Why am | here? Andrews University’s operational equilibrium depends on the harmonious interaction of various forces. One of these forces is the one foreign students exert upon this campus. Since the percentage of foreign students at Andrews is the second highest in the United States, it is only natural that their in- fluence is strongly felt on campus and it should be acknowledged. You may not be completely aware of our presence around the campus—performing both menial and highly sophisticated jobs, and occu- pying both the pews and the pulpit at PMC. While we strug- gle with grades and jobs like the rest of the students, there are some marked differences that set us aside: we must overcome the formidable hurdles of culture shock, lear- ning to understand a new societal structure, dealing with an unknown educational system and with the predicaments of you may ask yourself... ocassionally severe finan- cial limitations. Reaching the Andrews campus means thousands of miles of travel for many of us; sometimes a drastic change of scenery—a dif- ferent air. But because of these hurdles, the interna- tional student body is marked- ly optimistic, fearless and realistic. Perhaps it is because we must have clearly defined our goals and the ob- jectives we pursue here, and because we recognize the en- vironment may be somewhat adverse. Furthemore, the average foreign student here does not go through Andrews alone—most of us bring our families with us. To fully ex- plore all the ramifications of that fact would be impossible, but suffice it to say that foreign students’ families are heavily affected by the changes as well, and their support and care play a crucial role in the students’ completion of their academic odyssey here. So why do we go through all this trouble, just to earn a degree? Why Andrews Univer- sity? There may be several variants to this question, each with different undertones, but there is one basic answer: We come because Andrews is unique. And we find this uni- queness expressed in dif- ferent ways to different peo- ple. What kind of uniqueness? Foreign students, like everyone else, search for knowledge compatible with our basic human needs of self-actualization and self- esteem. But any other univer- sity in our homeland could satisfy this need without the financial and cultural demands Andrews imposes. Andrews, however, is the one school able to match our religious beliefs with the human reality we live. And everyone is willing to take whatever risk or action when the motivating agents are feel- ings and beliefs. Andrews’ Christian profile makes it a worldwide symbol of unity in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Andrews alumni are links that bind the world in a specific message of faith and hope. We also come to Andrews out of a deep religious con- cern. We are convinced that while it is human nature to err, God never changes, He is absolutely reliable and His agenda is never altered. We recognize the importance of qualifying ourselves to face the challenge of a world under constant change and clearly Understand that the Lord uses us to be partners in His work. We accept His challenge.