4 panpiells OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SEPT ©, 1919 VOL. 19 Union Oee AQTEESS eee een Oshawd, Phone 462-3 A.V. OLBON, President ...... coiii iii Oshawa, Ontari F. KR. EASTMAN, Secretary-lreasurer.......... : " ot To the Work "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold the darkness shall cover the earth and uross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the ‘brightness of thy rising. Then thon shalt see, and flow together and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because ‘the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the wealth (margin) of the Gentiles shall come unto thee." Isaiah 60:1-8, 5. Through his aged prophet the Lord has here left the promise that when his remnant church shall arise and shine he will cause his glory to shine upon it: the Geutiles to be brought within its fold, and the wealth of the world to flow into its coffers. This promise we have seen fulfilled in part and soon we will see it fulfilled in its fulness. God has greatly blessed the efforts of his people to extend a knowl- edge of the truth. Both in home and foreign fields souls have been converted and funds have come into the treasury for the support of the work. But what har been accomplished is only a foretaste of what will be done. As the chureh gives itself more fully and unresevaidly to God for service the results will be manifold wreater. Thonsands of souls will yet embrace the truth and millions of dollars, we believe will flow into the store house of God from the coffers of the world for the advancement of his work. One mighty agency brought into existence for the accomplishment of this work is the annual Har- vest Ingathering campaign. All who engage in these campaigns become mediums in the hands of God for conveying truth and light to the world and channels through whom the wealth of the Gentiles flows into =ouls. "Who'll go?” the treasury of the Lord. joieinyg in the trath as a direct result of the papers placed in their hands and several hundred thousand dollars have heen received since the plan wus frst adopted. It 1s hoped that a quarter of a million dollars may be realized us a result of this year's eam- paign. If we do our part God will surely do Ins. Let us arise therefore, bockle on the armor and go to work with our hearts uplifted ton God for his Lielprand 5 . blessing, A.V. OLEON, F— EER Have You Begun? We are now half way through the first month of According to our Harvest Ingathering campaign, the various reports we have made the best beginning ever experienced in this work. The money comes more {reely and liberally than it ever did before, OR. pecially in places where the same persone visit suc- oo These persons report that the people . are glad to sce them and give larger offerings this This year I have worked tervitery for the - cessive years, year. third time anid have received three times as much as I did in the same territory thres years ago, According to Lhe Review of Angust 28 Quebec Lo was clear on her goal. conferences are meeting with good success, adding one third, and others one fourth. Every thing goes to show thot we wilt all reach our goal, oo The gonl, however, is set by all; and it will take atl to reach iL. when you divide it—""go-al"", gon] unless we ail go and do our part. tT IT we get the “go in us it will not be much trouble to get the “go oo in the whole goal, anid only a little time to get the “goune' init. gure. We can realize it by going. need the experience for the sake of the life of oor Many souls ave teduy re. Maritime is doing well and : expects to be clewr by campmeeting time. The other Several churches nre doubling the goal this year, some pre The very word 1trelf implies that, - . We cannot reach the This is what we want to see, 1 am a The mission fields need our help, the home field needs it, und we =