the attempt to organize lor world peace and the continual preparation lor world war. The Bible also indicates that scientific knowledge will develop weapons ol unprecedented destructive power which will bring the carth to the verge of complete ruin. The uni- versal ary ol the peoples ol carth for peace was foretold in Isaiah 2:2-4 The voversal preparation for war was prophesied in Joel 5:09:11 Tas ware prace parades of prophecy 1s in ow very day being fulfilled mn history, In Moscow. Paris. London, Washington and other capuals of the world men gather around tables and talk peace, but while they talk peace they are thinking of and preparing for wa The Bible further predicts that ue will be necessary for God wo mtervene in order to save the human race. In this intervention He 1s described as once who has come to “destroy them which destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18. And the prophet Jeremiah de- scribes the final conflict of the ages when God destroys carth's destroyers. (Jeremiah 25:31-33.) Paul further re- veals that it is at a time when they cry “Peace and safety” that “sudden de- struction cometh upon them, . ©. and they shall not escape.” 1 Thessalom- ans 5:2. 3. When Will Capital and Labour Issues Be Settled? The industrial world 1s a seething cauldron. The widening cleavage in modern society threatens one of the most colossal struggles of history. Long ago the apostle James wrote of the capital and labour conflict of the last days. And after depicting the miseries and the disputes, the injustice and the sorrow resultung therefrom, he adds, “Be patient, then, brothers, tll the arrival of—"" Until the arrival of what? Of Socialism? Na! Fascism? No! Com- munism? No! The strengthening of capitalism? No! What then? “Be pa- tient, then, brothers, ull the armval of the Lord.” Jaraes 5:7, Moffatt’s trans lation. The Bible therefore predicts that the issues between capital and labowr will remain acite problems wn til Jesus comes, Only He can right all the wrongs and heal the wounds of human society. The apostle exhorts every Christian to patient endurance until the commg of Christ. God's peo- ple are not to be social agitators, plac- ine their confidence in revolutionary movements of strife and bloodshed: rather, they are ta live the principles of Christian brotherhaod and stand for what they helieve to be right and await the coming of Christ as the day when all problems will be settled. Is Communism the Greatest Threat to Our Christian Heritage of Liberty and Freedom? In answer to this question let us ask another. Does Communism t1cach re Ary rage CURRENT PROPHECY leton: Tis tue that ic is a secular re- higrous philosophy sceking through political means the solution to the world's problems, but Communism does not teach religion. Morcover, it is a fact that Bible prophecy indicates that the greatest threat to the consti- tutions of the nations of the earth, particularly those ot the two great countries of North America, is that of state legislated religion. There is a oreater threat to Canadian liberty than Communism. It 1s the legislated worship of the beast, and the enforce- ment of his mark. This prophecy is found in Revelation 13:12-17. The reader will note the following with interest. There is pictured here a world federation of apostate religious wor- ship. This worship 1s known as “the worship of the beast,” and it is identi- fied by “the mark of the beast.” This mark is to be enforced by legislation. The word “cause” suggests that it be- comes the law of the land. Thus proph- ccv reveals that the greatest threat to modern liberty is not Communisin ov the political struggle of our times, but rather the religious apostasy of to- day that will be consummated in the legislated worship of the beast. Let us continually pray that God will help the leaders of this nation to keep Canada free. Will a Federation of Churches Save Civilization? There are many sincere Christian people who believe that there is one definite solution to the world’s prob- lems: namely, the uniting of all churches into one grea Christian em- pire. Church union is to-dav the out- standing feature of rhe Protestant vorld. Conferences too numerons 1o mention have swept awav denomina- tional barriers and changed traditional creeds mn their attempt to bring uni- formity and conformity in the Chris: tian world. Sure ly it would be a won- derful thing if all Christians were unit- cd. If all the churches could accept the Bible as their authority and base their faith upon a “thus saith the Lord.” fcl- lowship in such communion would be ane of the greatest blessings that could come to this old world. However, a church union that seeks merely politi- cal power and prestige, whose au- thority is centred in religious councils, and which is achieved by the compro mise of Bible teachings, can lead only te disaster. Jesus Christ Himself was non-conformist. His followers were separated from the religious groups of their day. Our Lord is the greatest dividing force in history. He Himself once asked the question, “Suppose ye that [ am ne to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.” Luke 12:51. There is a great deal ot sentimental teaching about Jesus as the unifier ot the race, but Jesus never planned to unite in one, righteousness and sin, truth and error, Babylon and Jerusalem. In 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18 He calls for separation from, not con- federation with. Human confedera- cies will be broken. (Isaiah 8:9-13)) The Bible makes it definitely clear that the federation of churches will not save civilization and that the at- tempts to organize a world [ederation of Christendom and a union of church ane state will result in intolerance and persecution. (Revelation 13:14:17.) This religious oppression will come as a result of a so-called Christian Front securing legal recognition of its uni- cersal frisdiction and legal sanction of the mark of ats anthority. The dea of forming a union of all churches in one arganized hody is not a new one. Tt was even tried by the paeans before the Christian Fra. When pagan Rome established a universal creed the result was persecution. Five million martyrs paid with ther life blood. During the Dark Ages the michticst church-state combimation ever oreanized bronght death to a himdred million martyrs, All non: conformists were classified as heretics, Dare Protestants to day repeat the his (Please turn to page 18) J. A. Buckwalter 11