dred and fifty baptized and a lorge nun [1h have been organized with a present men ber awaiting baptism, churehes hership of one hundred thirty fon, These are Colony Centery Turlock aid Laton in the San Joaquin Valleys Ni, Bullion in Mariposa County; Le Grande in Merced County: Los Gatos bin Santo [Fallon church of our colored Clara County; Nevado and a brethren an Land, The tent-meeting held in Oakbond by Folder Tih: bard, has heen a very interesting offory Our very heart of the city in the carly pant Jolder Simpson, assisted by large pitched in ihe pavilion wis of Octohier, and the meetings continued for two months under very discouracsing circumstances on account of the weather, [ive thes the stormy weathior took down the tent. putting the lavge pavilion oad Hota of commission entirely, Dn standing the many nterrnptions, che interest was maintained throuchout he meetines, and forty-five have thus far been baptized as a results While the expense of the meetings was very heavy, amouni- ing to KLOO0, vet donations received, this was met by the seems evident ie all who have observed the situation tha the work in Oakland has only been hegun, the situation me this city caused by the catastrophe of the Isth of April having evidently made it a very inviting field for labor at the present time, The committee exceedingly regrets that they have been unable to do anything fer the equally inviting field mo San Peo CISCO, Another interesting work aecomnlishied Folder kell and wite, who have conducted trim during the vere is that of Flas ny classes {or lrouse-ta-honse workers IY Oakland and San means quite a large nomber of the men I vi He Se 0, bv W\ Bei hers of these churches hove been en listed in the sale and histributien of literature containing prescut truth. MOVING OF THEANDOQUARTERS During the session of the Pacific Union held [eh FOCOMMen dion wis nptde phe co Port baond Lost Conference FUREY, the California Conference move i= head quarters to Mountain View, aid we were nvited 1o Joi with them in Seeing H After this suttable office banlding, coef uly and repeatedivo considering Poco mendation, vour committee decided ro follow the sucvestion of the anion con The plan was ference, presented tow Livee mecting of the brethren u during the Oakland campanceting and met with their anproval, The moved to Litter part of Nuguste the office Wits Mouniaim View, where comfortable hat modest hoilding had heen crecied at cost of E2500 owed Jointly by the Calitorin and Poetic Union Con The Sabbah (Or k- ne oiliece of the stil! Perenees, seltool secretary FONTS In Lond, a0 denesitory of the trae socieiy hein conducted mn connection with it, THE TRACT SocHETY WORK Dring the ver we have heen re cuested by the Poetic Press to take over the publisiine work te this conferenee which has tor the past hwo vears Free conducted Ty ther This we have done, atl the trnet