THRE EDUCATION. Professor Kern moved that the char be empowered to appoint a commitiee of of temporarily at five to study the question endow- and take charge, least, of before the next meeting. ment any funds that might acerov Sceonded and carricd., The following were appointed: Prof. ££. C. Kellogg, COL Benson, Dr. AL H. C. I» Nelson, Prof. nll Kern. Larson, Lo MESSE NG Bi LR Prot. E. C. Kelloge, Fiat Presulent of Alun: ven PA Pledges and donations were taken to the amount of $140.71. There was some discussion te a member from the Alumni Associa- mm regard tion being on the College Board, but no action was taken. The report of the nominating commit- iL tee wins then croon send ded {oa]- lows: Proestdent, 10 Ro oon, Vice rears dent. bandh Shaul, Socretary and Treasurer, Crocorade borer Aes tand sccrcbary and Tec a drole olen Ploctorroalb Sooo inn, 0 vn Following fis we wor favored wali REET? TRI ARARFLTE CO STE SSVI RS CURIE RF GAAS FRR! PUTT ILL TT aw poy Bey ep sal RAEI SE TTS SES FE ER EN [IEEE woh Tia Cnt rere i ath AEE FEUER PPE NE Tepe = A vanced HERE STC: HS ICRI BASEL Moos cir telld soc the Ty on aliveed REETURI Flic progrant creed weth HEE ROI Loielsid is fie Iie phd Drs Fo er PA sO Tenty hrrire WW ead ~~ e Goce pre fen, ALUMNLD ASSO ANT RCN Dt ANTS ' at 10k] Pome no todd hie pvandonting class od Und Coleen tee is EE TT ETL I! EERE SALE pone i ARS Clin Acoli Pi STIR REET] 0d vo bed ser shaded is 1 i si og ey - hy danesalieil taonnerisctio gs aid olticers. This election ooonied oe tallows: Presrdent. FO Foilog Mook Els Scovetioy. Joe Frank Onden. Treas Vice President, pda Nelsons Assistant becrelary STUER wrer, Mrs Peart Mores A commmia{ice of three was then ap-