THE MINNESOTA WORKER. over $1100.00 over those of last year, thus witnessing to the practical value of the plan. While I'am glad to report the increase in dona- tions for the foreign work, I am none the less so to say that the offerings for home work have also been on the increase, and that the societies have made greater progress in paying up indebtedness than in any previous year. At the earnest request of our librarians, the mis- sionary selections have been continued through the year. And while this effort to give to our societies a taste from the rich fields of missionary literature may seem like a ‘‘drop in the bucket”, yet even this is not without its results, and many have been quick- ened to higher thoughts and purposes. The selec- tions sent out have amounted in the aggregate, to about 14,000 pages. Besides these, I have also sent out 1,975 letters, a little less than half of which were personal, the others circular. 6,200 periodicals have been distributed, and 11,897 pages of books and tracts. The missionary department in the WORKER has proven to be a good medium for the exchange of ex- periences and other helpful suggestions. 1 wish it might be more generally used by all our laborers. The largest number of societies reporting in any one quarter during the year is, is 61, Largest reported membership Letters written Letters received Bible-readings held Subscriptions received, outside of societies, 67,308 425,351 9,441 I cannot close this report without a word of en- couragement for the children and young people, some of whom, at least, have learned that it is more blessed to give than to receive; and that acceptable giving does not always mean money, but if we first give ourselves to the Lord, a multitude of precious efforts and influences flow heavenward. To the faithful librarians who have stood firmly for God through many difficulties, no words of mine could be so precious as those I have marked in my Bible as the ‘Missionaries’ promise’, ‘‘Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.” A. F. ELLs. — et AFTER three month's visit with my family at College View, I started for Canly. Held three days meetings. Three were baptized and added to the church there. Had one of the most blessed quarterly meetings with this church that I have held since com- ing to the faith. This church is growing. The mis- sionary society here, though Dane, is taking two clubs, five each, of the English papers, Signs and Sen- tinel. An interest in the village of Canby is being created through reading these papers. Held three good meetings at Marshall. Bro. Henry Butrgeson was ordained local elder, and Sr. Gay elected clerk on the resignation of her brother who went to Minneapolis to connect with the Branch sent in early. Health Food Co. At Brookville we held fully three day’s meetings. God was truly with us. ‘The Mis- sionary society here takes a club of ten English pa- pers. This is a Danish church. I hope our Ameri- can churches will remember the Scandinavians in their vicinity and take clubs of the Scandinavian papers. Held two meetings with the Swedish breth- ren at South Bend. Also two meetings with the Alden church. Considerable reading matter is being circulated in this vicinity by the church there and Bro. P. Olsen. Several speak highly of the matter in the papers. At Hartland we held six meetings. We held a most excellent missionary meeting. Several gave their experiences of this work. This church has a club of twelve Sendebuds. A club of five more will be sent for to another address where some of our breth- ren live. It was truly refreshing to be there. A col- lection of nearly $4.00 was taken up for the local so- ciety there. These meetings are so much better than church trials, so we all thought. One elderly brother, to the joy of the church, was added here. H. R. JOHNSON. —e > ae THE BOOK WORK. Canvassers’ Report for Week Ending June 4, 1897. ORDERS TAKEN. Ord. Val. Val. Helps, $23.50 $2.50 5.25 .28 17.25 5.15 2.25 1.15 19.90 1.45 $68.15 $10.53 A number of canvassers have been delivering the past week. Bro. Jacob Skadsem reports $34.30 worth of books delivered in Moorhead the past week. Brn. P. O. Johnson and D. A. Deedon spent last week at Jamestown, N. Dak. Cammp-meeting. Bro. Erick Peterson started this week for his field of labor in Sherburne Co. Sisters Martha Lee and Hattie Richiel started for Stillwater this week to make that their field of labor We just received a letter from Bro. Wm. C. Rahn stating that he would soon be ready to enter the field for the season. We are pleased to see some of these old and tried canvassers such as F, FE. Rew, Erick Peterson, Wu, Rahn, and others enlisting in this grand and noble work again, which is the means of reaching many who otherwise would never have the opportunity of hearing the truth. May others go and do likewise. J. ¥. POGUE. me — ———————— P. O. Johnson D. A. Deedon A. Hawley F. KE. Rew I. T. Andrus If any who sent in orders late for the Minneapo- lis Times did not receive them regularly we hope they will not blame us as we gave due notice that it could not be properly attended to unless the orders were The most of the names were sent in to the publishers and the papers were sent out from their office. We have a few extra copies left of the whole set which will be sent to any address as long as they last for 20 cents for the two weeks of the meeting.