94 (2) This is the root of bitterness springing up, whereby many are de- filed. Thus Satan works to-day through his evil angels. He confederates with men who claim to be in the faith ; and those who are trying to carry for- ward the work of God with fidelity, having no man’s person in admira- tion, working without hypocrisy and partiality, will have just as severe trials brought against them as Satan can bring through those who claim to love God. Proportionate to the light and knowledge these opposers have, is Satan’s success. The root of bitter- ness strikes deep, and is communi- cated to others. plain. Thus many are de- filed. Their statements are confused and untruthful, their principles are unscrupulous, and Satan finds in them the very helpers he needs. The only remedy for our churches, for our families, and for individuals, is entire conformity to the will and character of God. Unless God shall work through the two olive-trees, his witnesses, causing them fo empty from themselves the golden oil through the golden tubes into bowl, and hence to the burning lamps, representing the church, no one will be safe for a moment from the machi- nations of Satan, He will, if possi- ble, deprave human nature, and assim- ilate if to his own corrupt principles. But this golden oil will revive the Spirit of God in the heart of man. A Christhike principle will be intro- duced which will be like leaven. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, satanic agencies will be over- come, Envy and jealousy are diseases which disorder all the faculties of the being. They originated with Satan in paradise. He started on the track of apostasy, and his jealous spirit caused him to see many things that were objectionable, even in heaven. After he fell, he envied Adam and Eve their innocence. He tempted “them to sin, and they yielded, and the golden. ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER became like himself, disloyal to God But they repented of their sin, re ceived Christ, and returned to their loyalty. So the enemy tempts men and women to-day. Those who listen to his voice will demerit others, and will misrepresent and falsify in order to build up themselves. But nothing that defiles can enter heaven, and un- less those who cherish this spirit are changed, they can never enter there; for they would criticize the angels. They would envy another’s crown. They would not know what to talk of unless they could bring up the imper- fections and errors of others. O that such would become changed by be- holding Christ! O that they would become meek and lowly by learning of him! Then they would go forth, not as missionaries for Satan, to cause disunion and alienation, to bruise and mangle character, but as missionaries for Christ, to be peacemakers and to restore. Let the Holy Spirit come in and expel this unholy passion, which can not survive in heaven. Let it die; let it be crucified. Open the heart to the attributes of Christ, who was holy, harmless, undefiled. Jesus said to his disciples, © Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” His voice cones sounding down the line to our time, “ Beware of that misrepresenting tongue, which is not content unless leagued with the dis- affected, those who are tempted to think they have been misused.” Self, self, self, is the theme of all such. They become envious and jealous, and Satan helps them, putting his magnifying-glass before their eyes until a mote looks to them like a mountain. With a beam in their own eye, they are very anxious to pull the mote out of their brother's eye. But the word of God exhorts; ©“ Love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.” True moral worth does not seek to make a place for itself by thinking and speaking evil, by depreciating others. All envy, all jealousy, all evil-speaking, with all unbelief, must be put away from God’s children. Mrs. E. G. WHITE. EE WASHINGTON, D. C. Tre highest solid monument in the world is the famous Washington Mon- ument, which is five hundred and fifty- five feet and five and one eighth inches high. It was built as a memorial of the “father of his country.” The names of forty States and many soci- eties that supplied a share of the money to pay for this mighty obelisk, are inscribed on special stones on the inside of the marble shaft—pure white marble without and granite within, tipped at the summit with a pyramid of pure aluminum on which is in- scribed the Latin words, « Laws Deo,” Praise be to God. Washington himself is said to have selected the site afterward adopted. The corner-stone was laid in 184%. In 1855 the shaft had attained a height of one hundred and fifty-two feet. Then the funds being ex- hausted, the construction was sus- pended for twenty-three years, and was resumed in 1878, and the monu- ment was finished and dedicated Feb. 2r, 1885. The total cost of the mon- ument has been $1,300,000, As 1 have looked upon this highest monument in the whole world to human greatness, this towering memo- rial of the master workman who laid the foundation of the last great nation on earth, as I have considered the as- cription of «“ Praise be to God ” that fit- tingly crowns the summit, an inscrip- tion invisible from below, seen only from heaven, I have thought that a vastly higher monument must be erected in the capital city on whose summit the same motto shall be in- scribed-—a monument that shall stand for an infinitely greater government than the United States, for a Master Builder, a Ruler incomparably wiser and greater than the revered father of his country. The last great, terri-