it had better be revised or dropped. But the trouble is that our critical friend is looking at this man-made stuff, for the most part, and not at true Bible teachings at all, when he sees the need of a new conception of God. Here is his distorted view of what the Bible teaches: “The old view of God as a venerable and somewhat gigantic being, resem- bling man in every detail, frequently taking up his abode upon this earth, and being at times accessible to call from his more faithful supporters; the notion of the earth as the chief product of the creative endeavor of God and the supreme object of his divine solicitude; and the contention that Christ could have been in any literal sense ‘the only begotten Son of God,’ offered up as a vicarious sacrifice for the sins of a small group of rather backward peoples dwell- ing at the extreme eastern end of the Med.terranean Sea — all such con- ceptio.'s become easily and immediately recognized as primitive anthropomorphic [made in the image of man] and geo- centric misapprehensions.” We agree that many people believe this and perhaps some orthodoxies teach it; but the Bible does not teach it, and we have never believed it. ‘True, the Bible pictures God by the attributes of a man; but we wonder why, in all this doctor’s study of sociology and history and religion, he has not studied Hebrew imagery and literary figures of speech. No matter what the popular conception of earth and heaven was at the time the Bible was written, a sane interpreta- tion of the Book does not ‘‘conceive of the cosmos as a small part of the present earth covered with an inverted blue bowl a few miles distant.” Doctor Barnes, and the many school and professional men who believe more or less as he does, need first to know just what the whole Bible teaches before they criticize it; need also to distinguish between the pure teachings of God's word and church traditions and doctrines that have no mention in Scripture; and need to get a conception of God and Christianity that may be new to them, but is old to divine revelation. We do not need a new God. We need a fresh view of the eternal Jehovah. The worst is that the professorattempts to remove our God, and gives us no constructive conception of a god to take His place who would be satis- factory to either scientist or religionist. Romans 1: 21-25 applies here: “When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Profess- ing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the un- corruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, . . . who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator.” MAY, 1929 Discounts to Missionaries New Missionaries: Outfit your- selves with Montgomery Ward guaranteed merchandise at very substantial savings made possible by our 10% cash discounts on all orders of $50.00 or more selected from our current general catalogues. Field Secretaries and Purchasing Agents: Save money for your sta- tions through special wholesale dis- counts granted on large orders. Mission Boards: Reduce new building costs and repair bills by buying Hardware, Paints, Roofing and other Building Materials through our Wholesale Department. Churches: Select donations of sup- plies and mission equipment from our catalogues. We guarantee safe delivery, at foreign ports, of every order. Our famous catalogue free upon request. Montgomery Ward & Co. Missionary Bureau Chicago - U.S.A, For Prices, Terms and New Catalog on Art Lantern Slides or Stereopticonsand Supplies Write ALBERT F. PRIEGER 312 W. Louisiana Ave. Tampa Florida Words areincluded in the Mer- riam Webster, such as aerograph, broadtail, credit union, Babaism, patro- genesis, etc. New names and places B are listed such as Cather, Sandburg, Stalin, Latvia, etc. Constantly improved and kept up to date. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY . Get The Best The “Supreme Authority” in courts, colleges, schools, and among Govern- ment officials both Federal and State. 452,000 entries including 408,000 1o- cabulary terms, 32,000 geographical sub- jects, 12,000 biographical entries. Over 6,000 illustrations, and 100 valuable tables. Send for Free, new _ richly illustrated pamphlet containing sample pages of the New International G. & C. Merriam Company Springfield, Mass. Are You Searching for Health? Try Hinsdale Sanitarium An Institution employing First-Class Methods in the treatment and care of curable cases Hydrotherapy Electrotherapy Physiotherapy X-ray Department Colon Department Laboratories Surgical Wards Maternity Wards Private Rooms Skillful Physicians and Surgeons---Attentive and Sympathetic Nurses Competent Health Instructors Send for Booklet The Hinsdale Sanitarium Hinsdale, Illinois 17 miles from Chicago on the C. B. & Q. PAGE THIRTY-FIVE