Rav Harriet Ammon Family Among Friends Arriving late August, Hay and Har nel Arnon and ther 5 children, Fdaie, Jor and oie found thems salves among frends in the vas Southeast Asia Limon Mission fam Iyo Bay, the new Publishing Score tory ob SAUN was mvalved in this mothe Washington and an the North Pach mon Conferences and bas promoted Literature Bvanagehsrs for aves Eh years We welche fee Armimoans lo hs ares of the Thruster’ world work and know thie Almighty will dined endeavors All thes or Contact . . . trom Page 3 SCnGs, an thes Wile god Popo welsh tapes oe tare vied rom to Canada and on ion Wo Su share studies sequent anps and fron irwair Bihie, Despre of Ages and Sieg ro Chose A a camp raoenno an Hope, Boneh Columbia Ada) Stephen met Pastor Pang Teck Sonn who wis once Chauhan: at vaurapesa Merona Adventss Hosta ang later the oharmess Dean coe Voice af Fropheoy an Sina Tips led wows on the bir Varnsouver wilh and Farg hormes hee studies and Sabbath church attendance for Stephen and the Preshytenan munster wsding hore Later, tus wile Grace and ther two Ars oined him from Japan ann thoy gb studied ana wera bapuzed date Stephen mo now redding for bis doctorate ar econortics a ( cine eas Ne Se a Hecarmended by 6 Lan These [rue Stones Cah now be yours wilh Ganalions of §F or mare. Geddes from VO FP Safari from Fage 8 mowed our dnppies bodies rom ee Sivan owe were defmely glad has phore wiEres no SATs ae thie revo I otngann: v cond rane bard an Avest Malaysia were ove, bos WHET wie AU dbo BUD cr the sky owas really outdo eg ae Smee the SAAN 1S 8 N08 eR dH I] wis aw cpfe hers weas aucun 200 Geet of STs TAIT Tibdcdy Dane wn DET nate Defoe eee 00 te the nver love] winere 5 Das wood ce Us un VaR U5 back operiver too Kapn We rad pienty Lf nedvy Us age, Ton sn we wera ior a ume of no Wie started dover toe bank with inc Lagygaqs dow with us, Dot by the tine we'd redched the totica , most of as had Intenbiar of car, en oan oooun bagaaeae cany us the majors fe OF res way Ve eventually aid to Dack io Rapin, muddy and cod, nub om lees tor Qu morning Ihe Temperance tear also gavi herr program ior the school ar Kaolin, and ths os whore they got ther Dest alenagron hers were al ast JUL pRODie. Later we missed the express boat 0 Spud and Vo wonoersd why when | ound mysell onome all night boat Ernst Columba and wall Fs wie grad sures, ar part he Uirversity of of God's remnant lamy awaiting Fs resoue-TeTgr 100 a ravaged worl SWF glegasd from Canad arr Messenger to Soy Dy Mrs LAS pes Vhs Saprember-October YALAH is privileged to have Or. Glen Stevers sie fon swear wife Echo from Loma india for rar this Aa aerermist Dr Stevens assists gray ur the church services (oo Tlie: oo Stevens aoe 200 egy [00 SAUM and are avid HinT foneeors Si perked nant a nad ot urges Prise No iy Tan aries HRTNTy IRENE when owe reached Sib. Ceanratiue Tod al men pro grav hey banleo out the propac EHP Theron God's leading we bnaly cealgh Pos nate Ln Singapnre, Ve doti a hitb bel sed, Deosust we really leet Whe or Sarawas ard nad racenyect wonderful essings hom Puen oar sare that ow CAT mI an Many biessimgs there edd must ave J15e the [ord for the chance Sarawak It brooght me HL Kerting Lighthouse Singers . . . from Page 7 Ie RIE ® H % Ehamar Enchanters Poe Jo] Core od wor God, We had fely fel His presence with us all the Gree We also earned to love pecple aod hope that those we mie: f will fir or throuane Cnns: dnd arenas wor Phy sour coring. Conard Nlacgrenes