INTEPNATIONMAL NEWS PHOTO listic peoples be willing to surrender many of their prerogarives der one world flag? And even if they were, would that solve the n of earth? We think the solution of present national and inter- ris Hes in the hearts of men rather than in world goverrament. The editor continues 1n picture the present gloomy outook because of shrinking confidence in the success of the new world venture: “Where is the outlook nat darker than ; it wis a year ago: The ordinary man has ceased to place any reliance on the reassurance of his national lead- ers. He cannot see the world steadily - or see it whole, but he can see 1t quite cnoush to convince him that he lives in a world that is going to the devil. “What is this doing 10 mankind Millions—probably enough millions wo constitute a majority ol all the carth’s mhabrtants-—are so sunk in hunger, homelessness, nakedness, pov- arty, a brute suuegle Tor mere sure vival with no expectation ol any al- . leviation, that they have surrendered to despatr and apathy. Tale has be- come for them a compound of lies and tragedy, and they have become . quite different regarding what 1s to happen next, or what their own parts will be, for they are tast approaching a ostate of nd in whieh death takes ) on the prospect of a blessed release. “The scientists keep shouting their warnings... . But they are themselves ) distressed by the decrcasime effect of their words. . A dwindling com pany of determined optimists keep MAY, 1218 calling for sustained faith in the United Nations... . There are a few fools who keep talking up the idea of a preventive war” which Henry L. Sumson has called a sort of thinking that 1s “worse than nonsense.’ |. The truth 1s that we are all doomed men—unless something wemendous happens to give a new direction to world affairs. Our present course is cursed with the premonnion of dis- aster-——and we all know 1t, even il we will nat admit it to onrselves. Unless what Delaware called ‘an in- ternational government, oraanized and acting in accardance with a world svsrem of law,” 1s established, the late ol avilization and of the majority of mankind 1s sealed. The road we are now aravelling ends in the abyss.” “Svynical Fatalism™ Vernon Nash, writing in the Chris- flan Century of November 26, 1047, under the caption “Utopia or Cata- clvsm,” said: "With increasing clarity week by week. the United Nations demonsurates its futility as protec tion against war. Distllusionment and pessimism over its performance arc now general. This mood, unless checked, 1s hikely to develop into a synical fatalism. To the unreflective the import of still another failure will be that the task itself is impos- sible. The deadly corollary of hope- lessness will he all-out support for nationalistic militarisms. Many are already saving that since collective security scems unattainable, our country has no choice hut to make itself as impregnable as possible in a jungle-world. . [s tt humanly pos- sible to elicit enthusiasm for some- thing which obviously is fatling? If it really is wopian to hope that absolute nadvomalism can be ended in one consistent and coherent act, then resign voursell to a cataclysm of unimaginable fury. The competitive arms race, unless stopped soon, can have but one end. There 1s now no third choice possible: 1t is either the utopia of world government or the cataclysm of an atom-germ-poisons third world war.”"—Pages 1153, 1454. This is indeed a dark picture, but it is no darker than that depicted in Bible prophecy for the very age in which we live. Jesus, in answer to the question of the disciples as to what would be the sign of His coming and of the end of the world. said: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars: and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring, men's hearts failing than for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of mun coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for vour redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:25.28. The prophets of both the Old and New Testaments picture a dark out look in the last days of human his- tory under the reign of sin, but the uplook is alwavs bright. Isaiah pic tures hungry and fretful men who “curse their king and their God,” and as they “look unto the earth” they behold nothing but “trouble and darkness, dimmness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness.” (Sce Isatah 8:21, 22) This is ever the result of the carthward look. All through the ages men have cried “peace. peace” when “there is ne peace.” It 1s impossible for wicked (Please turn to page 18) By Taylor G. Bunch 13