Summer Bonus Increases! page 6 My Leap of Faith page 4 Editorial 2 "Parting Thoughts" 3 Prices Increase Value of Union Family 3 2 - The Clocktower Editorial Farewell! by Leland Rrum U Goodness! How did I get into this position," I ask myself as I stare into the screen of a very familiar- looking Mcintosh computer. Thinking back to last year, I can remember ask- ing God a certain request. I have always been enamored with new software packages for computers. When desktop publishing programs started becoming more popular, I couldn't wait to get my hands on one. Claiming the verse that says God will give us the desires of our heart, I Editor Leland Krum Copy Editor Brenda Dickerson News Editor Amy Baugher Advertising Editor Arlin Blood Photo Editor Erik Stenbakken Sponsor Greg Rumsey Printer Graphic Masters THE CLOCKTOWER is a bi-monthly publication of the ASB. It is a forum for a student-oriented news and opinion.. All letters, personals, stories, poems, king-size Snicker bars, dollar bills, and all loose change should be in our mailbox (in the College Bookstore) by Thursday at noon for inclusion the following week. All unsigned edi- torials are the opinion of THE CLOCKTOWER and will be written by the editors. All other opinions expressed are those of the author and must bear his or her name. THE CLOCKTOWER reserves the right to edit and/or paraphrase letters for reasons of clarity and space. Address: 3800 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 Phone: (402) 488-2331 placed this desire in His hands and forgot about it. Little did I know what He had in store. A friend of mine suggested that I take the position as editor. I didn't realize that this job would be the answer to my prayer. God wanted to answer my prayer but He wanted to take the opportunity to teach me so much more. Looking back on this year, I have learned that God has so much more in store for my life than I ever could imagine. Realizing how much involved God was in planning this job, I made a decided effort to dedicate each issue to Him and His glory. Many lessons have been learned by being responsible for a student news- paper. Just like parents study the responses their children give in inter- acting with them, in the same way, I have learned quite of few things about the personality of the student body this year. You, the student body of UC, enjoy highly controversial topics in a student newspaper. You prefer that there be a familiar face of a friend on the front cover and would like it best if the person was wearing a big smile. You don't really like news unless it's spiced up with some personal reaction to the event. If this doesn't describe you, sorry. I have also learned a little about leadership (just the tip of the iceberg, believe me). Working as a team-leader involves delegation, a requirement that sounds obvious but is learned slowly by choleric perfectionists who must have things done their way, or else. Being a leader requires that you know what motivates people. Encour- agement does that trick. People need to know that they are a valuable part of the team. ^ Farewell! Thank you for this chance to serve you, the student body. I think I should thank God as well; He had it all planned out in advance. Don't foget to commit your desires to Him everyday. Who knows, you may be the next editor (after Mark)! 0 In the News... Amtrack is adding a non- refundable restriction to its lowest fares—at least for the next two months. They are also requir- ing reservations on some trains and are imposing cancellation fees. This at a time when travel on Amtrack was increasing because Of soaring airline prices. AJapanese soil researcher has found a way to pickle garlic that gives you all the garlic taste without all that garlic breath. 'Tphe disposable plates and cups I Americans throw away every year (1.1 million tons) are enough to serve a picnic to everyone in the world six times a year. Envi- ronmental Protection Agency NEWSWEEK reports that a Cali- fornia-based company, Wis- dom Tree, Inc., is now selling a religious Nintendo-style game called Bible Adventures. It retails for $39-95; and includes: Noah's Ark, David Meets Goliath, and Save Baby Moses. Lake Ontario is so polluted with chemicals you can actually develop photographs in it, accord- ing to the Los Angeles Times. You may actually think 20 per- cent faster on your feet. Researchers at the University of Southern California say this is because your heart beats faster and your brain gets more blood. May 6, 1991 UC News The Clocktower - 3 Jason Hand (playing Boaz) sings to Karen Hawkins (playing Ruth) in Mile High's epic length Melodies of Love performed at CVC for vespers on the 26th. Randy and Stephanie Stickney attempt to stay warm on the Educational Club cam- pout. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he is never disappointed. Confucius (551-479 B.C.) Price's Increase Value of Union Family by Roberta Clausen Does the name "Price" make you think, "Didn't I just hear or read about someone with that name in the last four or five months?" If it does, you may have read the article by Michael Jaquez in the December 1990 issue of the Outlook. The article fea- tured Dr. Sandra Price, and displayed a "Parting Thoughts" by Craig Carr,XS.B. President Have you noticed how friendly some of the seniors have been lately? Maybe it's just me, but over the last couple of years there seems to be a sudden change in the attitudes of graduating seniors. What causes this awakening of benevolence? During my four year reprieve at Union College, I have sat through many a lecture, studied (probably not enough), and gotten involved in the cluttered collage of college. I've seen people, from freshmen to graduates, demonstrate their desire to get out "there" and make it big. Money and fame seem to be the central theme when talking about the subject of careers. College has been filled with stress, pressure, headaches, homework, and stress (yes, I mentioned it twice). There will always be worries in life, whether they concern money, friends, family, or wondering when your life will all fit together. College is simply the place where you learn that "you ain't seen nuthin' yet!" Back to the generalization of the seniors. Let's break through the frivolousness of life and realize that all the hub-bub of this earth is pointless without God. Yes, another generaliza- tion. But if you think about it, nothing in life—no matter the effort—will amount to anything if God is not involved. He must be the focal point and the example we follow. Sure, it's a change in attitude, a different continued on page 5 picture of her and her husband, Clif- ford. Thursday, April 18, 1991, Dr. Sandra Frederick Price accepted Union Col- lege's invitation to become the new Vice-President Dean. At the same time, Clifford E. Price accepted an invitation to become the new Vice-President for Advancement. So, who are the Prices? They are two individuals who are planning to use their special talents to serve the best interests of Union College. The following is a run-down of their back- ground experiences and accomplish- ments: Sandra Price is one of Union's "own." Although she did not graduate from Union, she took classes here while Clifford Price studied at Union from 1956-1960. Sandra received her Ed.D in 1982 from the University of Tennessee. Her major fields of study were Business Education, Manage- ment, Office Systems, and Communica- tion. The list of Sandra's achievements, honors, and responsibilities fills five pages, and draws a picture of an indi- continued on page 6 May 6, 1991 4 - The Clocktower Feature Up All Night? by Julie Allardyce Up all night again? Like many other students, you've spent many sleepless nights in the dorm-but what are you doing? Sure, lots of people stay up late to just gab and socialize, but after the masses drift off to bed, the commotion that- develops in those hours before dawn can be shocking. Trevor Mahlum recalls, "When I lived in Culver my freshman year, peo- ple used to shoot bottle rockets down the hall at three or four, once every- body was good and asleep." Since then, similar pranks have occured in the form of bombs around Rees, and set off many fire alarms in Prescott. Other middle of the night pranks just might transpire in the Smith's suite. "We lock other people out of their rooms," Meechi said, if they're not hav- ing a water fight. But their favorite night activity is by far, "coming into the dorm," he said. After a fun-filled night of no sleep, how are the "Allnighters" affected? John Cardwell, night worker of Prescott desk, said, "It makes me cleaner, very intolerant of things not in their place." Lookout, Prescott, this might be a wave of organization. Fortunately, no hallucinations result, just the feeling of being thrashed all day, according to Shelly Otto. Although a documented result could explain the morning-after feeling; the reason why "Allnighters" loose the bat- tle of alertness in class is that "When continued on bottom of next column My Leap of Faith by Eric Galvez u G: ffX. soon cease. One such nightmare involves- me sinking to the bottom of ' tfrepociP vrm then sucked into a large hole at theJobttom. I go into the hole, through a long tunnel, and end up in Omaha doing the elementary back- stroke ima savage treatment facility with/tyv-Elermng yelling "Come on, Erja if irou cam swim in this stuff you tan swim