hg rend od vids INTERNATIONAL SABBATH-SCHOOL QUARTERLY Sabbath-School Lessons on OUTLINE STUDIES IN THE REVELATION _ FOR SENIOR CLASSES SECOND QUARTER, 1904 PUBLISHED BY THE PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING CO. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA (Entered June 17, 180s, as second-class matter at the Oakland, California, Post-office, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879.) No. 36 Oakland, California, April 1, 1904 } Price se er year JESSE CETL TETTEEEI IEG, Wr IN Ww a Ww The Seven Seals in 3 in w anathe Seven Churches mn Ws a Ww HE above is the title of a help you will need in the - mn Ww study of this Quarter’s lessons. By the aid of a " W four-color illustration of his own devising, the author, Nn Ww Elder M. C. Wilcox, sets forth these two great questions MN de ina way that will be understood by all. J R : W “ | W PRICE 10 CENTS : : fi A W in \ i Order of your Tract Society A W o WC Ww > + naa a, + mc Ce J SSS BIS BSSIS IIIS ISI BILE