ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. A Personal Letter. Dear Brethren and Sisters of the Colo- rado Conference:—In this number of the EcHOES I wish to tell you a few things, in a confidential way, about our Sanita- rium work in this conference—about the work which belongs to you and me, and in which every loyal Seventh-day Ad- ventist will feel the same deep interest that he does in the school work, or the canvassing work, or any other part of the conference work. I am sure I am writing to those who doindeed feel in this way. I want to tell you some of the things the Sanitarium is trying-to do, and how it is succeeding. 1. We are working hard to place the message for this time before our guests. ~ We have to work carefully and sow the seed as the Lord opens the way. One or two lectures are given weekly on some phase of the truth. Bible readings are held as opportunity affords, and in per- sonal ways, as may be permitted, we press home upon the people who come ‘here the trath for this time. Every year several accept the truth. The last two weeks nine persons have united with the Boulder church by baptism. Several of these have become established in the truth since coming to the Sanitarium. Prominent people, leaders in society, listen to the preaching, and men and women from high walks in life, from what they see and hear at the Sanita- rium, will sometime take their stand for the right. 2. We are trying to train young men and women for workers in thiscause. It is a great encouragement to see that our efforts are not wholly in vain in these particulars. Already we are beginning to see workers go out into the great har- vest field. Recently two of our nurses went to Japan to labor in that great mis- sion. In a few weeks two more will sail for India, and a little later two others will start for the West Indies. Truly, these are encouraging omens. 3. The workers at the Sanitarium are striving earnestly to pay off the debt of the institution. You, of course, know that when the Boulder Sanitarium was built a large amount of borrowed money was used in the establishment. Money was spent with a lavish hand. The re- sult was that the Sanitarium has labored ever since under a heavy burden. The interest alone amounts to nearly four thousand dollars annually, Add to this the seven hundred dollars water tax, six - hundred dollars for insurance, and the . ence. one thousand dollars State tax which must be paid yearly, and this makes nearly seven thousand dollars for these items alone, which, beside the regular expenses for operation, must be paid every twelve months. The physicians and workers now at the sanitarium had no part in creating this large debt. sible for this condition than you who read these lines. And yet, in their connection with the institution, they must now cope with these difficulties. Is it unreason- able that they should long for help in bearing the burden? We are sure none will feel that itis. This is your work as well as the work of those directly con- nected with the institution. Realizing this, we know you will help it out. There are many ways you can help. Let us suggest several. I. By prayer. There is a power in prayer. God hears the prayers of his children. Won't you pray for us? When we fail, counsel us, and pray for us still, 2. Sell the book which has been spe- cially given to help out our Sanitariums, “The Ministry of healing.” Its sale will do you good; it will advertise the institu- tion and so bring to it patients, and one- half the price of each book sold will ap- ply on the debt to the ‘General Con- “ference.” 3- You can labor to send to the Sani- tarium guests and patients. In doing this you help the institution as well as the afflicted ones. ager is getting rich from the Conference Sanitarium. The profits of the institution do not go into the pockets of the physi- cians connected with it. Hence, in send- ing patients to the denominational sani- tarium you are not building up or enrich- ing any man or set of men, but you are aiding the work of the denomination di- rectly, and are helping to pay off debts for which the denomination is respon- sible. In view of this won't you direct those in need of treatment to the Sani- tarium owned and operated by the de- nomination, and thus uphold the denom- inational work? In a medical way the Colorado Sani- tarium is worthy of the fullest confidence. of our people. Its physicians are men and women of consecration and experi- They are not novices in their work. And the Lord is signally blessing their efforts the present summer. Many + remarkable recoveries have been wit- nessed in answer to prayer and in re- sponse to the agencies employed. Most critical operations—the most critical ever done by any physician ever connected They are no more respon-’ No physician or man- with the institution—bave been per- formed without a single fatality or acci- dent. As the managers and physicians have met every morning for prayer dur- ing the last six months, they have had the ‘witness that God was caring for the work, How many have carefully read and studied the Sanitarium Tract, containing the testimonies given at the State camp meeting last year regarding sanitarium work inthis conference? We trust all have done so. If you have not yet re- ceived a copy, please write to the State office and one will be sent to you without cost. Won't you please read this tract carefully and prayerfully? When the spirit of the Lord speaks to us in a general way, we should take dili- gent heed. How carefully then should we regard the message which comes ad- addressed particularly to the people of this conference. Can we afford to pass it by unheeded? * Will the Lord hold us guiltless if we fail to place our influence on the side of right, and stand firmly by the work of the Spirit of Prophecy and for system and order and organization? This truly is an important question, and should ‘be seriously considered by every soul. This denomination is being tested today as to their faith in the work of the Splrit of Prophecy, and upon the’ principles of church government and or- ganization. Will we, in the Colorado Conference, stand the test, and remain loyal to the work? Who will stand on the Lord's side in this day of trial? will you? Will I? May God enable us to stand loyally and faithfully. This is no time for wavering and indecision, for doubt and fearfulness. Itis a time for whole-hearted loyalty. When you attend the coming camp - meeting — and we trust all who read this will be there —we hope you will visit the Sanitarium. It is your institution, and we want you to know all about it, We have no secrets; we will gladly explain to you its workings in every way. Ifyou can suggest better plans and methods to us we shall appreciate that, ‘We want you to feel that this is a part of the one great work— a part of our work—yours and mine-—a part of God's work, and that we are all working together with God. Your friend and brother, Francis M. Wilcox. "Young People’s Department. Owing to the rush of camp meeting work and the fact that so many of our + young people will be at the camp meet- ing the next two Sabbaths, we have omitted the lessons from this issue.