PAGE BIX las and stoppzd at the other places on business. It is a pleasure to announce that the school in Dalworth has a splendid en- roilment and is getting along nicely in their work. Elder Gates writes us that several of the members of the Corsicana church are on the sick list. He hopes that they will soon be up again and they plan then to push hard the Ingathering work. : Word just received from Sister Geo. May of Waco, telling us they are push- ing their Ingathering work and are do- ing splendidly. Elder Crane writes us from Myrtle Springs concerning the good meetings there. They recently had a joint meeting of the Myrtle Springs and Ced- argrove churches at which time they celebrated the ordinances. Elder G. G. Lowery and family are now in Jefferson. Brother Lowery con- nects with the school there as Bible teacher. We are pleased to have him with us in the conference this winter. Elder Isaac gave an interesting ser- mon during the morning hour last Sab- bath here in Keene. He made an ear- nest appeal for cooperation between school and village, which all gladly re- spond to we are sure. Elder C. U. Taylor is in the office for .a faw days getting caught up with his work before going out on another trip. re v WHAT WILL THE HARVEST BE? The treasurer’s report for September showed $347.07 already received this year on the Harvest Ingathering goal. As he had not received anything on the Harvest Ingathering goal at the close of September last year it gives as the advantage of that much start on our goal this year. Now let us all put our shoulders to the wheel and give it a good push so we can keep it rolling for you know after we get the wheels to rolling we can roll it over a mountain if we have enough power behind it. Je- sus says, ‘“‘All power in heaven and earth is given unto me...and lo I am with you, even unto the end of the world.’’ With Jesus’ help and the un- ited efforts of our loyal people of the North Texas Conference I know we can reach our goal. Waco reports $43.75 this week placing her far in the lead of any church in the conference whose reports have reached us so far, making her a total of $187.60. This is fine for Waco, but Gainesville makes a good showing for a little church of only fifteen members with considerably over half of their goal already reached. They set their goal at $10.00 per member which would be $150.00. With $84.00 already received you see they are the first church to get started on the down hill run. We hope the $9.00 they have on the last half of their goal will give them such a boost that they will not stop until they go “over the top.”” But there are some oth- ers who ore working just as faithfully in some of the other churches, their amounts may not be so large, nor their percentage so high, but they are doing all they can. What they need is the combined efforts of all their breth- ren and sisters, for you know ‘in unity there is strength.”” Will you not, dear brethren and sisters, ‘‘unite your efforts with those of the ministers and church officers’ and thus help us to finish the work. ‘Lift up your eyes and look, behold the fields are white already to harvest.” What will the harvest be? The answer depends upon the response af the reapers. May the Lord help us do our very best. C. U. TAYLOR. wel v FAREWELL As we leave the North Texas Confer- ence for another field of labor, we take this opportunity to send a ‘‘fond fare- well’ and ‘God bless you” to our friends throughout the conference. You have been very kind to us, which has made our work most pleasant. To the Missionary Volunteers of North Texas we send a special ‘‘good- bye’’ message. We wish you the Lord’s richest blessings in your efforts to help others. Be faithful. Be real Missionary Volunteers. We also send a special “farewell” to the faithful church school teachers. We can not begin to tell you how we shall miss your good letters and kindly words of cheer as we have visited your schools. May the Lord bless you with success in winning your boys and girls to Christ this year. } Now a final word of appreciation to our many friends in Keene. Your friendship has made life worth while. Pray for us as we leave you. for this will help us so much. The old college is very dear to our hearts. May it ever be true to the principles and traditions of Christian education, and thus be used of God as a means of saving many young people. Again requesting your earnest pray SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD ers to God for us as we try to help the young people in Colorado. We are Faithfully yours, MR. & MRS. N. W. DUNN. 1112 Kalamath, Denver, Colo. ° EN os SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE } 3 Office, San Antonio, Texas 422 Oppenheimer Bldg. President-Eld. R. P. Montgomery Sec.-Treas. Etta Hewgley # SR STATEMENT OF .60-A:WEEK- FUND For 8 Months Ending Aug. 31 Amount Amount Quota -~Received «Short 8S. Texas White.10337.60 5037.21 5300.39 S. T. Col. & Mex. 831.84 671.89 159.95 ITEMS 310 students were enrolled in the church schools of South Texas. the first school month, 1922, Nine of that num- ber are taking 9th grade work. For,the corresponding month last year the rec- ords show that there were only 197, chil- dren attending our schools. Brother Kirkham was in the office Wednesday morning for the first. time since his illness. He hopes to soon re- gain his strength and.,be at his usual work. Interesting reports come to.the office from the Taylor Company. The attend- ance continues good and the interest is . growing. The third week in October will bring in the deeiding truths. .That week will largely determine who will obey. Tithe for 3rd quarter, 1922 was 4575.76 Tithe for 3rd quarter, -1921 was 4771.67 ~ Tithe for 3rd quarter, 1920 was 4943.81 Sab. Sab. Sab. Har. school offg. 3rd qr., 1922 1512.96 school offg. 3rd qr., 1921 1499.54 school offg. 3rd qr., 1920 1996.64 Ingathering 3rd qr., 1922 1620.47 Har. Ingathering 3rd qr., 1921 688.61 Har. Ingathering 3rd qr.,. 1920 979.79 The conference shortage i ip missions is $5910.04. If every .member .of the conference as much as $31.00 to missions during .the entire year, the goal would bereached. Is that asking too much foryou to give to missions? yr. < LINOTYPE - OPERATOR WANTED We could use a student linotype oper- tor if he is a good one. School expen- ges could easily be made. Write M. E. Ellis, Keene, Texas.