ot or marr SE 4 le, 28 i ge RBS PRE PA EY AI opin a Le PPT SO ER CU _ Interrumpo. to break dows; iottupt, to to VERN : # bray: Bie an aoe Rago, Tv, Tram, ire. neut. 10 teak bike a Hon. _ 1 Rugo, dre, neu. . ta belch,’ Rumpo, riipi, ruptum, Ere. act. - #0 break. Prortgo: to defer or put off, to ogue; — ot rel, Brégatio, onis: f. a driving off a ope in Tr Prorggativus, a, um. that serveth t to drive off or prolong. Surrdgo. to put in Place of 4nother, to substitute or surrogate, | add to. as Suntgai, Onis. fa putting in room of another. ’ dens, tie. m. V.f a cable | or great rope ofa ship, (50 called” ; from the braying noise the. Ropes or ¢ables of a askpm make in rE the time of a g e of wind.) - Rg f . lin f lgitus, us. m. a roaring 0 lions a a great erying,a yumb go F Rugs. fer : [the guts Huctus. us: m. a belch or belching. : Ructudsus, a, um. that belcheth muh, 0 or smelleth ‘of belch. Ructor, are. defi. To belch out: - -Ricto, are. freq. To belch, to break wind upwards. Ructatio, onis. f. a belching. ) Ructatrix, icis, f. she that belcheth, Eructo. to belch out. - Ructito, are. nt, To belch often. Ructititio, anis. f. bekhing often. po. . Ruptio, bnis. f. 2 breach: Suptor, Bris. m. a breaker. Ab rimpo. to break off, r Abruptys, a, um. part. "broken off, adi. steep, rough, craggy, not AL Sompact, abrupt, bid hasty. raptum, i; i: a ‘ste Ace or precipice. ) Abrupt, adv. rpg rcontilimaly we _ Abruptio, 8nis. f. a breaking, a breaking off. = - ‘Corrurhpo. to mar or spoil, to corrupt, % bribe. ‘Corruptio, 3nis. f. corruption, spoiling. Corruptor, dris. m. a.corruptor, a debaucher, Corruptrix, icis. f. she or it that corru Corruptéla, =. f. a bane or mischief, that “which corrupts, pe Corruptus, a, um. corrupted, spoiled, infected. or bribes. Corrupt. adv. deprav » corruptly. Incorruptus, a, um. incorrupt, pure, untainted. Incorrupte. adv. incorruptly, without | bribes. . Dirumpo, et Disrumpo. to break-in piecss; to’ bu Diruptio, nis. fier pure Diruptor, ris. m. he that réaks or alten, el Erumpo. to bresk out, to burst out, to sally’ wk Eruptio, 8nis. f. a bursting forth, a sallying out, Irrumpo. to break in violently, (rush | in. : ~ -Irvupfio, 8nis. f. a breaking Anapon assalllt, ile 2 irption. : Interrupte. adv. firvehabin ig by stops. 5 Intrortimpo, to break in by eto Tush in. | . xing: tum, are, act, . to weed, AUR um, de. Deut. fafa dour ia, el uy a] ah dance, or “. to break trough by force. - po. to break: asunder or hl Fo Soo . uptus, a, um. part. broken, burst. a craggy, steep, rough, pupte. adv. raggedly, ro: (rugged. impo. to brea forth, to burst out, to force a passage. g—frosaruo. Sine. , 0ifis. f. a weeding, or pulling out of weeds. ator, aris. m, » weeder. , et Errunco: to weed out. iy are. act. (vero) To thangea thing forthe better, \ mCo. 10 avert or turn awa Minded to weed gowd dress vines, to appease or atone. PA cus, i. m. be that turncth {away evil. - : ia, =f a downfall, rujn. #hiindsys, a, um. ready to fall, TUO, fi, itu, Ere act, Top : 3 uo. to pluck or root out, to.dig up, to cri Dhruo, to cover over, to hide Toman to i briftus, a, um. not overwhelmed or drowned.” er ,t0 overthrow, t6 turn upside dowm. I . to undertnine, tb tumble down, t6 undo. | | : , ui, — Ere. neut.-To_ tuinble Sow, to doesn, to easels o rush in, to run I 4 ong into,