¥ Ernest Christian Sibberson, pastor of a deaf- mute church in Topeka, Kansas, learned the deaf-and-dumb language in order to speak to the deaf-mutes of his church. He discovered that while in the words of Scripture “their ears were heavy’ lo sound vibrations, yet their eyes were alert to recognize the truth. ALY zZ/. rs AN NY [An age-old tradition teaches that the os- trich, in order to hide itself, buries its head in the sand, where it can see nothing, hear nothing, and do nothing. Mr. Crane sug- gests that there are those doctrinaires who assume the proverbial ostrich attitude with reference to certain Biblical doctrines. Ep.] seize upon Deuteronomy 95: 19, where Moses urged Israel to honor the one who had so mightily deliv- ered them from their bondage in Egypt, by keeping His Sabbath holy. By an ex- treme and unwarranted interpretation of this text they endeavor to make it teach that the Sabbath was given to the Jews alone as a token of their deliverance from bondage in Egypt; and that since Chris- tians were never in Egypt, they are under no obligation to keep the Sabbath. A little thought given to this text will show the utter inconsistency of such in- terpretation; for if this were true con- cerning the Sabbath, it would be true also of all the other commandments, which, according to Leviticus 19: 36, 37, were en- joined for the very same reason; and there- fore Christians need not keep any of the commandments. What a shame so to pervert the word of God! Furthermore, if the Sabbath was to be observed only by those who had been de- livered from Egyptian bondage, then it is evident that no Jew born in Canaan would be under any more obligation to keep the Sabbath than Christians would be today. Most of the Jews who were delivered from Egypt died in the wilderness, and doubt- less none who had been in Egypt were alive at the end of one hundred years from the time they entered Canaan. Imagine the young Jews reminding their parents that they were never in Egypt and need not keep the Sabbath! How absurd and unreasonable such an interpretation of this text is, and yet it shows to what lengths people will go when they close their eyes to the truth. ® Instead of the Sabbath ending with those who had been delivered from Ligyp- tian bondage, we hear the Lord declaring its never-ending obligation when hundreds of years later, just before the Jews were carried into Babylonian captivity, He promised if they would faithfully keep the Sabbath, He would never allow Jerusalem to be destroyed, and would never cause Israel to cease from being a nation forever. (Jeremiah 17:24, 25.) Had the Jews heeded this warning and accepted this promise, they would now be safe in their own land, free from the hand of oppression. oe ERE Page TWELVE ARE YOU OSTRICH MINDED? By I. A. Crane But they refused, and to this day are reap- ing the results of their rebellion. Ezekiel, who prophesied contemporaneously with Jeremiah, declared that apostate Israel “hid their eyes” from God’s Sabbath, and that He was ‘“profaned among them.” Ezekiel 22:26. The same determined blindness exists today among many pro- fessed Christians. If people today would not ‘hide their eyes” from the truth they would see— 1. That the Sabbath did not originate with the deliverance of Israel from Egyp- tian bondage, but that it was set apart in Eden before man sinned. (Genesis 2: 2, 3.) 2. That had man never sinned there would have been no death (Romans :5 12), and that therefore the world would now be inhabited with sinless people who had always been observing the original Sabbath set apart at creation. 3. That the seventh-day Sabbath was given not only to the one small nation of the Jews, who had been set free from Egyptian bondage, to be observed during the few centuries of their possession of Palestine, but that it is given to all the nations of the redeemed, who have been delivered, not merely from the bondage of Egypt, but from the bondage of sin and death; and that it will be observed by these immortal, redeemed ones, not for a few brief years, but throughout all eternity; not in earthly Canaan, but in the beautiful glorified new earth. (Isaiah 66:22, 23.) Many people today are hiding their eyes from the Sabbath and the fullness of its meaning. Are you? The Galilean Prophet (Continued from page 4) another, that shall not be thrown down.” Matthew 24: 2. This remarkable prophecy was literally fulfilled thirty-nine years later. Jesus and His disciples wended their way to the Mount of Olives, and there with the city and temple in full view they sat for a while. From Mark's Gospel 1t does not appear that all the twelve were with Him on that occasion. At any rate Mark informs us that it was Peter, James, John, and Andrew who asked Him the questions, “When shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Matthew 24:3. “When shall these things be?” That is, when shall come the destruction of Jerusalem, and of the temple, and the end of the Jewish state? ‘What shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?” That is, when shall come the (Continued on page 19) The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE