December Was a Busy Month at Thunderbird The few days between Thanks- giving and Christmas vacation were filled with activity for the students and staff of Thunderbird Adventist Academy. This period of time involved rewards as well as hard work. INGATHERING — Students, staff and church members com- bined their efforts to exceed the Ingathering totals of onc vear ago by approximately $1,800. The final total will be recorded follow- ing the close of the campaign in January. Several wonderful things were experienced by the carolers. New church members recently moved to Phoenix were found and assisted in locating a church home. A former student of Thun- derbird was cncouraged to re- register and enroll for second semester, and several Bible study interests indicated their need to be contacted tor studies. The six nights of Ingathering were very rewarding. MUSIC PROGRAMS — The band and choir were busy prepar- ing musical programs for the season. The choir, under the direction of John Brown, per- FRIENDS FOR TWO ELDERS FROM THE TEM. PE Spanish Church, Art Baca (right) and Daniel Parra, conducted their first Daniel Seminar from November 8 to 30. As a result a couple is attending church. Both men are happy for the experience, and plans are being made to have another seminar followed by an evangelistic effort. ‘God bless our laymen!” says the pastor, Daniel Escamilla. Ve formed the ‘‘Messiah.”” Guest soloists from the music depart- ment of Southern Missionary Col- lege were Dr. Don C. Runvan, associate professor of music, and Sandra Schiau, a TAA graduate and currently a student at SMC. Bonnie Houghton, a junior at Thunderbird, was also a soloist with the choir. The “Messiah” was performed December 12 at Thunderbird Adventist Academy and Decem- ber 13 at Phoenix Central church. The Academy Band, under the direction of Ron Robertus, pre- sented an evening concert fea- turing the Concert Band, the Honor Band and various ensem- bles. Christmas carols were per- formed. The story of Christmas from the book of Luke was read by John Griffith as the tather, to the mother and the children. The academy ensemble groups high- lighted the reading with Christmas carols. Vacation began following the band concert. This enabled par- ents to attend the concert prior to taking the students home for the holidays. ASB CHRISTMAS PARTY — The Thunderbird Student Asso- ciation plans and gives a party for children from needy tamilies 1n lieu of having a tull party for the student body. This vear 41 chil- dren were presented with gifts at a meal held in the school cafeteria. Students signed up for the children and purchased gifts for ““Santa’’ to present to them. After the children returned home, the student body was shown the film “All Mine to Give.” The enjovment of seeing the children happy was very rewarding to the students who participated. Arizona Conference E. F. Sherrill, president; T. H. Bled- soe, secretary-treasurer; (P.O. Box 5317, zip 85010), 322 North 44th St., Phoenix, Arizona 85036. Phone (602) 244-9851. “o=RNLA Edwina Lee Is Named to New Position Edwina Aki Lee has been named infection control and quality assurance coordinator for Castle Memorial Hospital, ac- cording to an announcement by Robert Carmen, president of the institution. Mrs. Lee was formerly a nurs- ing instructor at Loma Linda University School of Nursing. Born in Honolulu and reared in Guam, Mrs. Lee attended Hawai- ian Mission Academy. After graduation she went to Walla Walla College for one year and transferred to Loma linda Uni- versity to receive her B. S. in nurs- ing. Mrs. Lee’s nursing experience includes nurse at two California hospitals, Sutter Memorial Hospital in Sac- ramento and Co- rona Communi- ty Hospital; operating-room nurse at River- side General Hospital and a hospital 1n Guam; head nurse at a New York state institution; and assist- ant director of nursing at a Hong Kong Seventh-day Adventist hospital. She and husband, Frank, have one daughter, Alicia, who is 32. Edwina Lee PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / JANUARY 12, 1981 the positions of staff LAT REST Abel, Mary Denice Ashbaugh—b. June 29, 1942, Reno, Nev; d. Oct. 10, 1980. Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: sons, Todd, Terry, Kenton, Duane; parents, Kraid and Alice Ashbaugh; sisters, Janet Sutter, Carmen Ashbaugh; brother, Flovd; grand- mother, Lydia Duerksen. Andress, William Melville—b. May 15, 1883, Oakland, Iowa; d. Nov. 16, 1980, L.oma Linda, Calif. He served as an evangelist in the lowa Conference, pastored churches in Colorado and Utah, was a chaplain of the Boulder and Melrose sanitariums, and after retirement was chaplain at Paradise Valley Manor for several years. Sur- vivors: wife, Elva; sons, Wesley Sheldon, Victor William, Stanford Eugene; 7 grandchildren, 17 great- grandchildren; brother, sister. Cross, Annie Gertrude—b. Oct. 26, 1894, Sturgis, Ky.; d. Oct. 23, 1980, Yuba City, Calif. Fillner, George Leroy—b. Feb. 22, 1887, Wis.; d. Sept. 20, 1980, St. Helena, Calif. Survivors: wife, Clara; daughters, Dorothy Morrison, Lola Benson; son, Russell; brother, Archie; sister, Ruby Riden. Gray, Fav—b. Feb. 27, 1913, Afton, Okla.; d. Nov. 1, 1980, San Jose, Calif. Survivors: husband, David E.; daughter, Mary Alice grandchildren, 13 great-grandchil- dren; mother, Marv bE. Shuessler; 2 SISters. Haffner, Esther—b. Junc 14, 1901, Oklahoma; d. July 26, 1980, St. Helena, Calif. Survivors: husband, Joel; daughter, Betty Turner; 7 grand- children, 6 great-grandchildren; sisters, Elizabeth Nightingale, Ruth Wedel, Lauretta Peterson; brother, Fred Lorenz. Hancock, Avy Earl—b. Aug. 25, 1895, Texas; d. Nov. 9, 1980, Cotton- wood, Ariz. Survivors: wife, Oma; daughter, Lorayne Clifton; sons, James, Joseph; 10 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren; brother, 4 sisters. Howarth, James—b. Dec. 15, 1887; England; d. Nov. 21, 1980, Newbury Park, Caht. He had a long and suc- cessful career with the Harrower laboratories, as administrator of Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital, and as auditor of the Pacitic Union Conference. Survivors: daughters, Barbara, Lelah Mae, Patricia; grand- children and great-grandchildren. Miller, Dr. Joseph B.—b. Oct. 7, 1913; d. July 31, 1979, Mountain View, Calif. Survivors: wife, Arline; daughters, Joann Parsons, Carole Wilson; son, Terry. Morel, Henri Laurence—b. 1907, Kankake, Ill.; d. Sept. 26, 1980, Dcer Park, Calif. Survivors: wife, Helen; son, Delbert; daughter, Claudia Mar- tin; 4 grandchildren; brother, Elton; sister, Grace Morel. Piekaar, William—b. Dearborn, Mich.; d. Sept. 22, 1980, Bass lake, Calif. Survivors: wife, Dottie; sons, Mark, Ron; brother, Richard; sister, Margaret McKinney. Plata, Maria Elena—b. Jan. 30, 1941, Mexico; d. Nov. 14, 1980, Loma Lin- da, Calif. Survivors: husband, Arnold Eugene, Sr.; son, Arnold Eugene, Jr. Reiswig, Edith Duerksen—b. June 9, 1943, Wasco, Calif.; d. Oct. 22, 1980, Lodi, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Toni, Carmen, Audra; son, Matthew; parents, David and Ethel Duerksen; sister, Delvina. Santos, Margaret—b. Sept. 15, 1921, Koloa, Kauai, Hawai; d. Sept. 4, 1980, Honolulu, Hawan. Survivors: husband, Alio C., Sr.; daughter, Kathleen M.; son, Alio C., Jr.; sisters, Thelma Chong, Katherine Hoe, Linda Wong, Jane Kau. Tepner, Doris Jean—b. Oct. 1, 1910, Feb. 5, 1918, Knob, Calif.; d. Oct. 23, 1980, St. Helena, Calif. Survivors: husband, Harry; sons, Warren, Robert; daughter, Karen Treankle; sisters and brothers. Thomas, James L.—b. Oct. 19, 1921; d. Nov. 21, 1980, Sylmar, Calif. Sur- vivors: wife, Hazel; daughter, Janene Jenkins; Michael Pritchard; grandson. Swietzer; 8 UrEenTLY Neebebp Experienced construction foreman needed by private SDA construction management firm. Must have good leadership qualities, along with con- struction skills, and be willing to travel to handle projects in various parts of the country. Send résumé and refer- ences to: Denominational Building Services, Rt. 8, 10501 Rickey Rd. Lincoln, NE 68516; (402) 423-3316, 3317. Dietitian. Full-time position, responsi- ble for managing department. Enjoy 4 seasons. Progressive acute care hos- pital. Contact Personnel Department, Parkview Memorial Hospital, Brunswick, Maine, (207) 729-1641. College librarian to fill vacancy created by retirement otf head librarian in 1981. Experience, administrative ability, interest in planning, and graduate degree in library science needed. Send résumé to Robert Mur- ray, Librarian Search Committee, Union College, Lincoln, NE 68506. Registered Physical Therapist. Salary commensurate with experience. Enjoy mild winters, nearby SDA schools and Fort Worth shopping. Contact Per- sonnel Department at Huguley Memo- rial Hospital, Box 6337, Fort Worth, TX 76115; or call (817) 293-9110. Retired couple in good health willing to exchange some vard work and housework for self-contained, well- furnished guest house in north San Diego Co. Please contact Fred W. Caesar, (714) 443-0231. Applications now being accepted at Paradise Valley Manor tor licensed nursing personnel, activities director and office personnel. Enjoy nearby San Diego. Contact the administrator at (714) 474-8301; or write 2575 East 8th St., National City, CA 92050. Single SDA lady or couple to live in I-bedroom guest house on large estate in La Canada, Calif. (near Glendale). Main responsibility is care of 2-vear- old and infant, but some cooking, housekeeping and garden work desired. Starting May 1981. Call Drs. Ray or Elizabeth Iskander, (213) 790-7873. Entry position for personnel career in 1700-bed hospital. Business degree (personnel emphasis preferred), good interpersonal skills, desire for person- nel career. Job will have heavy people/ department interaction, include non- exempt interviewing/placement, clas- sified advertising, coordinating CETA programs, exposure to all aspects of personnel management. Excellent sal- ary, benefits, growth possibilities. Contact Richard Gage, (213) 268- S000, ext. 1680. White Memorial Medical Center, 1720 Brooklvn Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90033. Physician, at medical facility located next to the Napa Valley Adventist Retirement Estates in Yountville. Ideal for part-time medical practice or semi-retired physician. For further in- formation, write P.O. Box 2480, Yountville, CA 94599. Experienced CCU supervisor. Busy, Central Calif. Adventist hospital. Currently need part-time nurses OB, ICCU, med. /surg.; or tull time, will- ing to float. Good salary, benefits, 12-grade academy, rural living. Assist with moving. Contact Administrator or Director of Nurses, collect, (209) 582-4361. Lar You seVICcE Northwest Arkansas and northeast Oklahoma real estate, country area, trees, streams, clean air, lots of water, friendly people, low taxes, moderate climate. Write for tree catalog. Dick Carlson, Gray Realtors, Box 676, Gentry, AR 72734; (501) 736-8774. Life Light Bamboo House of Wu's, specializes in group catering services, over 25 yummy dishes to select from. Moderate prices, 30% oft gift cer- tificates. Lunch, 11-2; dinners, 5-10. Where vou can be certain all meals are 100% lard-free cooking. Corner Citrus, parking, Redlands Plaza. $1.50 off with this advertisement. (714) 792-2612, 797-0650. ASI. Advertising Policy All advertising must be submit- ted through your local conference office communication depart- ment. The Recorder assumes no responsibility for advertisements. Advertising is limited to Sev- enth-day Adventists except where a service may be rendered to our members. Advertisements are accepted by local conferences for only one in- sertion at a time and are printed as space permits—sometimes up to six weeks before publication. All advertisements must be ap- proved by the local pastor and sent to your conference office with the $15 for 50 words or less, Make a $15 check or money order pavable to the Recorder. PLEASE NOTE Qut-of-Union Ads Now Cost $20 LFORSAE.J Executive Hideaway—New A-frame 3-bedroom, 2-bath home. All stone, custom decorated, 2,400 + sq. ft. liv- ing area, central heat and air, built-in kitchen WBFP. Overlooking Gran- burv lake. Large corner lot. 30 minutes from beautiful campus ot Southwestern Adventist College, P.O. Box 909, Keene, TX 76059; (817) 645-6977. $90,000. Black-light set complete—{full message. Plastic mounted with 1,750 coordinated shides in trays. 8x5-ft. folding Velcro display board plus black lights and 2,750 extra slides. Buver takes all. Also stainless steel 5-plyv cookware new. Paid $595; sale $375. Overhead projector, $85. Call 6-8 a.m., (714) 780-2556. 3 recently rehabilitated houses, acre lot in agricultural area near Bakers- field, Calif. Live in one, use others as income. Price, $75,000 cash or 3$85,- 000 and owner will carry the paper on $50,000 for 7 vears at 10%. Current income on 3 houses and small cabin, $770 monthly. F. W. Avery, 19350 Symeron, Apple Valley, CA 92307, (714) 242-4164. Home, 3-minute drive to Loma Linda Campus. Owner transferring to Wis- consin—must sell. 2 years old, 3 bedrooms, 1%: baths. Has good assumable loan at 10.75%. Call (714) 824-1630; or write C. McClure, P.O. Box 1475, Loma Linda, CA 92354. Pass the Vegetables Please, a new vegetarian cookbook with 170 great new recipes of soups, entrees, salads, desserts, breads, and much more is now available. All recipes without white sugar, white flour, or irritating spices. Send $6.50 plus 6% sales tax to Putney Gospel Publishing, Dept. R, 5174 Pentz, Sp. S51, Paradise, CA 95969. ele FIND THEM Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Carolyn Cooper or Martha Dawson, please contact Carol Milier, Church Clerk, 1613 Vancouver Way, Liver- more, CA 94550. SULLETIN BOARD ADELPHIAN ALUMNI We are attempting to locate a/l alum- ni, so please write today to Adelphian Academy, 820 Academy Road, Holly, MI 48442. CORRECTION: Send names and ad- dresses of friends and relatives in the Fresno area to be invited to the Ken- neth Cox Prophecy Crusade to: Pastor Dan Fausset, 2980 E. Yale, Fresno, CA 93703.