Assembly. assebdu. The Sabbath. lahade. The One. altenin. The Two. attaleta. The Three. al araba. The Fourth. alamisu. The Fifth. Fillfulde. Central Africa. lahade. The One. altenin. The Two. attaleta. The Three. alaraba. The Fourth. alamisu. The Fifth. aldzumma. The Assembly. assebdu. The Sabbath. Sonyal. Central Africa. sel-lade. The One. sele-telen. The Two. sel-telCko. The Three. sel-laraba. The Fourth. sel-lamisu. The Fifth. sel-dema. The Assembly. se'-sibde. The Sabbath. Logone. Central Africa. semalge. Seven Days. hide. The One. letenin. The Two. telago. Three. laraba. The Fourth. lamisu. The Fifth. zumma. Assembly sibda. Sabbath. Wandala. Central Africa. harwuye. lahadi. The One. letnin. The Two. dzataltiki. Three. laraba. The Fourth. lamisi. The Fifth. ildzimma. The Assembly. sibbedi. Sabbath. Bagrimma. Central Africa. dzamorta. Collection. diumma. Assembly. sab. Sabbath. Maba. 1 Central Africa. mindri. Seven. ahad. One. ettenin. The Two. ettelet. The Three. araba. Fourth. xamis. Fifth. Venerdy, Venardy, and Venredi. Sabbedi, Samaday, Semadi. Sabbath Day. Diemane. Luner. Jeusday, Jeusdye, Jurisdie. Merkedy, Mercuredi, Merdie, Meskerdy Jeodi. MISCELLANEOUS— Norman French. (loth and irth Centuries.) Sepmayn, Sepmeme. Vendredi, Vendresdi. Samedi i.e. Sabbath Day. Lunch. Marsdi. Merquedi. Joedi, Jeusidi. Ancient French. (12th and 13th Centuries.) Semaine, Semeigne. dimenche, dimeche. Day Dominical. diluns. dihins. Day Moon(White-day.) dimars, climax's. Day Mars. dimecres, dimecres. Day Mercury. dijours, dijOofi. Day Jupiter. divendres, diveindres. Day Venus. dissata, dissate. Day Sabbath. D'oc. France. (Ancient and Modern). semana, semane, Seven Days. Dominica. Feria Secunda. Feria Tertia. Feria Quarta. Feria Quinta. Feria Sexta. Sabbatum. Ecclesiastical. Roman. Dies Veneris. Dies Sabbati. Dies Solis. Dies Lunal. Dies Martis. Dies Mercurii. Dies Jovis. Parliamentary. British. Until recently whenever Parliament assem- bled on Saturday, the Clerk wrote the day of the week thus:—" Dies Sabbati." 0 Sun. LC Moon. S Mars. Mercury. 2.1 Jupiter. 2 Venus. 12 Saturn. Astronomical. OF THE WWIN ALL 111710PEAN LANGUAGE". PREPARED BY H.I. PRINCE LOUIS LUCIEN BONAPARTE. w Ostegun Ostiral (I) (a) (a) (I) Larumbat One Quarter (of the moon or lunation). 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 go 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Ioo ioi 102 104 105 io6 107 108 108 Basque. Spain and France. Aste Igande Astelen Astearte Asteazken I09 Finnish. /Viikko Finland. Sunnuntai Maanantai Tiistai Keskiviikko Tuorstai, Torstai Perjantai Lauvantai, Lauantai Corruptions of Icelandic Laugardagur, q.v. I 1 0 Esthonian. Baltic Russia. , Nadal Pilha-pailw • Esmas-pailw Teisi-pdaw Kolma-pdaw, Kegk -nada' Neij,a-pitaw Reede Lau-pdaw (Bath-day). (The first part is a corruption of Icelandic Laugardagur, q.v.) III Livonian (Baltic Russia). Nadiil Piiva-paava v: EezOm-pailva Tuoisna-paava Kuolmond -padva NeMnd Sava Breidig, Breedig Pliof -pdava (Half-day). 112 Lap. Norway. Vakko Sodnu-bxive Vuosarg Manebarg Corruption of Icelandic Laugardagur, q.v. Gaskvakko Doresdak Bxrjadak,Fasto-bxivve Lavardak II3 Morduin. Russia. Nedra Nedia, Nedia Ci, Targa C'i Ponedelnik Vtornik Sereda el etverk Patnica, Pa6a. Subbota, Subta Sabbath. III_ Tsheremissian. Russia. Arna. Rug-aria. gatma KoAkolam Vir-keZa Iz-drii5. Kog-arna, Kukg-kea, Dry-day (day without work), I15 Permian (Russia). Sim-lun, Nedif Vovzem, Kresefie Vil-vun Sreda Cetvertok ., Petnic a Subota (Sabbath). 116 Votiak. Russia. Arna ue-artia, a -nunal Arn 'ild-arna-bore e go Vordygkon-nunal Vir-nunal Pokci arria/ C etvertok-nunal Biger-arna-nunal, Patnica Kos-nunal, Arna-bor, Dry-day (day without work),(Week-back). Sumat, Subbota (Sabbath). I17 Hungarian (Hungary). Het Vasarnap HetfO Kedd Szerda Csotortiik Pentek Szombat (Sabbath). 118 Vogul (Russia). at Jelping-katel Sat-ponk-katel Mot-katel Kormit-katel Nelit-katel Atit-katel Katit-katel (Sixth-day). I 19 Ostiac. Russia. Lab t, labet, Labyt-och. Labyt-och-chatl, - - chotl blyi-i-chatl Kimet-chatl Kulmet-chatl Nelmet-chatl Vetmet-chatl Chetmet-chatl, Ju-oiyii-chatl (I) Sixth-day ; (2) Hinder end-day. Ito - --- Gaelic. • Ireland. Seachdmhain Domhnach Dia Luain Dia Mairt, Mairt Dia ceadaoine, Ceadaoin Dia dardaoin, Dardaoin Aoine, Dia haoine Sathurn, Dia Sathuirn Saturn, day of Saturn. 121 Welsh (Wales). Wythnos Dydd Sul Dydd Llun Dydd Mawrth Dydd Mercher Dydd Iau Dydd Gwener Dydd Sadwrn (Day Saturn). 122 Cornish (Cornwall). (d.) Seithun De Zil. De Lin De Merh De Marhar De Jeu De Guenar De Zadarn (Ray Saturn). 123 Breton (France). Sizun Sill, Disill Liin, Dilfin Meurs, Dimeurs Merc'her, Dimerc'her Iaou, Diziou, Diziaou Gwener, Digwener Sadorn, Disadorn (Saturn, Day-Saturn). 124 Greek (Greece). (d). rEgSol.kcis Kvptcue4 Tic Xekijznis Toi)'Apecos• ToD'Epitoi) ToD zItin nizepa Tijsc.A.OpoSh-ns ?)µ,4pa XciRgaTov (Sabbath). 125 Modern Greek (Greece). `E,88okuis, `E/38oilliSct Kvptcuaj detn-gpa Tpirn Terpan 114i(b7rrn Ilapaciceinj Xaelgotrov (Sabbath). 126 Albanian (Turkish Albania). Jave Dile Hane Marte e k Merur Eyte Prende, Premte 'Setune (Saturn). Dies Solis, Dies Dies Lunge -Dies Mars- e-s_Me-rcurii Dies Jovis Dies Veneris _ Sabbatum, Dies Saturni Sabbath, Day of Saturn. 127 Latin. - (d:-)- Italy. ebdomas Dominicus,-ca 85 128 Italian (Italy). Settimana Domenica Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato, Sabbato (Sabbath). 129 Spanish (Spain). Semana Domingo Lunes Martes Miercoles Jueves Viernes Sthado (Sabbath). 13o Portuguese (Portugal). Semana Domingo Segunda feira Terga feira Quarta feira Quinta feira Sexta feira Sabbado (Sabbath). 131 French (France). Semaine Dimanche Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi (Sabbath-day). 132 Roman (Spain, Catalonia). Semmana Diumenge Dilluns Dimars Dimecres Dijous Divendres Dissapte (Day-Sabbath). 133 Rhetian. Canton des Grisons, Switzerland. - Jamna, Emna Dumeingia Lindischgis Marsgis Mezziamma, Mezemna Gievgia . Vendergis Sonda Corruption of High German Sonnabend, q.v. 134 Wallachian. Roumania or Wallachia. Septgmanb, Duminica Luni Marti Miercuri Joi Vineri Sambata, Sabbath. 135 Gothic (Mcesia). (d). Viko 136 Old High German. (d.) South Germany. Wecha Sunnfin tag Manetag Ziestac Mittawecha Toniris tac Friadag Sunnun aband, Sambaitag (I) Sun(day's) eve ; (2) Sabbath's day. 137 Old Low German. (d.) North Germany. Wica Sunnun dag 138 Anglo-Saxon. (d.) England. Wice, Weoce, Wuce, Wecce Sunnan deg MOnan dmg Tiwes dag Wodnes dxg punres dxg Frige dwg Saternesdieg, Saterda3g (I) Saturn's day ; (2) Saturday. 139 Friesian. (d.) Holland. Wike Sunnandi Monandi Tiesdi Wernisdei Thunresdi Frigendi Saterdi, Saturday ; Snevend. Corruption of High German Sonnabend, q.v. 140 High German. Germany. Woche Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mitt woch,—che Donnerstag Freitag Sonnabend, Samstag (1) Sun(day's) eve ; (2) Sabbath's day. ___, 141 Low German. North Germany (Holstein.) Week Siindag Maandag Dingsdag Sun(day's) eve. Midweek I Donnerdag Freedag Siinnabend I 42 Dutch (Holland). Week Zondag Maandag Dingsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrijdag Zaturdag (Saturday). Modern FirieFigkia-- — ->_ _ ..1Spein_ —__Mna ei ---1 ,. VS721a,s4ei - .._— , .A ---e'-4-Ftfiliiid ' c' ption of High German Sonnabend, q.v. i 43 Holland: __,'. 144 EIllgl4------ngland). Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday (Saturn-day). . _ 4,11 n c (Iceland). Vika Sunnudagur Minudagur pritjudagur MiSvikudagur Fimmtudagur Fostudagur Laugardagur (of bath-day). wedish. Sweden. Vecka Sondag Mindag Tisdag Onsdag Thorsdag Fredag Lordag Corruption of Icelandic Laugardagur, q.v. r e,dec/ Danish. Denmark. Uge - Siindag Mandag Tirsdag Onsdag Torsdag Freda.- Lerverdag Corruption of Icelandic Laugardagur, q.v. Pjat61: SubbOta (Sabbath). Old Slave (Bulgaria). (d) Sedmica, Sedmina Nedjelja, Voskresenie ponedj eljnik VtOrnik Sreda Cetverg, eetverta Russian (Russia). Nedjelja Voskresenje Ponedjeljnik Vtornik Sereda aetvertok Pjatnica Subbota (Sabbath). Illyrian (Dalmatia, Servia). Nedjelja Nedjelja Ponedeljak Utorak, Vtornik Srieda Cetvrtak Petak Subota (Sabbath). SobOta 5 New Slovenian. Illyria, in Austria. Teden, Tjeden, Keden Nedela Ponedelek Tork, Vtork Sreda 6etertek eetek Sabbath. [52 Bulgarian (Bulgaria). Nedjelja Nedjelja Ponedjelnik Vtornik Srjeda Cetvertak Petak §iibbota (Sabbath). [53 Polish (Poland). Tydzien, Niedziele, p1. Niedziela Poniedzialek Wtorek §roda Czwartek P4tek Sobota (Sabbath). [54 Bohemian (Bohemia). Thien, Neale, pl. Nedele Pondjelek Oterek Stieda Pitek atvrtek 103 Sobota (Sabbath). [55 Lusatian (Saxony). Tydien, Njediele, pl. N jediela Pandiela Wutora Srjeda gtwcirtk Pjatk Sobota (Sabbath). 56 Polabic. (d.) Borders of the Elbe. Ned& Ned& Pnedga, Pnedifa, Pnedif TOrf Sreda Periindan Ski50 Siibdta Sabbath. 57 Lithuanian(PrussianLithuania). Nedelia, Nedele - Nedelia Pinedelis Utarninkas feredh. Ketweigas P etnyciia rubata (Sabbath). 58 Prussian (Prussia). (d). Nadele Ponadele Possissawaite Ketwirtire Pentinx Sabatico (Sabbath). 59 Lettish (Baltic Russia). Neddela Swed7na Pirmcana otrd7na Treschd7na ZetturtdIna Plikd7na Sesdina (Sixth-day of work). 6o English Bible Week. The First Day. The Second Day The Third Day. The Fourth Day The Fifth Day. The Sixth Day _ , ...0-- The Seventh Day, The Sabbath. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY W. M. JONES, 56, MILDMAY PARK, N. PRINTED AND SOLD BY PENN 1 RS. GIL 1, 1RIVINGTQN AND CLONDON. FOREIGN TYPES SUPPLED BY HULL, LEMAN STRE T, LONDON, ENGLAND. 4