European Tour: 220 Thank You: Don Lee, for good faculty pictures....Mr., Chaffee, for lifting Richard up with your cane .... Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Hill for being the "know every- thing'' dept. an editor could al- ways rely on.... Miss Hannah, for getting me initiated.... Dr. Giddings, for a super job of di- recting the Ugly American .... Mr. Valliere, for private lessons on yearbook covers and end sheets «++ Mr. Brizendine, for your ex- cellent advice and cooperation for our athletics section....Gordon Engen and Dad, for your efforts in the sky.... Mr. Cobb, for being the dearest aid and friend a pub- lishing company could provide.... Janet, for taking over the boss's desk and making things move fast- er than did the boss....Karl, for being generally helpful....lIlene, for worrying while Iwas under the desk....Richard, for putting up with my helpful suggestions and rides to town.... Linda, for stay- ing up all night before I left.... roommates, for leaving the door open.... Mike, for walking back a scared girl....all who pushed events to occur before Feb. 28-- sc Inside the walls of Caernarvon Castle, Wales Thank You: Dear Mom and Dad, who have not received a letter from me in over a month... My roommates, Linda and Nancy for all the times they cleaned my share of the room and for putting up with my late hours...Many, many thanks to Jon Van Horne, Carol Smith and Kathe Hall who faithfully stuck by till all the work was done... The nightwatchmen for keeping us safe in the Cardinal office all through the long dark hours of work...Leota Embleton for opening Lamson's locked doors so many times for me...Linda Bradt for being so reliable in a pinch... The girls of Campus Hall for letting us tramp in and out of their dorm at all hours... Dick Winn for his extratrip to Caruso's on a Sunday...Barb Jones, Barb Eichmiller and Gary Stanhiser for their contribution of: copy... Hi-fi room operators whose music float- ed into our office...Miss Hannah for your help in these last minute details... and to all my under- standing professors ... Also to each and everyone who helped to make this book a success. JL