EASTERN CANADIAN MESSEN Nov ember 30 1915 Vol. 15 Oshawa. Ontario. The Week of Prayer 11 ton Is has been =i pry er Foy This ver Deceaaber apart, fool Lo thet coretul thonght he given 1a plans as the week of our choarelies, | stranghy are for making the week of prayer thos vear sos ees effet ive means of raising the spaeitoal stawdard among as. think that vveryove wha os carrying the boovden of sprite interests on oor worl recognizes that the necd of a spritond revival os very great. In view of the times amd the evident nearness af {Le should Lins tian experience and a mer Ls 11] WA very earneston seelang for oa decper Chivas hotid on God, To ihe end itis to be hoped that the officers of the choreh From one end of the astern Canadian L'nion to the other, will plan in a definite way for the during the week of prayer Meets One meeting cach dav or evening should be the least to avranze for daring the poeviodh, This may rogonre that many make soe ad- jnstmoents in their alfairs and Jay aside come of their testi] business and social activities tn order todo this, but surely the seriousness of the times will justify it. The readings for the week of prayer are now in the hands of our people, hemyg printed an the Feview of November 11. These should be read at the proper time by someone who will present them with clear ness and etuphinis, Several seasons of short pravers, mterspersed with songs of prase will being the pros- ence of the Holy Spivit, The confession und putting away of sin will follow an honest aod praverial self examination which 1s the course reconnnendod hy the Holy Spint. cherishing of unhappy differences between brethren, It may be the love of the pervishing riches of world which leads to robbing {Coldness of heart may be due to the this aod in tithes and offer of the Bible and praver Whatever stands between us amd God, let ings, It may be a neglect nx begin putting it away that we may shave tn the refreshing that is awaiting has people in the coming season of prayer. M. N. CAMPBELL. “No not, waste time in explalning vour mistakes; show that you have profited by them.” ce Li pi onfere x [3 ER No. 47 The Council at Loma Linda Those of our people who are close following the alvance moves of the message ave naturally inter- exted tn what is bhelng done al ihe Loge conncil of oar lest rng ven ot Lona Lindi, California, The conneil las tow heen in session for two weeks amd is deowing toca close. Questions of tarde proportions sdtecting every rel of Joe earth have been ander considera tion. Protuilils the greatest question of all as the matter of enlaroong our foreign missionary operations me Lhe Antatie Geld, The funds appropriated for foreign Huss ons run Close to ST00,000 for TUG and nanny mere bhorers are being endled tor to fill the openings that await ns, Just now we are wrestling with the raise the standard of weed to guestion of whether we shall alferinugs Drom twenty cents a 1916, 1a operate our work on the present basis of Twenty cents a week twenty-five conts fo is at atl possible to [oy another year it will be done, but wo may be compelled to rate Lhe We now Korea and three thousand 110 Clin, and the number statidard to meet the increasing detnsds, have fourteen hundred Sabbath keepers in is inereasing al a rapid rate as one movement gains momentum and 1s being better organized. To avoul maltiphicity of hig general getherings apd col down expense of administection the Union Conference term has been increased to Tone vears and the local conference will to two years, Thos Intter action not change the plan of annun! cinpmectings however, The that a required to previously complete the equivalent of fourteen grades of school work. standard of the mmstey hag heen raised so candidate for ordination 1s vow These are a few of the important matters ander consideration here. We have followed the strenuous prograi in our sessions beginning our meetings at 21x o'clock mn the morning and continuing antl 9:30 and sometimes 11 pom, with only short imtermissions for meals. clearly I fully believe that the influence of this gathering will be (ar reach- ing in its effects for good. M. N. CAMPBELL. The Lord's presence has been manifested in our deliberations and