¢ | pd 9 17. Define: mutation, dominant, recessive, fluctuating variations, digcontinuous varigtions (sports oy modifications ). 18. Learn the names of the geological systemé, etc. that is the theory about them? 9 Give at least (five facts to prove that these "systems" have no time value. 19. “that is the historical connection between Lyellism and Darwinism? “fiat is the logical relationship between them? Which is the more important, from the standpcint of » the Bible and the Christian religion? 20. Be able to explain the actu:l facts listed under the geological termg: "skipning," "deceptive conformity," "thrust faults." Locate four large examples of "thrust faaltg." What do these facts prove? 2l, The facts of guperpogition drove a real local chronology for the act of devositing these beds. But where is the slip in logic in transferring this time-element to the sand, gravel, and clay of which these beds are composed? What about the surpoged time-element shown by the fossils in these beds? “ii... fb ge 22. What conclusions follow if the "index fossils" do not have any real time-values ? 2%. Digtinguish between geological uniformity and the general scientific ( or philogophic ) doctrine of uniformidm.. What is the former oprosedto? What is B88 the latter opvosed to? ( See II Peter 3: 3 - 7.) 24+ Show how the modern scientific discoveries are indirectlyffending to denonstrate the truth of Creation. 29+ Regarding ™missing links," see Smithsonian Report, 1928, 413 --; article by Gerrit S. ililler on "The Controversy over llissing Links." See algo A. Ho Clark, pp. 224 - 226. Med. Brac’) 13-20,