In publication only initials will be used. ® SCRIPTURE PROBLEMS SOLVED... This is a service department where questions on religion, ethics, and Bible inlerpre- lation will be answered. Send questions to the editor. To be answered, questions must be accompanied by full name and address of the questioner. Two Witnesses Please give a brief exposition of the verses in the eleventh chapter of Revelation. T.L.C. Verse 3 says: “I will give power unto my two witnesses.” Doubtless this refers to the Old and New Testaments. Speaking of the Old Testament and that which he knew would constitute the New Testament Jesus said: “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” John 5:39. A witness is one who testifies, and the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testa- ments, are witnesses to Christ. These were to prophesy in sackcloth a thousand and two hundred and threescore days. A day in prophecy represents a year of literal time. (See Ezekiel 4: 6; Numbers 14: 34; and Isaiah 34:8.) Then the one thousand two hundred and threescore days would be twelve hundred and sixty literal years. This period of 1260 years is men- tioned seven times in the Bible. It is spoken of as ‘““a time [Jewish year] and times [two years] and the dividing of time [a half year].” A Jewish year consisted of three hundred and sixty days. One year and two years and a half year would total twelve hundred and sixty days or years. (See Daniel 7:25.) In Daniel 12:7 it is mentioned as a ‘‘time, times, and an half,” while in Revelation 11: 2 it is mentioned as “forty and two months.” The Jewish month had thirty days, making twelve hundred and sixty days, or literal years. In the third verse, as we have already seen, it 1s mentioned as “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” Revelation 12: 6 mentions it in the same manner, whereas the fourteenth verse of that chapter speaks of it as “a time, and times, and half a time,” while Revelation 13:5 mentions it as “forty and two months.” This period was allotted to the papal su- premacy, which began in 538 A. Dn. and terminated in 1798 A. p. In the fourth verse are introduced the figures of the “two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.” From Uriah Smith’s “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation,” pages 531, 532, we quote: “Evident allusion is here made to Zechariah 4: 11-14, where it is explained that the two olive trees are taken to repre- sent the word of God; and David testifies, “The entrance of Thy words giveth light;’ and, ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Written testimony is stronger than oral. Jesus declared of the Old Testament Scriptures, ‘They are they which testify of Me.” In this dispensation, He says that Hisworks bear witness of Him. By what means do they bear witness of Page EIGHTEEN Him? Ever since those disciples who were personally associated with Him while on earth passed off the stage of life, His works have borne witness of Him only through the medium of the New Testament, where alone we find them recorded. This gospel of the kingdom, it was once declared, shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations, ete. “These declarations and considerations are sufficient to sustain the conclusion that the Old and New Testaments, one given in one dispensation, and the other in the other, are Christ’s two witnesses.” The fifth verse shows the power which attends the preaching of the word, as exemplified in many experiences in Old Testament history. Their power to shut heaven was emphasized in the days of Elijah. Verses seven and eight speak of the experience of the word and the regard in which it was held in spiritual Sodom, an evident allusion to the attitude of France toward the word of God during the period from the overthrow of the monarchy until the end of the Reign of Terror during the closing days of the 1260 years. It mentions that period as three and a half days, or three and a half literal years, during which the word of God was interdicted, and it was not permitted that this word should be preached. The long dreary three and a half literal years of French vengeance is pointed out; but after the three and a half years had passed, verse eleven says, ‘‘the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet,” and the Holy Scriptures once more were revered in France. In 1793 a decree was passed by the French Assembly suppressing the Bible. Just three years thereafter a resolution was introduced in the Assembly superseding the decree and giving toleration to the Scriptures. That resolution lay on the table six months, when it was taken up and passed without a dissenting vote. Thus in just three and one half years the witnesses “stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.” Nothing but the appalling results of the rejection of the Bible could have induced France to take her hands off the two witnesses. Verse twelve tells us that ““ they ascended up to heaven in a cloud: and their enemies beheld them.” Of Nebuchadnezzar’s great- ness Daniel 4: 22 says: “Thy greatness 1s grown, and reacheth unto heaven,” which really means great exaltation of favor. Have the two witnesses, the Scriptures, attained such? Let us observe that shortly after this time the British and Foreign Bible Society was organized in 1804 and then the American Bible Society in 1817 and others followed. The home of the great agnostic, Voltaire, in France became a depository for Bibles, and the Scriptures still remain the world’s best seller. Verse thirteen mentions a great earth- quake which affected a great city, when a tenth of it fell. Revelation 17: 18 indicates that the great city ‘‘reigneth over the kings of the earth.” That city is papal Rome. France was one of the ten horns which supported Rome but the overthrow of the dynasty in France and the intro- duction of the Republic with consequent religious liberty definitely weakened papal Rome, hence its strength was depleted to that extent, and thus it is said a ‘““tenth part of the city fell.” With the opening of the fourteenth verse, scenes are introduced which usher in the finishing of the work and the establish- ment of the kingdom of Jesus Christ; however verse eighteen indicates that prior to the complete establishment of His king- dom comes the anger of the nations, the wrath of God, the judgment of the dead, the reward of the righteous, and the punish- ment of the wicked. To show how this would be brought about the servant of the Lord was permitted a vision of the temple of God in heaven as recorded in verse nineteen. There was seen in this temple the ‘““ark of His testament,” wherein were kept the Ten Commandments, showing that in the days when men should largely depart from God emphasis once again would be placed upon obedience to the Ten Com- mandment law. All churches just now are emphasizing the fact that disobedience to that law has brought about our world debacle. Men like Archbishop Spellman of New York, the Archbishop of Canterbury of Britain, J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, and Mahatma Gandhi of India trace our present ills to a disregard of that law which John evidently beheld when he saw the ark of God’s testament in heaven. Since John beheld ‘the ark of His cove- nant,” it is evident that attention will be called again to the claims of the Ten Com- mandments, the fourth included, which enjoins the observance of Saturday as the Sabbath. Is Dur World Doomed? (Continued from page 17) efforts of the few to lead the nations into right paths, the whole civilized world ap- pears to be morally rotting. For millenniums God has been biding His time. He has given man every chance to set his house in order. But moral failure and hopelessness are written large on the international horizon. Whether the inva- sion of England by her enemies comes or not, the whole world seems ripe for that direct “invasion” of God which will estab- lish His own everlasting kingdom, and which is an essential part of the Christian faith. In the government of that kingdom there will be no depraved standards of con- duct, no disreputable twists and turns of The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE